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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on XMLStarlet command line XML toolkit

    Also elements such as for example same desired output: 20210506183519

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on XMLStarlet command line XML toolkit

    Hi I am trying to extract all the time values from a set of xml files. I am confused at the proper syntax. Can anyone help? Examples of entries with time values are as follows: <effectivetime><low value="20210101000000"><high value="20211231235959"></high></low></effectivetime> The result I want is: 20210506183519 20210101000000 20211231235959 The proper syntax for this is eluding me. I've fumbled around a lot without success such as: xmlstarlet sel -N x="urn:hl7-org:v3" -t -c //x:effectiveTime -v...

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2000-05-28 03:25:36


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