Activity for isidroco

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bump, author should take notice of this essential missing feature, and easy to implement, just add "n" to: -ao{a|s|t|u|n} the "n" should be overwrite mode "only if newer", and the rest as usual

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bump, author should take notice of this essential missing feature, and easy to implement, just add "n" to: -ao{a|s|t|u|n} the "n" should be overwrite mode newer, and the rest as usual

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bump, author should take notice of this essential missing feature, and easy to implement, just add "n" to: ao{a|s|t|u|n} the "n" should be overwrite mode newer, and the rest as usual

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Updated 2024-08-04 using same letter shortcuts as english version and changed informal to formal spanish.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Updated 2024-08-04 using same letter shortcuts as english versio and changed informal to formal spanish.

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #2497

    menu shortcut letter collision

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bump, author should take notice of this essential missing feature, and easy to implement, just add -to ao{a|s|t|u|n} the "n" should be overwrite mode newer, and the rest as usual

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bump, author should take notice of this essential missing feature, and easy to implement, just add -ao{ a | s | t | u | n} where n should be overwrite mode newer, and the rest as usual

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #10

    This program will extract audio from MKV file, and it's title will have the inner delay used in original MKV file. Example, after extracting, audio name is "MyVideo_track2_[eng]_ DELAY 50ms.mp2" . In this example, track2 has 50ms delay. There's no setting, just read audio filename.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When I need reliability I use multipar, with desired redundancy. That workaround makes it a non essential feature. What's infurating is essential missing: "extract only newer files"

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #473

    h265 set display aspect ratio correction

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #472

    Hope you can return some day too. Fortunately VirtulDub2 is quite stable and usable as it is now. Greetings from Argentina.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #471

    Did you tried in Capture mode, changing Video Overlay to Preview?

  • isidroco isidroco modified ticket #2

    v23.0301 breaks sheduled tasks view under win7

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #2

    v23.0301 breaks view sheduled tasks in win7

  • isidroco isidroco posted a review on Whirlpool File Checker

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #9

    Months to find out that ramdisk was the cause of updates not working. PLEASE put a warning when choosing A or B letter. Moved mine away from B and problem 0x80070001 was solved.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a review on StorAhci for Windows 2003 Server

  • isidroco isidroco modified ticket #1

    Windows 10 updates error 0x800f0922 due to disabled appReadiness svc

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #455

    Try opening it with: Caching Input Driver (on File Open dialog, Input Driver)

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #454

    When you open a File, there's a box at the bottom, "Input Driver", VD canDSC ( Direct Stream Copy) when using the original Audio/Video interleave input driver(internal) which has very limited formats support. New VD2 Caching input driver opens almost everything, but only can DSC on ALL-I (all keyframes) video (like MJPEG, HUFFYUV), but CAN'T on others like H264 which has frames which depend on previous/post frames. So you can only full process those. Maybe AVIDEMUX will direct copy as you want. Or...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #458

    You can add all tasks for later with: File, Queue batch operation, Save video. Then exit vdub. Launch it from a Batch file to process the job queue and exit ie: @echo off rem Modify VDub path on next line, /r do jobs, /x exit on finish: c:\DVD\VDUB\VirtualDub.exe /r /x rem to Generate BEL char (^G) , open CMD and type: echo Ctrl-G > bel.txt [Enter] rem then you can copy or edit that file to put it on next line: echo beep:  ^G rem Or launch any other noisy program here...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #217

    Nice script Kamil, though comparing MaxAmp = 0 can be fooled with a crafted file with enough DC negative offset to just peak at 0, and will skip not perfect mono files (ie: dithered) . If first 4 chars of RMS amplitude = "0.00" will detect "almost" mono files whose L-R amplitude is less than -40 dB. Your batched slightly inspired me to "solve" this: Here's an improved batch with that idea, which can optionally take FLACs: @echo off set _soxExe=c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #217

    Nice script Kamil, though comparing MaxAmp = 0 can be fooled with a crafted file with enough DC negative offset to just peak at 0, and will skip not perfect mono files (ie: dithered) . If first 4 chars of RMS amplitude = "0.00" will detect "almost" mono files whose L-R amplitude is less than -40 dB. Your batched slightly inspired me to "solve" this: Here's an improved batch with that idea, which can optionally take FLACs: @echo off set _soxExe=c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #228

    My current workaround: @echo off set _soxExe="c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe" verify other 2>nul & REM sets errorlevel to 1, check if enableextensions works setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & REM to get var value at exec with !varNm! if %errorlevel%==1 ( echo ERROR newer cmd.exe is needed & goto :fin ) if exist "%~f1" if exist "%~f2" goto :ok12 echo . echo . mix2stereo v22.0914 echo . echo . Usage: mix2stereo audioFile1 audioFile2 [flac|wav] echo . echo . Makes stereo from 2 audiofiles echo...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #217

    Nice script Kamil, though comparing MaxAmp = 0 can be fooled with a crafted file with enough DC negative offset to just peak at 0, and will skip not perfect mono files (ie: dithered) . If first 4 chars of RMS amplitude = "0.00" will detect "almost" mono files whose L-R amplitude is less than -40 dB. Your batched slightly inspired me to "solve" this: PS: Just updated your batch with those ideas, sent it to your email.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #217

    Nice script Kamil, though comparing MaxAmp = 0 can be fooled with a crafted file with enough DC negative offset to just peak at 0, and will skip not perfect mono files (ie: dithered) . If first 4 chars of RMS amplitude = "0.00" will detect "almost" mono files whose L-R amplitude is less than -40 dB. Your batched slightly inspired me to "solve" this:

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #228

    My current workaround: @echo off set _soxExe="c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe" verify other 2>nul & REM sets errorlevel to 1, check if enableextensions works setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & REM to get var value at exec with !varNm! if %errorlevel%==1 ( echo ERROR newer cmd.exe is needed & goto :fin ) if exist "%~f1" if exist "%~f2" goto :ok12 echo . echo . mix2stereo v22.0911 echo . echo . Usage: mix2stereo audioFile1 audioFile2 echo . echo . Makes stereo from 2 audiofiles echo . Left...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #228

    My current workaround: @echo off set _soxExe="c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe" verify other 2>nul & REM sets errorlevel to 1, check if enableextensions works setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & REM to get var value at exec with !varNm! if %errorlevel%==1 ( echo ERROR newer cmd.exe is needed & goto :fin ) if exist "%~f1" if exist "%~f2" goto :ok12 echo . echo . mix2stereo v22.0911 echo . echo . Usage: mix2stereo audioFile1 audioFile2 echo . echo . Makes stereo from 2 audiofiles echo . Left...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #217

    Nice script Kamil, though comparing MaxAmp = 0 can be fooled with a crafted file with enough DC negative offset to just peak at 0, and it will miss not perfectly 0 L-R mono files (ie: dithered) . Maybe comparing first 4 chars of RMS amplitude to "0.00" which detect near mono files whose L-R amplitude is less than 0.01 dB. Your batched slightly inspired me to "solve" this: Your _soxExe should have "" but they must be enclosed on escaped" on...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #228

    My current workaround: @echo off set _soxExe="c:\AUDIO\UT\SOX\sox.exe" verify other 2>nul & REM sets errorlevel to 1, check if enableextensions works setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & REM to get var value at exec with !varNm! if %errorlevel%==1 ( echo ERROR newer cmd.exe is needed & goto :fin ) if exist "%~f1" if exist "%~f2" goto :ok12 echo . echo . mix2stereo v22.0911 echo . echo . Usage: mix2stereo audioFile1 audioFile2 echo . echo . Makes stereo from 2 audiofiles echo . Left...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #217

    Nice script Kamil, though comparing MaxAmp = 0 can be fooled with a crafted file with enough DC negative offset to just peak at 0, and it will miss not perfectly 0 L-R mono files (ie: dithered) . Maybe comparing first 4 chars of RMS amplitude to "0.00" which detect near mono files whose L-R amplitude is less than 0.01 dB.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #205

    Same problem here, w7 x64 it fails even manually specifying Sound Card's name, or any soundcard number (i have two audio cards) ie: sox infile −t waveaudio 2

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #228

    Remix: Arbitrary select channels from each input file

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #453

    internal h265 SAR setting

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #448

    You can try opening the first file changing the input driver (Audio/video interleave vs Caching Input). Also you may try using 32bit VirtualDub2 intead of x64 version (you may configure it with AuxSetup.exe to Enbable LAA so it will be able to handle 4Gb of RAM instead of 2Gb).

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #452

    Maybe you can try selecting your internal audio card for audio source,, and use it's line in.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #446

    I have same device. In capture mode, select Video, Set Custom Format: Data Format: MJPG; Use Custom Size: 1280x720; also in video, Compression, (No Recompression MJPG); is what I use. I obtained better and faster results with those settings than with fullHD, at least with my TV source broadcast.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #446

    I have same device. In capture mode, select Video, Set Custom Format: Data Format: Current MJPG; Use Custom Size: 1280x720; also in video, Compression, (No Recompression MJPG); is what I use. I obtained better and faster results with those settings than with fullHD, at least with my TV source broadcast.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #446

    I have same device. In capture mode, select Video, Compression, (No Recompression MJPG); also in video, Set Custom Format: Data Format: Current MJPG; Use Custom Size: 1280x720 is what I use. I'm sure that device is not able of real 1080p 60fps, it will give repeated frames.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #451

    It does work, I made a Batch available here for automatic processing, it includes the plugin: virtualdub-batch-video-deshake

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #249

    A newer version of vsfilters can be found by installing KliteMegaCodecPack: x64 "c:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Filters\DirectVobSub64\vsfilter.dll" x32 "c:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Filters\DirectVobSub\vsfilter.dll" Copy to plugins32/64 VD folder and rename to .VDF

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #1

    Windows 10 updates error 0x800f0922 due to disabled appReadiness svc

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    But -k doesn´t update with newer files. But just found this wich could work will test it later

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #45

    high cpu usage with AWE enabled

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I use total commander for that. I need 7zip for Batch use, and now it's crippled without the feature of overwriting older files.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #412

    Hi Gilles, that wasn't the question. For capture, as in most programs (ie: audacity, adobe audition, etc) levels are set by windows mixer. In edit mode there is: volume and conversion, or an advanced filtering with time stretch, resample, gain, filters, etc. Personally if audio processing is required, I always extract to WAV, do all audio processing on CoolEdit, and then remux when doing final A+V compress.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #412

    Hi Gilles, that wasn't the question. For capture, as in most programas (ie: audacity, adobe audition, etc) levels are set by windows mixer. In edit mode there is: volume and conversion, or an advanced filtering with time stretch, resample, gain, filters, etc. Personally if audio processing is required, I always extract to WAV, do all audio processing on CoolEdit, and then remux when doing final A+V compress.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #224

    Thanks for your answer, it's useful, but still incomplete. Sometimes I don't want to use dither, so not being able to truncate to an arbitrary number of bits, is still missing.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #224

    (Now I'm doing that with old and reliable CoolEditPro 2.1), but it would be better to do it with SOX.

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #224

    Support arbitrary bits number. (ie: -b 20 )

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #432

    Thanks Anton, I know you are busy to pay attention to vdub2, but anyway, I hope that some simple stuff can be added with little effort.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #430

    "Anonymous", this is an open forum, you may recieve other users answers. As I said, DirectStreamCopy works on some lossless formats, and VirtualDub is still very useful as is. What you are asking requires heavy non paid work.

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #432

    parameter to exit without any dialog on error

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #430

    Audio/Video Interleave interface is good for MJPEG, HUFFYUV and other all keyframes formats. VDub is still useful for full processing, scrips, etc, understanding it's limitations. As nobody is getting paid for this you may try to add those missing features yourself instead :)

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #431

    Did you tried to use it on an older VDub version to see if it works? If so, you may transcode to a lossless (Lagarith) codec and then reopen it on modern vdub2.

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #425

    Warn before overwriting in capture

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #423

    Save input driver on pending works.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #421

    ¿How did you open DVD? ¿Did you try to open it with caching input driver? Maybe installing DTS_AC3_Source_Filter_x32 will enable it. MakeMKV may help you to direct copy DVD to PC for later processing.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #417

    You still don't get it. Duplicate frames don't take any space at all on H264. You won't reduce file size by decimating. As I tried to explain before. A whole bunch of frames are compressed taking in account very little is changed from one frame to another. You can erase 4 every 5 frames on all video, and final h264 size would still be 99% of the original h264 you tried to reduce. Please stop insisting on this.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #417

    You still don't get it. Duplicate frames don't take any space at all on H264. You won't reduce file size by decimating. As I tried to explain before. A whole bunch of frames are compressed taking in account very little is changed from one frame to another. You can erase 4 every 5 frames on all video, and final h264 size would still be the 99% of the original h264 you tried to reduce. Please stop insisting on this.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #417

    My answer stands for all compressors which uses previous and optionally future frames as a base to achieve high compression as XVID, DIVX, H264. H265 was an example, H264 works exactly the same way. H265 doesn´t have limitations, players and devices have. New codecs won´t be able to improve a lot. Eventually new hardware will be able to encode decode faster, but size improvements will be marginal. h265 have same quality at a smaller size, at the prize of high cpu use. But maybe a 30% size saving...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #417

    Hi, I think your intention is to reduce video size by eliminating every other frame. There's a filter collection for VDub by JPSDR it's RemoveFrames allows to eliminate n frames in a given m period. But that would reduce size as you expect only on a compressor with all keyframes (as MJPEG) . Advanced compressors (as H265, etc) picks up from frame server a whole chunk of frames (let's say 250) and THEN compressed them all together, only...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #418

    Ok, I was reluctant to use vdub.exe as it might be deleted, but as a workaround I'll change one line of my script: !vdloc!vDub.exe /queryVersion if errorlevel 42475 ( REM if ver>=42475 newer virtualDub2 set noWavHeader=,0 set xCompr=I& REM I default h264 vDub internal ) Anyway, it would be worth trying to fix that issue on main VirtualDub.exe, as that command was working on all versions until last one. Thanks!

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #418

    Sorry to insist, but could you check it? In all previous VirtualDub.exe versions that funtion worked without problems.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #412

    VDub uses windows drivers to get audio. Please go to Control Panel, Sound, Recording Tab, and select your audio device (ie: Digital Audio Interface - USB Digital Audio), (right click) Properties, LEVELS tab. Adjust to desired Volume. You can press V in VirtualDub capture mode for audio level monitoring.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #418

    Please try with main program which is what I check to see if I can use newer commands, that doesn't work anymore, it worked until last version: virtualdub.exe /queryVersion echo %errorlevel%

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #415

    You may want to try which will pass dvd to MKV without recompressing. Then you can open MKV in virtualDub.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #417

    If you have a 30fps video h264 compressed and you reencode it erasing all even frames, you'll end up having final size reduced by 10% at most. Size would decrease to half if video was UNCOMPRESSED. H264 (and others) works reducing size by encoding only whats changed from previous (and future) frames. So on slow motion, any almost identical frame (as in 30fps) doesn't take any space at all. So if your point is to reduce video final size, discarding every other frame won't work as you expected. You...

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #418

    queryVersion not working

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #401

    Try using Video, Preview (System); Overlay it's faster but not always work. Even if you can't see, you may try capture a few seconds and check capture file to see if it's blank or not.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #401

    Don't use VFW, but DirectShow, try using some compatible settings first, on capture mode: Video, Set Custom Format 640 x 480 YV12; Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 25 (or 29.970 if NTSC). Video, Compression, Lagarith Lossless Codec Also, to capture from VHS, it's better to use 720 x 240 (or 720x288 if its PAL)and then recompress resizing to 720x480 (576 on PAL), because VHS only captures half of the horizontal lines, and you won't have to use deinterlace filter. That's why I first capture using...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #401

    Don't use VFW, but DirectShow, try using some compatible settings first, on capture mode: Video, Set Custom Format 640 x 480 YV12; Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 25 (or 29.970 if NTSC). Video, Compression, Lagarith Lossless Codec Also, to capture from VHS, it's better to use 720 x 240 (or 720x288 if its PAL)and then recompress resizing to 720x480 (576 on PAL), because VHS only captures half of the horizontal lines, and you won't have to use deinterlace filter. That's why I first capture using...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #401

    Don't use VFW, but DirectShow, try using some compatible settings first, on capture mode: Video, Set Custom Format 640 x 480 YV12; Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 25 (or 30). Video, Compression, Lagarith Lossless Codec Also, to capture from VHS, it's better to use 720 x 240 and then recompress resizing to 720x480, because VHS only captures half of the horizontal lines, and you won't have to use deinterlace filter. That's why I first capture using a lossless codec.

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #401

    Don't use VFW, but DirectShow, try using some compatible settings first, on capture mode: Video, Set Custom Format 640 x 480 YV12; Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 25 (or 30). Video, Compression, Lagarith Lossless Codec

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #401

    Try using some compatible settings first, on capture mode: Video, Set Custom Format 640 x 480 YV12; Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 25 (or 30). Video, Compression, Lagarith Lossless Codec

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes. Best way is to specify all (the use of "" will allow to have spaces on path1/path2): 7z a "D:\path1\archive.7z" "Z:\path2\file.txt" In a batch file you may want to have paths on environment variables: set path1=D:\path1 set path2=Z:\path2 7z a "%path1%\archive.7z" "%path2%\file.txt"

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #386

    Are you using internal: "x264 8bit - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec" or x264vfw ?

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #379

    Befor opening your file make sure to change Input Driver: Open Using: Audio/Video interleave input driver (internal). And VDub will behave exactly as before: Enable DSC but won't open a lot of newer video file formats (ie: MKV)

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #386

    Are you using any filters? Maybe it's an out of mem issue, if you are running on a 64bits OS, try patching VirtualDub.exe using auxsetup.exe )in extra folder): Tick Enable LAA, it will extend usable memory for vdub32bits from 2gb to near 4gb.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #386

    Are you using any filters? Maybe it's an out of mem issue, if you are running on a 64bits OS, try patchin VirtualDub.exe using auxsetup.exe )in extra folder): Tick Enable LAA, it will extend usable memory for vdub32bits from 2gb to near 4gb.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is it possible to implement essential option to "Extract Newer Files" (ie: "-n: extract only new or changed files, skip old files") as asked here:

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #374

    Save Image Sequence Skip Frames

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #350

    Maybe it's interlace problems. Try adding DEINTERLACE filter. Or capture half of the horizontal lines (ie: 720x240) and then double it.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #342

    Another issue I have is with a HDMI capture device, Vdub only allows 10fps under 1280x720, 5 fps under fullHD, and on SD 640x480 releases desired 25/30fps. Is it a bug? Because using OBS it's possible to capture 1280x720 30fps using same hardware but VDUB is better for capturing (ie: allows to stop after 2 hours, etc)

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #1474

    Extract only newer files: -aon switch needed

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can't believe 7zip can't handle obvious "newer" extraction which pkunzip already did in the 80s. Got here looking for that function. It's stupidly crippled, and makes it useless.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #249

    For those cases (x32 only / x64 only plugins), I save intermidiate work on huge Lagarith Lossless files, and apply filters with x32, lossless save, then reopen with x64 and apply x64 filters / save compressed there.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #344

    Yes, it even happens in full screen: Preview is always to the right of properties, so if that window is on the right side of the screen, most of the preview is non visible. And another annoyance: Buttons of 6 axis color corrections are hidden by navigation bar. Two screenshots attached (full/window).

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #344

    Ok, still my request is valid, I'm doing several stuff (catpuring in one window and process previous capture on another, so maximize it's unpractical as I have to watch capture progress). Besides I hate maximized windows: Too many things going on at the same time ...

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #344

    Filter Previews: Remember position and show original for comparisson

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #323

    You may try: Capture, Capture avi (to get in cap mode); in cap mode: Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 29.97 Video, Set Custom Format and try 720x480 YV12 Video, Preview (YV12 is what works for my card, yours may be different) (Usually I must enter and exit capture mode and then enter again to have a visible Preview). Usually I compress in realtime using Lagarith Lossless. After finish capture I recompress to final slower h264 or h265, you may fix A/V synchro later also (Audio, Interleaving,...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #323

    You may try: Capture, Capture avi (to get in cap mode); in cap mode: Capture, Capture Settings, Frame Rate: 29.97 Video, Set Custom Format and try 720x480 YV12 Video, Preview (YV12 is what works for my card, yours may be different) (Usually I must enter and exit capture mode and then enter again to have a visible Preview).

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #327

    Latest VirtualDub2 version works in windows XP with no issues.

  • isidroco isidroco created ticket #326

    AVI input driver append synchro

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #325

    Please check your output video to see what happened. An mp4 is always loaded with caching input driver (because traditional VD AVIdriver can't open non AVI files). Caching Input doesn't do DSC for h264/mp3. If you don't select a compression codec, output will be uncompressed video and audio. That can be very fast if you use an SSD hard drive, file size will be BIG though. I prefer lossless Lagarith for intermediate stages which is fast and 1/4 of the uncompressed size. Freeware MP4Cam2AVI will let...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #325

    An mp4 is always loaded with caching input driver (because traditional VD AVIdriver can't open non AVI files). Caching Input doesn't do DSC for h264/mp3. If you don't select a compression codec, output will be uncompressed video and audio. That can be very fast if you use an SSD hard drive, file size will be BIG though. I prefer lossless Lagarith for intermediate stages which is fast and 1/4 of the uncompressed size. Freeware MP4Cam2AVI will let you open your video with AVIdriver which will allow...

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #322

    As a workaround you can try the vdub2 32bit version enabling the LAA (LargeAddressAware) using the extra\auxsetup.exe. In that way vdub2x32 will use 4gb of ram (instead of 2gb) on 64 bit systems solving all of the usual out of memory problems.

  • isidroco isidroco posted a comment on ticket #325

    Direct stream copy doesn't work on Caching Input driver which is necessary to open non AVI files. So you won't be able to preserve original compression file. (Actually caching input can direct copy some ALL-I codecs like Lagarith and uncompressed WAV). You can try using MP4Cam2AVI which will losslessly transform your MP4 to AVI and then open the AVI with AudioVideoInterlace Driver which will allow you to Direct Stream Copy both audio and video, although seeking is not always exact on h264 with that...

  • isidroco isidroco modified a comment on ticket #311

    File, Open video file, [select video file] and on the bottom right there is a Input driver Box which has Open using: Caching input driver; change it to Audio/video interleave input driver (internal) Beware if you use Audio from another file that you may also want to select "Audio/video interleave input driver" when you open Audio File, to enable audio direct stream copy, or else you will get uncompressed PCM (sometimes 32 bits depending on input) on audio output.

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