Thank you Santiago
Hi veryone, I need some help. I'm new in programming. How do you improve skills in Arduino. Do you advise learning C++ before learning Arduino? Here is a sketch that looks good. The compilation is great but, notihing happend in the schematique. Thank you for helping me const int buttonAPin = 2; // Enter const int buttonBPin = 4; // Menu const int buttonCPin = 7; // Zoom in const int ledAPin = A5; const int ledBPin = A6; const int ledCPin = A7; // Variable will change: int buttonAState = 0; int buttonBState...
there it is:
Hi dear, This is a test to see wich ARDUINO UNO pin should I use for input. I don't understand why only ARDUINO pin 2, 4 and 7 work correctly for input. When you say : cont int buttonPin = 3 Pin3 doesn't work as an input. But Pin2 does Here's the code and the Circuit in attachment. Best Regards George const int buttonAPin = 3; //premier button RED const int buttonBPin = 4; //deuxieme button YELLOW const int buttonCPin = 5; //troisieme button GREEN const int ledAPin = 8; const int ledBPin = 9; const...
Maybe you need to see the code please here is the code with the 16 line in bold: // constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers: const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin const int ledPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin // variables will change: int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status void setup() { // initialize the LED pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input: pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);...
Hi Santiago. After doing every thing you proposed, it works for 5 min Now it doesn't I took the time to check every thing. Please find the repport down bellow. Best Regards George
Hi Santiago. After doing every thing you proposed, it works for 5 min Now it doesn't I took the time to check every thing. Please find the repport down bellow. Best Regards George
Thanks Santiago, the message error is : Arduino ToolChain not found Right-Click on Document Tab to set Path ERROR!!! Compilation Faliled Well, I'm lost I tried to manage the path, but Do you thing the TEST Folder should be in "MY DOCUMENTS" or any other place like the DESKTOP? Please, find the Repport in attachment Regards