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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    2019-03-13 00:22:48,497 INFO [corp-000] [JdbcSqlTemplate] [corp-000-router-reader-245] Long Running: (80350ms.) select d.data_id, d.table_name, d.event_type, '' as row_data, '' as pk_data, '' as old_data, d.create_time, d.trigger_hist_id, d.channel_id, d.transaction_id, d.source_node_id, d.external_data, d.node_list from sym_data d where d.channel_id='sqlserver' and ((d.data_id between 2389020 and 52389019)) order by d.data_id asc How did this happen?(d.data_id between 2389020 and 52389019) How should...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    I do it this way. insert into sym_conflict(resolve_row_only) values(1); OK

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Hi, If a row is not updated, then the dataloader will attempt to insert it. How to close?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Thanks answer,Just can be used

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Hi, I saw 4.13. Jobs I don't know what will happen.(event_type = 'R') Even if the status is equal to OK, it will be re-executed? // Configuration for this extension... final String TABLE_NAME = "item"; final String CHANNEL_ID = "item"; final String ROUTER_ID = "corp_2_store"; // End Configuration. String INSERT_RELOAD_DATA_TEMPLATE = "insert into sym_data ( table_name, event_type, row_data, trigger_hist_id, channel_id, transaction_id, create_time)" + " select t.source_table_name, 'R', 'item_id >...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SymmetricDS

    java and sqlserver2008R2: public void afterWrite(DataContext context, Table table, CsvData data) { mysqlTemplate.queryForString("select status from user where uid = ?“,uid) } // 1) insert mysql // 2) sync to sqlserver2008R2 // 3) Execute to afterWrite, but no value found // now ,on sqlserver2008R2 ,use select * from user, sqlserver2008R2 will continue to wait . // but , use select status from user uid = 1 is OK,uid = 1 Already have values in the database

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    I am using java. public void afterWrite(DataContext context, Table table, CsvData data) { public class MyFilter extends DatabaseWriterFilterAdapter implements ISymmetricEngineAware { ISymmetricEngine defaultEngine; if (table.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("user") && data.getDataEventType().equals(DataEventType.INSERT)) { ISqlTemplate myTemplate = myEngine.getSqlTemplate(); status = myTemplate.queryForString("select status from user where uid = ? and fstarttime = ? and fendtime = ?",Uid,fstarttime,fendtime);...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    Hi, afterWrite, in the The User Guide,Called right after a DML statement has been successfully executed against the database for the data. I use select to see the current insert values. There was an error,can't find any value. but,I can query the value of the database already exists. The User Guide describes the wrong? Thanks Ike

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2018-12-19 07:54:32


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