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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Perfect, but after running to take the time the mouse arrow gets stuck. Ps. I used {DELAY 5000} and then switched to {DELAY 8000}

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Just stand by the window. I tested with the two entries below: {CLEARFIELD}{HOME}+{END}{USERNAME}{ENTER}{DELAY 11000}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}{DELAY 9000}{TOTP}{ENTER} {USERNAME}{ENTER}{DELAY 8000}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}{DELAY 8000}{TOTP}{ENTER}

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Skype 8 can someone with this results? Here I can not anymore.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    In the past it was possible to backup without asking for passwords, but with the new version it is necessary. My problem is I have a lot of keys! Can you do some configuration so you do not crack passwords?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    @Paul I'm just trying to figure out how to do it, where to use it and also the direction, but wellread1 was able to help me. I'm grateful. @wellread1 you gave me a light! Thank you

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Gentlemen, I can not use these functions at all. Is it too much to ask someone to attach a database or even the site where I can parch these entries? I'm not a super computer user! I just want to learn about the PICKCHARS and PICKFIELD. {PICKCHARS}: Fld: Opt} Shows a dialog to pick certain characters from an entry string. See below. {PICKFIELD} Shows a dialog to pick a field whose value will be inserted.

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2017-11-09 01:33:17
Ghana / GMT


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