Activity for jll

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Developers

    Should we assume this vulnerability may affect OpenAS2? I see a log4j jar in resources/db/ddlutilis-lib.

  • jll jll created ticket #211

    version 2.9.0 breaks notext option

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm upgrading from 2.7.0 to 2.10.1 and I was following the release notes that suggested using the script. I was hung up using that for a couple of minutes because it looks like there's an error in the shell specifier at the top of that script. It says '/bin/sh' but I think it should be '/bin/bash'. If you run it as is (or explicitly with sh), I get this error: ./ 19: [: x: unexpected operator if I run it with Bash (v 4.3.48), it works as expected. Than...

  • jll jll modified a comment on discussion Help

    Awesome. Thanks Christopher, that was super fast.

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Awesome. Thanks Chris, that was super fast.

  • jll jll modified a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, I understand that you have noContentDispositionFilename hardcoded as what will appear in the local filename prefix if the partner specifies no filename. I also understand that it's possible to remove this from our local file names by removing $msg.content-disposition.filename$ from entries in config.xml so that the local file names will not prefix with that. Would it be possible for you to include somewhere in the configuration an option to override what that default hardcode value is?...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Chris, I understand that you have noContentDispositionFilename hardcoded as what will appear in the local filename prefix if the partner specifies no filename. I also understand that it's possible to remove this from our local file names by removing $msg.content-disposition.filename$ from entries in config.xml so that the local file names will not prefix with that. Would it be possible for you to include somewhere in the configuration an option to override what that default hardcode value is? I think...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sounds great, thanks!

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Right, I remember you mentioning something to that effect when I first brought it up. Since I've already had a lot of back and forth with this partner, I'm going to let it go with him. If this option comes up with a future partner, I may pursue it more. This partner did not give me a specific indication of exactly what type of authentication IBM's software was using for the userid/password option.

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just to update the record, I have now succeeded in sending a test file to this partner now, but only after we: a) started using signing/encryption (this partner also required only a 2048 bit key, not the 4096 that I first generated, which seems to be OpenAS2 default) b) he re-defined the whole partnership in his software after running into some trouble reconfiguring the existing partnership (to add signing/encryption; it seemed like his software would not let him remove the userid/password auth once...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, since I started using OpenAS2, I'd had the EmailLogger disabled because of something that was going on when I first started up. I recently noticed that and turned it back on. Over the weekend, I received several emails on it that I think were related to random connection attempts (probably hacker probes or something) that started with lines like this: 2019-07-27 12:34:55.964 ERROR Connection reset at at

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, sounds great. Thanks for the updates, but I gotta say: The "exit" command will now only terminate the local remote control session. To terminate the server use "shitdown" that last command sounds a little crude... :o)

  • jll jll modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'd seen this before but didn't know how to install or launch it, so figured the openssl approach might be simpler for my few uses for this (I will mostly just use it to adjust logging level on the fly and maybe administer the keystore, which works pretty simply from the OpenAS2 command line). I've downloaded the 2.9.0 jar from the above link, and ran it with this command, as I'd found elsewhere in the forums: java -jar openas2-remote-2.9.0.jar localhost 14321 user password (I only could easily do...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'd seen this before but didn't know how to install or launch it, so figured the openssl approach might be simpler for my few uses for this (I will mostly just use it to adjust logging level on the fly and maybe administer the keystore, which works pretty simply from the OpenAS2 command line). I've downloaded the 2.9.0 jar from the above link, and ran it with this command, as I'd found elsewhere in the forums: java -jar openas2-remote-2.9.0.jar localhost 14321 user password (I only could easily do...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to get some sort of access to the OpenAS2 console like you have when you start it by default (and not in a service mode, as I've recently switched to in Linux). I'm having trouble connecting with openssl s_client, which I understand is one simple way you can do this, at least to send individual commands (or can you use this also as an interactive send/receive method, so it's basically the same as seeing OpenAS2 running in interactive mode)? Anyway, when I try this connection, on the...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Still working with this partner trying to get the connection going and we're still majorly hung up on me being able to authenticate to his server sending from me to him. He's already been able to send to my OpenAS2 (with no authentication, just secure over the SSL connection) with no problems. At first I was just seeing '401 Unauthorized' errors in my logging. This has now happened with just plain login/password authentication (for which I've tried to use the http_user and http_password attributes),...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    My main reason for not wanting to deal with message encryption/signing is to avoid unnecessary long term hassles with certification expiration and maintenance (like I have to do with my OFTP2 partners in Mendelson). Since the only certificates involved in my scenario should be official CA-issued certificates, each partner could in theory renew and replace their certificate without the other partner noticing anything's changed. You're still of course getting perfectly good transmission security, I...

  • jll jll modified a comment on discussion Help

    The partner got back to me today and gave me a new URL for test work that now is the messy cloud-vm-looking name that does actually show up in the SSL, so I'm working with that and now am getting a more promising looking "401 unauthorized", so that's better. One thing the partner pointed out was that the IBM Sterling B2B AS2 Edition software he's using required either encryption/signing of messages or userid/password for authentication. We covered how to do userid/password with the above settings...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    The partner got back to me today and gave me a new URL for test work that now is the messy cloud-vm-looking name that does actually show up in the SSL, so I'm working with that and now am getting a more promising looking "401 unauthorized", so that's better. One thing the partner pointed out was that the IBM Sterling B2B AS2 Edition required either encryption/signing of messages or userid/password for authentication. We covered how to do userid/password with the above settings for outbound connections....

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, thanks for the reply. I had missed the documentation about http_user and _password since I was just looking at the web documentation: and forgot about the PDF included in the installation zip. I see those definitions there and that looks good, hopefully those will work for what the partner has configured for auth. As far as thinking that the partner is using a cert that should be used for encryption and signing for his SSL server, I somewhat doubt that's...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to configuring my second production connection with a partner who has their AS2 managed by IBM Sterling. Because it was Sterling, and due to the suggestion in the docs: I did set the <attribute name="remove_cms_algorithm_protection_attrib" value="true"/> attribute in the me-to-the-partner partnership tag. I'm seeing a couple of problems right off the bat. a) I can't use the provided partner URL because the SSL certificate...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ugh, when I did your above 'ls -l' command, I did notice a file matching the name of the one I've had the ongoing problems with. It was in: /usr/local/bin/openas2server-2.7.0/data/pendinginfoMDN3 I shut down OpenAS2, rm'd it and started back up. I think the recurring message has gone away now. I could've sworn I did that exact test at least once or twice before when seeing this, or rather what I definitely remember doing is creating a file matching the name OpenAS2 was erroring on, hoping that would...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm still not sure how to cancel this one file, because I'm assuming that the whole issue may've started due to something unusual I did when I was first installing and conducting tests, that's not likely to come up in production. All I'd really like to do is clear this one issue from continually popping up. It seems like it may not be an easy fix to actually track down why OpenAS2 is behaving like this. When I examine MSG_METADATA with this query: SELECT * FROM msg_metadata where status = 'awaiting_mdn'...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    I made the change in that you suggested earlier, replacing it with the full hardcoded path. I didn't change anything in config.xml to troubleshoot this. The error still happened, but now that I've made that change and started it from the true path\bin directory, and not via the symlinked one, I see the true path displayed in the FINE/ERROR messages that reference this missing file.

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ubuntu 16.04, ext4

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, I have OpenAS2 unzipped into: /usr/local/bin/openas2server-2.7.0 The directory listing of it and the symlink look like: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Mar 5 10:53 openas2 -> openas2server-2.7.0/ drwxr-xr-x 9 jll jll 4.0K Mar 8 14:15 openas2server-2.7.0 so I just created it as: ln -s openas2server-2.7.0 openas2 from within that directory.

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Okay, so to see if this would help, I shut it down and restarted from the true path, hoping that might do it, but I still see the error, and I'm seeing it still referencing the previous soft linked path. So, short of blowing away my installation and starting again, what's the proper fix to this? How is OpenAS2 maintaining the state that there was this old unresolved file? It doesn't appear to be in the H2 database, or is it? Also, would you recommend not running it from a soft linked dir, I assu...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, you're good. I am using a softlink, the openas2 points to openas2-2.7.0 in the same local/bin directory. I'm curious, how did you guess that? I didn't see any reference to the actual underlying dir in the log output above. Is that somehow the source of the problem? Should I not run OpenAS2 from a soft linked directory like that? Or was this just a fluke? It's possible, e.g., that when I first started it to do some preliminary testing that I was not running it in the softlinked dir and...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Chris, finally turned that on and captured this. Didn't seem to help me much more, but possibly you'll see something I'm missing: '#>log setlevel TRACE OK: '#>2019-03-11 16:37:04.553 FINEST AS2Util: RETRY COUNT from pending info file: 2 2019-03-11 16:37:04.554 FINEST AS2Util: Data retrieved from Pending info file: Original MIC: Y0sCextp4SQtQNU+MSs7SsdxD1W+gfKJtUlEbvZ3i+4=, SHA256 Retry Count: 2 Original file name : test1 Pending message file : /usr/local/bin/openas2/bin/../config/../data/pendingMDN3/OPENAS2-05032019134029-0600-ffa88a2d-1c19-427e-b524-95b453347450@ME_PARTNER...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Thanks for pointing out that x509_alias is required, but does not necessarily need to match anything specific to the partner, in the scenario that I'm trying to implement (since OpenAS2 won't have to use it to verify anything). I'm not sure what happened (it's possible the partner updated something in the configuration -- they responded to me and indicated that they had not, and that everything looked fine from their side with my previous tests), but after changing the x509_alias to openas2a, and...

  • jll jll modified a comment on discussion Compatibility

    After doing a bit more testing (loading a certificate I have for the partner into my as2_certs keystore, and defining that as the x509_alias on the partner), I re-sent a test and got an MDN back with this error message: 2019-03-08 14:22:14.342 ERROR AS2Util: Error parsing MDN: Signature Verification failed 2019-03-08 14:22:14.344 ERROR Signature Verification failed What I suspect is going on is that the partner is (for some reason, either because they're misunderstanding...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    After doing a bit more testing (loading a certificate I have for the partner into my as2_certs keystore, and defining that as the x509_alias on the partner, I re-sent a test and got an MDN back with this error message: 2019-03-08 14:22:14.342 ERROR AS2Util: Error parsing MDN: Signature Verification failed 2019-03-08 14:22:14.344 ERROR Signature Verification failed What I suspect now is going on is that the partner is (for some reason, either because they're misunderstanding...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Hi, I'm running OpenAS2 2.7.0. I'm setting up a new connection with a partner running Seeburger. To keep things simple, I want to only use HTTPS for sending messages, and do no signing/encryption of the messages themselves. This is also the default behavior of the partner. My understanding is that if I do this, we will not have to import each other's certificates into local keystores (and then deal with the ongoing every couple of years maintenance headache with that), as long as each of us has a...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    What I'm wondering is, what's maintaining the state of this ScheduledFutureTask concept? I checked the only table I found in the H2 database and emptied that at one point thinking it might solve the issue, but it seemed to have no effect. Should that technique have maybe worked? Is there some other place i can go to try to figure out why OpenAS2 keeps trying to do something with that file? I'm assuming there's some sort of corruption somewhere due to my early testing and possibly changing of configuration...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    The directory is empty by the time I check it. I've also tried creating an empty file or one with 'test' in it or something in that path and with the same filename and it does not seem to make any difference. I just noticed also on the most recent occurrence, I might see this message just after the above cited messages, as the final one for that 21m block): 2019-03-07 11:46:19.901 FINE AS2Util: deleted /usr/local/bin/openas2/bin/../config/../data/pendingMDN3/OPENAS2-05032019134029-0600-ffa88a2d-1c19-427e-b524-95b453347450@local_partner...

  • jll jll modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, just getting started with AS2 as an alternative to my existing OFTP2 setup (using Mendelson OFTP2) and am having some initial success (have yet to get my partner to actually connect to me, but my internal testing looks good with production certs, etc.), but must have fouled something up because whenever I have OpenAS2 running, every 20 or 21 minutes, I'll get this error coming out: 2019-03-07 10:11:35.611 ERROR AS2SenderModule: Pending information file detected that is past max wait time due...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, just getting started with AS2 as an alternative to my existing OFTP2 setup (using Mendelson OFTP2) and am having some initial success (have yet to get my partner to actually connect to me, but my internal testing looks good with production certs, etc.), but must have fouled something up because whenever I have OpenAS2 running, every 20 or 21 minutes, I'll get this error coming out: 2019-03-07 10:11:35.612 ERROR Source '/usr/local/bin/openas2/bin/../config/../data/pendingMDN3/OPENAS2-05032019134029-0600-ffa88a2d-1c19-427e-b524-95b453347450@local_partner'...

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #161

    Four years later, I add the same request. Allow an independent color setting for spaces & tabs, the way that VS Code does this when you have whitespacing showing is nice. It's a darkish gray color, which makes the chars visible, but only when you look really closely.

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, thanks for NAPS -- I only just recently found it and I love the various features that make for much faster work, saving of certain profiles and just simple no-nonsense scan capabilities for repetitious tasks I find myself doing. I do have one minor issue and was wondering if anyone has guidance on this or if there's a way NAPS could be modified to support this: I've noticed that when I use the native software for the Epson GT-1500 I have:

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #60

    Thanks for the extra effort on the test binary, Robin. Have a good one!

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #1133

    To update this ticket, I also found a similar (it was not, though, identical) bug in Zint, and reported that bug and it was fixed within a few days. I thought you might want to review the changes there that the dev added to fix the ticket, as it may help you with any related problems in TCPDF code.

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #60

    Firstly Robin, thanks much for the fix. I can confirm it worked to fix my issue and I'm now using it in production. I'm quite unfamiliar with building projects like these in Windows, and had to really hack around and cobble stuff together (but finally was able to do it with CMake and MingW), so I would add a minor request that the project issue official binaries and a point release including this fix at the developers' convenience. The zint.exe I ended up with requires a couple of DLLs for whatever...

  • jll jll created ticket #60

    Bug with Data Matrix encoding of long string

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #1133

    Also, in case this helps with your troubleshooting, this product does produce a correct barcode with the same string:

  • jll jll created ticket #1133

    DATAMATRIX incorrect encoding

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #2929

    I do, after all, have one more related request to this. I know when I use an auto...

  • jll jll posted a comment on ticket #2929

    Whoops, never mind. It looks like (on my Moto X first gen, at least), in Expert Mode,...

  • jll jll created ticket #2929

    Allow Auto answer filter to answer on speakerphone

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ah yes, so others have been known to do hacks similar to mine to get the desired...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    I actually just noticed something else a little weird, that might be a reliable hack...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the suggestion Simon. I had actually experimented with that a bit already,...

  • jll jll posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi guys, I've been building a fairly straightforward PDF document of an invoice,...