Activity for Ian Roberts

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2590] on Code

    Completely disable and remove fckeditor, it isn't used for anything any more and is not worth the known vulnerabilities

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2589] on Code

    Adding an option to disable the contact form and replace it with a static page (whose content is configurable in cowrc.groovy)

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2588] on Code


  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2587] on Code

    Better way to block premature flushes of the output stream

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2586] on Code

    Updated GATE and University logos

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2585] on Code

    New JavaDoc link

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2584] on Code

    Support for running CoW under systemd

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2583] on Code

    Log new users and password changes at info level rather than debug

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2582] on Code

    Spring requires getter as well as setter for properties

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2581] on Code

    Patch jcaptcha plugin to use the proper ImageIO API rather than a private com.sun class to convert images to JPG

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2580] on Code

    Warn that SSH auth settings are ignored when using native SSH

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2579] on Code

    Added an option to use native "ssh" for svn+ssh

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2578]

    Added patched version of one internal svnkit class that was causing failures when talking to https repositories using the BouncyCastle TLS implementation.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The spring boot repackaging mechanism moves your normal Main-Class in the JAR manifest into a Spring-specific attribute and sets Main-Class to point to a Spring bootstrapping class org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher which reads the manifest and executes the real main class. So you need to tell launch4j to do the same thing, and configure it with org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher as the main class.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'd still like to use launch4j not Spring Boot. It's not either/or - you can add the Spring Boot plugin to your existing build (maven or gradle) and use that to build the fully self-contained executable JAR (even if your main class isn't a Spring Boot application), then wrap that JAR into an exe using launch4j. I'm asking because I don't understand the difficulty: if a program can read from within a jar (zip) why can't it do it twice, once from a zip of jars and then from a particular jar? This is...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does that mean that only one jar can be wrapped? Yes. Executable wrappers like launch4j take advantage of a feature of the ZIP file format whereby you can pre-pend any data onto the front of a zip file and it will remain a valid zip file readable by any standard zip file handling tools. A launch4j exe essentially runs java -classpath thefile.exe name.of.MainClass and this works because the exe is a valid JAR. If you wanted to wrap many JAR files you'd either have to use something like the Maven shade...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2573]

    Removed unused import which prevented the plugin compiling in Grails 2.5

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You don't need a special tool to do this for Linux because (a) shell scripts can be directly executable and (b) you can stick arbitrary data on the front of a JAR file and it remains a valid JAR file. See for a nice example.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20327]

    Back-porting and from Mimir version 6.1-SNAPSHOT: in cases where the index has more than just the "head" batch, the total number of documents reported by the index was off by one, and the direct index lexical cluster was ignoring the last tail-N batch

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20323]

    Workaround for a bug in the version of CXF we're using, where it uses the default *KeyManagerFactory* algorithm instead of the default *TrustManagerFactory* algorithm when creating trust managers. This used to not be an issue, but since we changed the proxy SSL certificate the SunX509 trust manager algorithm doesn't trust us, but the (usual default) PKIX algorithm does. So we explicitly set PKIX as the algorithm now.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20322]

    Use the jnlp:// or jnlps:// URL scheme for web start links, so they are handed directly to Java Web Start for download rather than being downloaded by the browser, leaving the user to run them locally.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20321]

    Added support for timestamped JAR signatures and signing keys in a PKCS12 keystore. Also removed the special handling for mail and activation jars - we now strip the Sun signatures and add our own, so the whole app is under the same "publisher" and therefore there's only one security warning rather than two each time you start it.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20313]

    Changes to allow Annotator GUI and friends to run on Java 9 and later - a number of "EE" apis that have been part of Java SE since v6 are no longer accessible by default in Java 9+, so need to be supplied by us, and CXF's use of JAXB fails on 9+ without an additional --add-opens option.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2572]

    Fixed up the "two digits" check so it doesn't also prevent you using symbols in a password

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on a wiki page

    Please post support questions on the GATE Users mailing list.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20294]

    Depend on 8.4.2-SNAPSHOT

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20293]

    Snapshot repo changed to https

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20290]

    Back-porting the fix to - progress and status listeners were getting added but not removed in case of exceptions.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts modified ticket #217

    Problem with corpora of documents

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on ticket #217

    This is a known bug in GATE 8.4 whereby GATE under Windows is unable to save an application state onto one drive letter that refers to files (grammars, documents, etc.) on a different drive letter - the session uses the same mechanism as saved application states, and so is subject to the same bug. This has been fixed in the latest revision on GitHub, and will work correctly in GATE 8.5.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2568]

    Fixed link to Javadoc

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2567]

    More bug fixes

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2566]


  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r2565]

    Updating recaptcha - the version we were previously using works with Grails 1.1 but uses an API that is disappearing at the end of this month, the latest plugin version supports new recaptcha but doesn't work on Grails 1.1, so this is a hacked version of 1.7.0 retrofitted to be compatible with Grails 1.1.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20282]

    Files to build a docker image

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20281]

    Updated index upgrader to be able to cope with quasi-succinct indexes (which have a different set of files on disk compared to traditional FileHPIndexes)

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20280]

    Better logging from index upgrader

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20279]

    Reinstated PatternMentionDescriber from 4.2 that got lost in the 5.0 transition

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20272]

    If an exception occurs here, it means there was a problem getting documents from the streaming handler. If this is the first document then dd will be null, if it's not the first document then dd will be the last one that was processed successfully, and in neither case does it make sense to reportFailure.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts modified ticket #216

    plugin gateplugin-Tagger_TagMe default value of variable tagMeServiceUrl must change

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on ticket #216

    Please report bugs in the tagme plugin to its own bug tracker on GitHub:

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on ticket #215

    What exactly did you download? The file from the releases section definitely does contain the JAR but the "source code" download will not.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20268]

    Fixing some bugs with WARC handling

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20267]

    Bug fix - batches where the enumerator gives 0 documents would hang forever rather than completing.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts posted a comment on ticket #214

    This bug tracker is for reporting bugs in the code of GATE itself. Questions on how to use GATE or how to develop new components based on the GATE libraries should be sent to the gate-users email list.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts modified ticket #214

    Build a rule jape to identify words into a paragraph

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20243]

    Tagging 2.8.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20242]

    Depend on gate-core 8.4.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20241]

    Changelog section for 2.8.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20240]

    Merged changes from trunk to make v2.8.1, depending on gate-core 8.4.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20239]

    Now we have dependencies that aren't just gate-core, we need to use Ivy in creole.xml to resolve them. But then we don't want a dependency from Ivy on gate-core as it's already there when running as a plugin. So created a separate Ivy file for this purpose which excludes gate-core and the other dependencies we know we already have.

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20237]

    The latest version is now 8.4.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20235]

    Changed "last stable" links

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20234]

    Version number

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20233]

    Merged change from trunk, bumped version

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20232]

    Bumped version, merged changes from trunk, regenerated icon with 8.4.1 version number

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20231]

    Changelog section for 8.4.1

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20229]

    Backport fix for from 8.5-SNAPSHOT - proper handling of CDATA in TextWithNodes

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20228]

    Backing version down to 8.4.1-SNAPSHOT so as not to clash with the new GitHub version

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20203]

    No-op change to test whether SourceForge svn co...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20198]

    Trunk version bump

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20197]

    Tagging release

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20196]

    Version number

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20195]

    Branch for release

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20191]

    Merging changes from branch, and version bump

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20190]

    Trunk version to 5.5-SNAPSHOT

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20189]

    Merging change from release branch

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20188]

    Version number to 5.4

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20187]

    Documenting the IgnoreEmptiesTermProcessor

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20186]


  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20185]

    Depend on gate-core 8.4

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20184]

    Changelog section for 5.4

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20183]

    There's a weird edge case that means that close...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20178]

    Tagging release

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20177]

    Tagging release

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20176]

    Version bump

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20175]

    Version number to 8.5-SNAPSHOT

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20174]

    Merging cleanups from branch

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20173]

    The cloud-preparing-app section only exists in ...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20171]

    Removed dead xrefs

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20170]

    Version number

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20169]

    Merged from trunk

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20168]

    Regenerated to remove obsolete plugins

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20166]

    Release branch

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20165]

    Release branch

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20162]

    Changelog for 8.4

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20161]

    Commented out Zemanta and OpenCalais as the plu...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20154]

    Making the writing of direct.terms more resilie...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20153]

    Set up the proper query tokeniser and thread po...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r20070]

    Merged [r20069] from trunk

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19958]

    Tagging release

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19957]

    Merging fix from trunk

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19956]

    Cheekily un-tagging so I can backport today's fix

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19955]

    Stray extra slash causes query result fetching ...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19950]

    Trunk to 5.4-SNAPSHOT

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19949]

    Tagging 5.3 release

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19948]

    Version number

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19947]

    Removed -SNAPSHOT from version

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19946]

    Version number to 5.3, merged doc changes from ...

  • Ian Roberts Ian Roberts committed [r19945]

    Changelog section for 5.3

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