Activity for High Performance Coder

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #76

    RESTService calls base class methods by preference to derived class methods

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #76

    Done via method a). Fix still in return-restprocess-object-refactor branch.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #638

    If you've imported monthly values, and then you set the export format to %Y-Q%Q, then the output file will have 3 entries per quarter, so that explains how the csv file above was generated. As to how you got to the .rvl file above, that takes some effort. One way, I imagine, is to import the above CSV file using the blank format, which imports the 4 quarters as Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr. Then if you specify the display format as %Y-Q%Q, you will get 3 entries for the first quarter, and one for the second....

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #638

    When I imported Inflation_{USA} with the average operation, I got one entry per quarter, as you'd expect.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1762

    Ravel Basics 00 - Unable to make non contiguous selections on keyboard

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #1762

    I have gone through the codebase, and unified the behaviour of the control and meta keys, which should get around this Mac limitation. This is now released as 3.7.6 with a Mac build only (since it doesn't really affect the other platforms).

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #1762

    Note - in Javascript speak, the command key is called "Meta", so you also need to check the status of event.metaKey.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #1762

    Some more googling - control click causes a context menu event. It is hardcoded into MacOSX, and cannot be remapped. Sigh. I will fix this sometime this next week.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1762

    Ravel Basics 00 - Unable to make non contiguous selections on keyboard

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #1762

    Just checked - control click doesn't even do anything on a Mac.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #635

    Or perhaps even better - what about this? We should try to collect these as "worked examples" somewhere.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified a comment on ticket #635

    There is a "master ravel", as shown on the "Publication tab", and it slices the remaining two axes: "store location" and "product category"

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #635

    Note - I imported month and day of week data as string dimensions. Fortunately, these were correctly sorted. In theory, it should be possible to import these as time dimensions, and therefore sort them, but I noticed that the boost time parser we use had some difficulties in parsing data without years attached.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #635

    There is a "master ravel", as shown on the "Publication tab", and it slices the remaining two axes: "store location" and "product category"

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified a comment on ticket #635

    Albeit, I'm not quite sure what a "slicer" is in Excel, but given the name, I suspect this precisely emulates the dashboard example.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #635

    Albeit, I'm not quite sure what a "slicer" is in Excel, but given the name, I suspect this precisely emulates the dashboard example.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #635

    Could you shed some light as to how the XL slicer is supposed to be used? In LibreOffice, I just get the following text: This shape represents a slicer. Slicers are supported in Excel 2010 or later.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #631

    I will get out another 3.8.0 alpha release towards the end of the week when I get home.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #631

    3.8.0-alpha.3 is before the bug was fixed. 3.7.4 has the bug fix. Semantic versioning only means that 3.8.0-alpha.3 precedes 3.8.0, not that it has any relation at all to any 3.7 releases.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #620

    Display axis size and total hypercube size in data selection tab

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #620

    The idea I think we've agreed to here is to add the number of unique labels in each axis as another row in the data selection tab, along with the total product of all axes, rendered in red if exceeding the 64 bit address boundary. Should be done as part of the import form refactor started by Niels.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1761

    Resize of pub items starts from wiring tab size, not current size

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #1761

    Ticket moved from /p/minsky/ravel/637/ Can't be converted: _priority: 5SlightlyUrgent

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #637

    Resize of pub items starts from wiring tab size, not current size

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #637

    Just add them to a publication tab? 10 clicks? -- Dr Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile) Principal, High Performance Coders

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #633

    Abbreviated month format is there on the dropdown list (%b), but not day of week (%a) I had to look that up. Note - I got an import error on reading the time of day field (%H:%M:%S), so I had to set that column to ignore. It is slow to import, though. That is probably the unusual time format imports - %b and %a. What we need are time field splitting operations, and import just the full timestamp of each transaction. In this case, that would require merging date and time of day fields. Features that...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified a comment on ticket #617

    The index operation index refers to the value of the x-vector coordinate, not the index in the array. But then this should have worked :P

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #617

    The index operation index refers to the value of the x-vector coordinate, not the index in the array. Bit then this should have worked :P

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #631

    Integer called on real value

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #631

    Isn't this already fixed in 3.7.4?

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #619

    Import form reversion

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #623

    Divide Operator Glitch

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder created ticket #255

    Allow operations to name their argument

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #632

    Even if there was a moving average operator, you'll still need to get axis and window arguments right. I'm going to add a feature request for the operators to name their arguments. In this case "Argument" could be called "Window", and appear as such in the dialog. Delta operators could call their argument "delta".

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #632

    Moving average operator

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #632

    It looks to me like you copied a running sum operator that was summing along "Date" into a new situation that needs to sum along "Year". It looks to me like everything is running as it should.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #632

    The axis is called Year, not Date.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #632

    You need to specify a window size of 3 to get 1 2 3 3 3 3

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #630

    Sort order not working

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #630

    That lock (on OECD primary energy supply) is set to "none" sorting. Unlock it, apply forward sorting, and relock it, and it is all good.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #629

    No - it is not a 16 bit encoding.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #629

    It loads provided the column names are filled correctly. Will need to run this under a debugger to find out why it crashes when the column names are left undefined.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #631

    Are you guys using the latest version? (3.7.4). I think this one is probably fixed.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder created ticket #88

    const qualified return types cause problems with -overload

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder created ticket #628

    UTF-16/32 support for CSV files

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #627

    Crash on Loading Horizontal Data

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #627

    Found a solution to prevent crashes or infinite loops on bad input data (trying to parse a UTF-16 file as UTF-8 is effectively bad data). And also added UTF-16/32 BOM detection and throw for now. Will add UTF-16/32 support as a separate feature ticket for consideration later.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #627

    Obviously crashing is not good. This file is not a CSV file, it is of the type "merged delimiters", where the delimiter is a space. There is an option within Ravel to handle that file. However, even worse , it is UTF-16 encoded, so Ravel will never be able to load such files. You have to convert it using XL or other spreadsheet programs that can handle UTF-16 and convert it to UTF-8. In time, we might add UTF-16 handling (big job, though), but for now, we do need to detect the format, and display...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #626

    error message upon launching

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #626

    Changed the arguments to type double to prevent conversion issues at the JSON layer.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #626

    This issue also affects 3.7.3, and probably earlier releases. I shall get another 3.7 patch release out shortly fixing it.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #626

    On Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 03:53:13AM -0000, TomScat wrote: 1) There is a browser (Firefox) running on the background. 2) Looking at the taskmanager it tells me that there are 8 apps running, 111 windows processes, and 148 Background processes. :-( 3) The console is the cmd window? I get the following feedback: C:\Users\<user> \AppData\Local\Programs\minsky> 05:46:16.179 > Async Rest API: minsky.canvas.renderFrame {parentWindowId:"1444592",offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:162,childWidth:1370.4000244140625,childHeight:545,scalingFactor:1.25}...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #626

    Were you doing something else other that just opening the application? I did that as a "smoke test" before releasing. Also, if possible, could you run it from the command line. Open up the "cmd" app by putting "cmd" in the search box/cortana/bing chat/copilot box - whatever Micorsoft are calling it this week. Then cd to c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\minsky and run "ravel".</username> There should be an exception reported on the console. It would be helpful to have the context around...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #622

    Merge Operator glitch

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #622

    Actually not the locks either. I eventually noticed that GDP_{nom} was reporting a size of 310 whereas all the other locked variables were reporting 920. After a lot debugging to figure out why, and eyeballing the XML in the .rvl file, I discovered that GDP_{nom} has tensor data attached to it. Clearly, you must have imported a CSV file into it, then later changed it to a flow variable and attached it to a lock. This manifested a corner case bug, where the tensor data overrides the metadata (eg sizes...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #622

    I believe it is more a problem with the locks, actually.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #615

    Axes Wrongly Labelled

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder created ticket #625

    Latex2HTML rendered slice labels not rendering properly in Ravel widget.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #623

    You mean like this? Seems to work fine to me.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder created ticket #624

    Add rollback facility to plugin downloader

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1526

    Investigate if 20px offset required for MacOS can be solved by using a different event field

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #324

    On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 06:24:20AM -0000, Steve Keen wrote: I'm only getting Ravel 1.3.0 when I choose Upgrade. Same here. Not sure why the build process hasn't updated it to 3.6.1. Ran out of time today, so I'll look again tomorrow. -- Dr Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile) Principal, High Performance Coders

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #133

    Body limit exceeded

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #133

    Body limit exceeded

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #133

    Niels fixed this one by implementing Javascript side downloading of URLs.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #324

    On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 10:15:10PM -0000, Steve Keen wrote: Let's go for the parameter edit then. Can you bump it up to 10? Done. Version 1.3.1. Click "Upgrade"... -- Dr Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile) Principal, High Performance Coders

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #163

    Exploit html5_canvas.cpp for emscripten supported graphics

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #163

    It's not really worth it. It's not a professionally maintained library, rather more a proof of concept that hasn't seen any updates since 2020 (likely a COVID project). I'd rather just extend the class I use in Ravel.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #324

    On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 09:07:49AM -0000, Steve Keen wrote: Yeah, but now with the improvements we made to axis labelling and such in the last year, six is no longer the maximum. I'd say it's about ten. Can that parameter value be changed in the code? At some point, we could make it a user-option, but in trying to show off Ravel in social media posts, the faded display is more of a hindrance than a help. Of course it is a parameter that can be easily changed to another fixed value. Making it a user...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #324

    On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 07:24:01AM -0000, Steve Keen wrote: OK, but I have to sheepishly say... that I think my idea of a "greyed out" Ravel when there are more than six dimensions was a mistake--or rather a relic of when the angles of the axis labels and the text clashed with each other. This is now an annoyance when I load the BIS debt data for a video, since it come in as seven dimensions. I have to reduce by at least one dimension before what a Ravel looks like is obvious in a recording. Could...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #620

    It's a bit more doable. We do, of course calculate the hypercube size and show an error message when the 64 bit limit is breached. Now that we're reading the whole file in during the metadata specification stage, we can update a display of the hypercube size, and display it in red when it exceeds 2^64.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #6

    Investigate cling as a possible scripting environment (replacing TCL)

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #6

    We've gone with python!

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #324

    Greyed-out image of Ravel on load

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #324

    We doing this via an exemplar type, borrowed from the ravelation website.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #620

    As I mentioned in my email response, I'm not convinced this is such a good idea. I'm inclined to think the solution will have more to do with database backing, where one can extract the slice or rollup desired using the Ravel widget, without having to worry about the 64 bit hypercube limit.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #620

    Any dimension with only one entry should obviously be set to ignore; This happens now - any axis with a single slice will be removed from the hypercube on loading anyway, regardless of whether the user set it to ignore or axis. Those are not the problem.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #621

    Negative which should be positive

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #621

    Actually maybe hyperinflation is the explanation. In Nov 2023, there were 4.21 E 12 marks to the US dollar. In 1924, the Weimar republic introduced a new currency (the RentenMark - translates as Pensioner's mark), which would have rebased the GDP series at that point. So you'll just have to remove the 1924 figure from your series, as it is not meaningful to compare with 1923.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #621

    The change operator is working correctly. The data has a bodgy value for 1923 - 1E13. It's there in the CSV file. A number that huge couldn't be explained by the hyperinflation going on at that time, I don't think, assuming GDP was being denominated in marks.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #619

    The tabs version is still in alpha release. No, I haven't had any further contributions from Niels, and was waiting on that. I did take a quick look at what you were asking for, and it looked like a bit of work, so I didn't pursue it for the current release. I suspect Niels though the same. I'll do a merge of the current 3.6.1 release into the development branch, and release another alpha shortly.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1453

    Weird toolbar rendering every so often

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1454

    Mac toolbar rendering is slightly blurry

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1526

    Investigate if 20px offset required for MacOS can be solved by using a different event field

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1757

    Mac issues

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #1129

    make on Mac requires MAC_OSX_TK=1 flag set

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #618

    Seems to load fine and work on Linux, on latest (3.6.1). Maybe try the new version?

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #80

    Try fold expressions in classdesc::functional

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #80

    Done as much as we can - this only partly worked.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #85

    Provide variadic versions of And and Or

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #616

    You've scaled the legend by a negative value (see Options, Legend font size). Probably can't stop you entering a negative value there, but we could make negative values not allowed when resizing the legend by mouse.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #615

    Thanks for raising this ticket. I actually noticed that whilst watching your presentation on YouTube. Its a casualty of when I swapped how the axes display on 2D sheets to match Ravel's orientation. Not sure what the deal is with the faded axis marker...

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #613

    Actually - there was slightly more to it - rendering the variable attached to the difference operator was also throwing, so I've reorganised the try/catch blocks in VariableBase::draw as well.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #612

    On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 07:45:53AM -0000, Steve Keen wrote: Yes, but what happens if we have two time series then, one with something that fits the ISO standard and one Quarterly? Will they be treated consistently, or will one bugger up the other? They will be treated consistently. At import, you'll need the correct format for each series (blank in the first, %Y-Q%Q in the second). Internally, they are represented by ptime objects, and interpolation means the two series can be mixed and matched....

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #613

    Invisible Wires

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #613

    The error was caused the axis not being specified on the difference operator. I have added try/catch blocks around each individual widget's rendering to make the remaining items rendered properly. I've checked that an error message is posted when pressing "reset"/"recalc". I think that is an adequate solution, and the extra overhead due to try/catch blocks should be minimal.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #612

    AFAICT, quarterly data is just plain non-standard, and has to be handled by a user specified format string, as we do. The only standard form is ISO data format, which we handle in greater generality with the "blank" format string.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder posted a comment on ticket #613

    Wires disappear because an exception is thrown drawing one of the widgets. Wires are drawn after widgets, and groups after that. If an exception occurs, then the remaining drawing is aborted. But just what widget is causing grief here I won't know until I get a chance to run this under a debugger.

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #612

    Plot formatting without date formatting

  • High Performance Coder High Performance Coder modified ticket #611

    Difference operator error

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