Activity for Jay Campey

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #253

    So, I'm noticing the RTC save feature is grayed out for CMD-HD. Is that by design or is this handled some different way than the FD2k/4k series? I did notice that I can switch to a different drive type that has RTC and back again, and the checkbox opens up to be able to select it.

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #253

    With TCPser, it's a good idea to run your init string at the command line level before ever launching the BBS. Also know that ATZ is ignored in TCPser. If you make any AT calls in your BBS that are contrary to the init string, you need to remember to set those back manually. (It also greatly depends on whether or not you're running ACIA or userport)

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    I found it humorous that even the PLAs on the host adapter are branded in that fashion. A few of the dos commands are also altered. SHIP instead of PARK for example. The load screen of the device even, with the author's name and company are the exact letter length. As I would expect if I were to sector edit my name onto it. Hell, I'll even dump the new ROMs for you so you can offer that version as an option for the emulation. I doubt he will give you much trouble at the patent office. LOL

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    Well I've not been this excited about VICE since FD4000 became a thing. That's correct, 7.2 was the last release. 7.3 is the RearAdmiral clone version, and I'm a nosey b@$+ard so I snoop around a bit, and a file comparison shows very little more than hex edit painting. Even the spacing is the same. So make of it what you will.

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    I have the original LTK (serial# 87000003), but I do have the updated ROMs in the original HA and the 7.3 DOS disk. I keep my original ROMs put away just in case I decide to sell this thing to a religious purist. The original seagate took a dump years ago so I got the Rear Admiral internals to replace it but used my original casing. One thing I will be watching for, sometimes on my RA unit I get "User bleed", which is when I have files within 1 USER partition of each other, I can access content between...

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    I originally used the geometry of my existing dual HD system, but then I came across yours that looked real attractive, so I abandoned mine in favor of yours. Not proud of the fact that it took me 45 minutes just to do the math originally. For the multi node, I just ran 4 instances of vice with the same 3 HD images, but different config files, and different cartridge files. I wasn't sure if the chips on the cartridge got written with geometry info, so I just made a separate one for each. In theory,...

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey modified a comment on ticket #242

    Al, I've been able to "trick" DTR into behaving somewhat by running the &D2 command from dsp.modem 8 (on DS2) and +.modem (on Image). And there's no shame in using the cursor right cheat from the 11.1 days. (ats2=27) if using BBS-Server. If you're using TCPser it will no doubt work using ats2=43 and +++ with the &D2&C1 hook. I've learned to live without DTR after all these years. There's just SO MUCH to consider and test, and play with. This is most definately a game changer.

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    Al, I've been able to "trick" DTR into behaving somewhat by running the &D2 command from dsp.modem 8 (on DS2) and +.modem (on Image). And there's no shame in using the cursor right cheat from the 11.1 days. (ats2=27) If you're using TCPser it will no doubt work using ats2=43 and +++ with the &D2&C1 hook. I've learned to live without DTR after all these years.

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    When it starts crawling for me, I just reset VICE and it's fine again, but I can't recreate the set of circumstances. I'm almost done pulling a global off my actual LTK in hopes of cramming it on this. I've already populated 4 different users and 6 LUs each, with different versions of BBS. I have successfully run C-Net DS2 multi-node on it, answers fine and disconnects quickly. I have not tried the swiftlink version of it yet. I am insanely curious to see if I can store content beyond user 13 without...

  • Jay Campey Jay Campey posted a comment on ticket #242

    This coming from the guy who hours ago said he was running too many BBSes. :D