Activity for Hongda Ren

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi Celso, Thank you for the suggestions! Yes, I test those suggestions and work well! Appreciate your help! Thank you! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi Paulo, Thank you for pointing out my errors and sharing more details! I tested your suggestions and the functions work! Appreciate your time and help! Thank you again! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Beginners

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi Celso, Thank you for the suggestions! Yes, I test those suggestions and work well! Thank you! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi Celso, Thank you for the suggestions! Yes, I test those suggestions and work well! Thank you! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi I try to use and Python to run time series simulation with switch actions. I find the switch state does not change, neither does power flow. It looks like swtcontrol doesn't change switch state. Please help see if any issues. Thank you! The attachments are python code and modified IEEE123. dss file. In dss file, I add several swtcontrol to control the switch. New Line.Sw1 phases=3 Bus1=150r Bus2=149 r1=1e-3 r0=1e-3 x1=0.000 x0=0.000 c1=0.000 c0=0.000 Length=0.001 new swtcontrol.Sw1...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi I try to use and Python to run time series simulation with switch actions. I find the switch state does not change, neither does power flow. It looks like swtcontrol doesn't change switch state. Please help see if any issues. Thank you! The attachments are python code and modified IEEE123. dss file. In dss file, I add several swtcontrol to control the switch. New Line.Sw1 phases=3 Bus1=150r Bus2=149 r1=1e-3 r0=1e-3 x1=0.000 x0=0.000 c1=0.000 c0=0.000 Length=0.001 new swtcontrol.Sw1...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi I try to use and Python to run time series simulation with switch actions. I find the switch state does not change, neither does power flow. It looks like swtcontrol doesn't change switch state. Please help see if any issues. Thank you! The attachments are python code and modified IEEE123. dss file. In dss file, I add several swtcontrol to control the switch. New Line.Sw1 phases=3 Bus1=150r Bus2=149 r1=1e-3 r0=1e-3 x1=0.000 x0=0.000 c1=0.000 c0=0.000 Length=0.001 new swtcontrol.Sw1...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you, Mr. Davis Montenegro, for answering my question and sharing those resource ! Best regards, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you for swift reply, Mr. Roger Dugan! Yes, my application is building IEEE 123 node system in OpenDSS as an gym environment for algorithm to train switches operations for restoration purpose. I would like to count loops in system to ensure the taken switches operations do not cause any loops in the system (keep the radial structure). If there is a loop showing, the switch operation will be recalled. Thank you, and look forward to learning more details about the loop functions! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Mr. Roger Dugan, Thank you for pointing out the loop detection function can be fooled by single-phase regulators and a few other devices. Could you please specify "other devices" or where to find the list? I am using Python COM DSSTopology = DSSCircuit.Topology numLoops = DSSTopology.NumLoops LoopPairs = DSSTopology.AllLoopedPairs to get loops in the IEEE 123 feeder, which includes one single-phase regulator. I see numLoops = 2 there if there is no actual loop in feeder. The LoopPairs show "Transformer.reg4c...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Mr. Paulo Radatz, Thank you a lot for the swift reply! The problem has been solved. PVs generate reasonable active powers after add "Wattpriority=yes" in PVsystem. Thank you and have a great day! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Mr. Paulo Radatz, Thank you for sharing that! I would like to set Watt or active power in first priority, so we can ensure fully acitive power. So do you mean I can change the wattpriority to YES in latest version? Or we can limit the max reactive power generation after meauring active power from PVs without Q generation, then determine how much Q to generate from PV inverter. In that way may avoid that over KVA limit. Which way would you recommend to do? Thank you! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Mr. Roger Dugan, Thank you for the response, I guess the reason may come from the defaulted PV inverter settings. When I removed all reactive power generation request, the active power generation P is close to solar irradiation. Yes, I installed Version (64-bit build). If I ask PV inverter to generate reactive power Q, which is large, does the PV inverter will curtail the active power P generation from PV? I believe the default settings may curtail active power to meet reactive power...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I am working on PV simulation with COM interface with Matlab. Do you know how to get old version ? I download latest version on my laptop and run my code, then I find the results does not make sense. I checked the version on the other machine, and run the same code, it gave reasonable results. I runs same Matlab code and dss files in two version. The results make sense in old version Version (64-bit build). I want to find that version installer. The old version similation give all...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I am working on PV simulation with COM interface with Matlab. Do you know how to get old version ? The results make sense in old version Version (64-bit build). I want to find that version installer. The old version !

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Aro, Appreciate your help and test! Once I guess it could be governor to adjust active power output. I think the load drop should result in output reduction of DG. The meseasurement of active power increase out range of its capacity. It seems wierd. By the way, could you please explain the meaning of rotor_convergence? Is it tolerance of solution of differential equations fo dynamic model? Thank you, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Aro, I have one more question about active power output of Diesel Generator. I run csv files and glm model and the transient part looks good. But after transient part, the active power output ramp up and mechanic power keep constant. The only event is that the load 617 changes. Could you help me look at the model? The attachment is DG record. Thank you, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Aro, It works very well, thank you very much! Appreciate your help! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello, I tried to apply desiel_dg in delta mode in 13 bus feeder. But it seems load player for Load 671 does not work in this case. Could you please help me find where is the problem? One more quations related to delta mode. Do the swing bus need a generator connected to it to run delta mode? Thank you! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hello Paulo, Thank you very much for detailed explanation. I try to simulate ZIP load model in OpenDSS with model 8 by seting ZIPV= [0,1,0,0,1,0,0.85]. Is that same model as model 5? Thank you again! Best, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi OpenDSS engineer, I am courious about constant current load modeling in OpenDSS. Is that load current with constant current and current angle, which is contant when voltage and its angle change? Is it possible to connect constant current load by Delta connection? The circulating current may show within the connection. Could you give more details about constant current load model? Thanks, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Mr. Jason Fuller, Thank you for your reply and detailed explanation! I see the connection raises circulating current. Do we have line-to-line voltage and power measurements available through meter? Thank you for the solution! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Jason, By the way, how could we measure line-to-line voltage and power? Thank you, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Jason, Thank you for your reply. The meter is used to measure load 671 active and reactive power. From the exported measurements csv file, you can find the reactive power (484kVar ) is larger than active power(287kW) while the load 671 was set as constant current load and power factor is set as 0.868. That is my confusion about power factor. I need your help to find the reason why reactive power seems abnormal with power factor 0.868. Would the connection of load will affect the power factor measured...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    My GridLAB-D version is GridLAB-D 4.0.0-17448 (Keeler) 64-bit MACOSX RELEASE. Thank you!

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    The attachments contain glm file, 5s interval load profile and recorded restult. Thank you!

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello, I use csv file to play back ZIP load profile. When I test contant current load, I find the reactive power from meter mismaches a lot with power factor I set for the load. The load 671 is monitored and record results as csv file. The glm file, csv player file and result are attached. Please help look at what is the problem. Appreciate your time!

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Yes David. You are right. I add mutiple object lines for different objects and export their properties to MATLAB without any problem. As Frank mentioned, each object needs specific callout. Thank you both! Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank, One thing I would like to add when I use your second solution. If we want to publish multiple objects from GLD to MATLAB, the format for object list I add is as follow. object object1 object object2 ... Instead of "object object1, object2" or "object object1 object2". Thanks, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank, One thing I would like to add when I use your second solution. If we want to publish multiple objects from GLD to MATLAB, the format for object list I add is as follow. object object1 object object2 ... Instead of "object object1, object2" or "object object1 object2". Thanks, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank, Thank you very much for your so detailed explanation and swift reply! The second option is resource saving, because what we want to publish from GLD to MATLAB is much less than all objects. I will try both solutions you suggest. Really appreciate your help! Have a great day! Thanks, Best wishes, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank, Thank you for your swift reply. The good thing is that the sample case runs pretty well. I am trying to figure out the difference between my own case and the sample case. The phenomenon is Matlab is called and icon shows, but it does not reach "on_init" yet before GLD stopped. Look forward to hearing from you! Have a nice day! Thanks, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Technical support engineer, I tried to use MatlabLink in my own case. There is no error showing in GLD console, but Windows system pop up a window saying "gridlabd.exe has stopped working". Have you ever meet such problem? Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Technical support engineer, I tried to use MatlabLink in my own case. There is no error showing in GLD console, but Windows system pop up a window saying "gridlabd.exe has stopped working". Have you ever meet such problem? Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank, Thank you for the reply! I tried the code "workdir ." and place .m files and glm files in the same folder. Then, the case run well! That will be really helpful! Thank you! Thanks, Hongda

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Technical support engineer, I tested the first case call Energy Meter in the following It works well. The difference between two cases is that matlab commands are writen in the link file instead of a function call in the Battery Controller case. The error in previous question is Matlab can not find the called function trough GridLAB-D. I searched historcial questions, but there is no related solution....

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi , I am learning how to use Matlab link to work with GridLAB-D. I download a sample case through the link GridLAB D version GridLAB-D 3.2.0-5368 (Jojoba) 64-bit WINDOWS RELEASE I test the files GridLAB D files: MATLAB_battery_control.glm;; M file: battery_controller.m What I changed: 1. Add “#setenv PATH=D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\bin\win64”...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi , I am learning how to use Matlab link to work with GridLAB-D. I download a sample case through the link GridLAB D version GridLAB-D 3.2.0-5368 (Jojoba) 64-bit WINDOWS RELEASE I test the files GridLAB D files: MATLAB_battery_control.glm;; M file: battery_controller.m What I chage: 1. Add “#setenv PATH=D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\bin\win64”...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thanks Jason, I install latest version v3.2. Sorry about the typo. The OS I use is...

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    The screen shoot is attach. Hope it helps. Thanks

  • Hongda Ren Hongda Ren posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello, There is an error showing when I try to install Gridlabd. The error is "Setup...