
Tree [46d8db] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 ci 2019-01-01 Henri Menke Henri Menke [17d9dc] Continuous integration
 doc 2019-01-08 Henri Menke Henri Menke [d5fb22] Use woff in dvisvgm, disable dvips Travis build
 experiments 2018-04-30 Christian Feuersaenger Christian Feuersaenger [c1e514] Conversion to git: replaced old RCS macros by o...
 scripts 2019-01-05 Christian Feuersaenger Christian Feuersaenger [c610c2] part of the release
 source 2019-01-07 Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow [f2e5d6] - replaced TABs with spaces
 tex 2019-01-18 Henri Menke Henri Menke [46d8db] Protect dashes inside parenthesized nodes in \g...
 .travis.yml 2019-01-08 Henri Menke Henri Menke [d5fb22] Use woff in dvisvgm, disable dvips Travis build
 README 2013-10-31 Till Tantau Till Tantau [1c0fd0] applied patch for bug #277
 README-3.0.0 2013-12-20 Till Tantau Till Tantau [67d9c4] *** empty log message ***

Read Me

pgf -- A Portable Graphic Format for TeX

See the directory doc/generic/pgf for more information. See the file
doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf for a manual. This
documentation also explains the installation.  See the file
doc/generic/pgf/license/LICENSE for license details.

Please go to
to submit bug reports, request new features, etc.