User Activity

  • Created ticket #53 on BBMap

    pileup crashing

  • Created ticket #22999 on SourceForge Support

    changing project name

  • Imported Code on Amplicon_Sequencing_Worfklow
  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on BBMap
  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on BBMap

    I am currently using to determine the coverage of genes in my metagenomes by comparing my read mapping alignment file to the gene predictions of the contigs identified by Prodigal. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the output for the gene_coverage.tmp file, and if there are the same headers as the contig_comverage.tmp files? I am not sure if I should use the avgDepth value or the depthSum for my coverage value when I go to normalize these counts to counts per million (CPM). I am adding...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on BBMap

    I am currently using to determine the coverage of genes in my metagenomes by comparing my read mapping alignment file to the gene predictions of the contigs identified by Prodigal. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the output for the gene_coverage.tmp file, and if there are the same headers as the contig_comverage.tmp files? I am not sure if I should use the avgDepth value or the depthSum for my coverage value when I go to normalize these counts to counts per million (CPM). I am adding...

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2021-12-20 16:58:25.734000


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