Activity for Hrvoje Jasak

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #81

    Help with invalid relocation type 42

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #81

    What operating system are you on? Can you confirm as many of the variables as you can, eg. compiler, linker binutils etc? If I am reading this right, your bison isn't working either, meaning that there is something fundamentally broken with your installation. For the record, I am on Ubuntu-20.04 and 22.04 and stuff works. There were some problems with gcc-12, but it seems the compiler is broken.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #1

    New environment variables for locating the system-installed version of the Metis, ParMetis and Scotch packages.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #78

    Hi, The code fails in the thermo package because h boundary condition on the immersed boundary patch is set to a default patch field type (immersed boundary) that should not be used. There are options on how to fix this, ie either specify the h field or change the hBoundaryTypes to support immersed boundary. This is broken in the entire OpenFOAM, for all coupled implicit or special boundary types which are not spefically listed in functions such as hBoundaryTypes or heBoundaryTypes. A good virtual...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #74

    Problem with large parallel run: increasing memory usage with increasing number of nodes

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #74

    Hi Guys, Sergey, thank you - excellent work. I have applied the patch on my machine: how can I test that everything is correct? Is it safe to push this into nextRelease and run with it fur a while? Hrv

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #68

    This is bizarre. I am on gcc-9.3.0 and there isn't a problem. I think it will be because of unsigned ints. I don't want to change a compiler, and this is not related to c++-17 (I tried). What you can do is to take this constructor from label - there are 2: //- Construct from a list of labels // using the labels as indices to indicate which bits are set explicit inline PackedBoolList(const UList<label>& indices); //- Construct from a list of labels // using the labels as indices to indicate which...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #68

    Hi, You can switch the flag in linux64Gcc/c++ (or equivalent) in foam-extend-5.0/wmake/rules I have now compiled everything using c++-17 and there was only one fix in NamedEnum. The rest compiles fine. If you wish to use this, please check out the nextRelease branch, as follows: git clone -b nextRelease <blah blah=""> foam-extend-5.0</blah> and compile. Most porting changes are in the nextRelease branch, as we are due for foam-extend-5.0 anyway. Hope this helps, Hrvoje

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #65

    Hi, The relaxation statement of p (or indeed pd) has been removed in nextRelease as it does nothing. Regarding the other change: rho == alpha1rho1 + (scalar(1) - alpha1)rho2; This is actually wrong: you need to call a boundary condition update. If this gives you problems with rho, it may be something else. I can have a look if you can share a case.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #68

    Hi, I think I fixed all of this, around 15/Sep. I assume you are using the master branch. Can you please re-pull and check. I am no Ubuntu-20.04 gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) and it compiles without errors. Please let me know, Hrv

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #316

    Hi, I think this is now all fixed in the nextRelease branch. Since I cannot change the bc-s programmatically, they should be included in the initial field of the rothalpy at time zero. Can you check if it works now? I am happy to chare the tutorial, Hrv

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified a comment on ticket #64

    I agree. I was debugging David Hora and not foam-extend. The net cost on my side is GBP 200 for no gain.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #64

    I agree. I was debugging David Hora and not foam-extend. The net coat on my side is GBP 200 for no gain.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #64

    Convergence issues with potentialFoam

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #64

    Broken mesh, bad settings, inexpert user. checkMesh: Number of edges not aligned with or perpendicular to non-empty directions: 24545 Pic shows broken cells. THE SOLVER IS FINE. You will notice that the solver produces a z-direction velocity (how did you miss that?). Please stop wasting my time; you need a support contract and not a bug tracker.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #63

    Bugs in wall distance caluclation

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #54

    faMatrix: Calculation of the residual possibly affects the source

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #54

    Correct, and corrected. The one in fvMatrix has already been corrected some time ago. Thank you!

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #51

    Assessing the difficulty of porting block solvers to recent OpenFOAM

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #51

    you are probably looking at Copyright violation as the biggest problem. Beware what you sign

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #51

    Not a bug.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #50

    I am not sure I understand. If the relative velocity of the wall is not fixed to zero, you will have a flux (= flow) going through the wall. This is very probably wrong. I think the problem is in your understanding of the way the code works. Apologies, cannot help.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #49

    This is not necessarily a problem - you can try to implement this yourself. There are 2 issues: 1) from the coupled solver you need to determine which are the scalar and which are vector/tensor components. The scalars get transferred without modification, while vectors/tensors need transformation matrix applied to the opposite side 2) You now have a choice: either perform the transformation first and then do the multiplication OR include the transformation tensor directly on the coefficient of vector/tensor...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #49

    Correct. This is a development item, as a medium-sized refactoring job is required. Can you provide funding?

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #8

    Add parameters to the "-dumpControlSwitches" command-line option

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #7

    Adjustments to the definition of 2 global Info switches

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #4

    tutorials fix: add missing potentialFlow subdict in many tutorials' fvSolution file

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #47

    Hello All, I am getitng a bit bored with the turbomachinery interfaces tutorials failing. The code is fine, but tutorials are trivial and people expect real results. Recently, we did a full validation study for all types of interfaces using contra-rotating propellers: This has full props, transient, frozen rotor, cyclics, partial overlap, single channel and mixing plane. Shall we find a way to use this as a validation suite for...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on merge request #5

    I can't do it there because on topological change or load balancing it deletes my meshObjects and I cannot have that happen. It definitely needs to be cleared in the destructor only, but I am not sure where. Under investigation...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #6

    Bugfix for OBJ file reader. Accessing content of a string at index -1

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #3

    Test harness: path adjustments for version 5.0

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #34

    I am sorry - would you kindly explain precisely what you meant by your comment.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #35

    Cannot reproduce - see #34 Are you sure you know what you are doing? git log commit f2c557318fe73d31f2784b614998e85e0fd79761 Author: Hrvoje Jasak Date: Wed Apr 8 18:23:43 2020 +0100 git branch * master pwd foam-extend-4.1/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike Starting time loop Time = 1 smoothSolver: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.04761956263, No Iterations 4 smoothSolver: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #34

    Cannot reproduce: solvers { p { solver GAMG; tolerance 1e-7; relTol 0.1; smoother GaussSeidel; nPreSweeps 0; nPostSweeps 2; cacheAgglomeration on; agglomerator faceAreaPair; nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10; mergeLevels 1; } mpirun -np 6 simpleFoam -parallel | tee log Starting time loop Time = 1 smoothSolver: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.009031187173, Final residual = 0.0008850137443, No Iterations 3 smoothSolver: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.1494645189, Final residual = 0.01126218264, No...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #40

    Probably not a bug. decomposePar / reconstructPar works by creating pointToProc, faceToProc, cellToProc lists oin decomposition and then running them backwards when I need to reconstruct the data. If you have a topo change in parallel, such lists are meaningless because there are new cells that did not exist when I decomposed the mesh in the first place. To get around this, I have a new tool: reconstructParMesh This one does not rely on decomposition lists but starts "from nothing" and builds reconstructed...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #38

    Can you provide a bug fix?

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #18

    Cannot reproduce. First, etc/controlDict is no longer read: this was eliminated by Martin Beaudoin a while back. If you wish to change it on a per-case basis, edit system/controlDict in your case and add eg: InfoSwitches { allowSystemOperations 1; } I am working with the cavity tutorial and as I change it, it allows/disallows the dynamic code: sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE). SetNaN : Initialising allocated memory to NaN (FOAM_SETNAN). allowSystemOperations : Allowing...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #18

    dynamicCode functionality

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #18

    Cannot reproduce. First, etc/controlDict is no longer read: this was eliminated by Martin Beaudoin a while back. If you wish to change it on a per-case basis, edit system/controlDict in your case and add eg: InfoSwitches { allowSystemOperations 1; } I am working with the cavity tutorial and as I change it, it allows/disallows the dynamic code: sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE). SetNaN : Initialising allocated memory to NaN (FOAM_SETNAN). allowSystemOperations : Allowing...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #34

    [foam-extend-4.1]: parallel cases crash when GAMG is selected for pEqn

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #34

    commit 196399ef6ac61aeff40f752daf53b83d59191171

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #35

    [foam-extend 4.1] MPI bug with GAMG solver for pressure (simpleFoam, but may be others)

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #35

    commit 196399ef6ac61aeff40f752daf53b83d59191171

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #34

    [foam-extend-4.1]: parallel cases crash when GAMG is selected for pEqn

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #34

    Reproduced and fixed. Non-blocking comms require a barrier

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #1

    Two bugfixes determined during package building

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #33

    SIGSEGV with mutliple immersed boundary patches

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #33

    Hi, I have re-enabled support for multiple IB patches. Apologies, Inno has done this a while back, but in the heat of debugging I have removed it in error. Please try the latest master branch to test it. I have also included your case as a tutorial example of multiple interacting IB-s. Truth be said, I was not sure if this would work, but it does! Many thanks for the contribution. Adding an option to createPatch to keep empty patches is fine by me - would you like to do the coding, since it is trivial?...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak modified ticket #32

    Possible bug cyclicGgi

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #32

    Not a bug. Your problem is the mixing plane, not cyclic GGI. If you replace the mixing plane with overlapGgi, the case runs fine without any conservation issues. With a mixing plane, the non-orthogonality correction across the mixing plane interface is not treated, for stability reasons. In your case, you have a full tet mesh for both channels and the non-orthogonality is extreme. The case was decently set up - you got both the cyclic GGIs and mixing plane right. I assume this is a strip-down of...

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on ticket #32

    Based on your bug report, I have nothing I can look at, nor can I reproduce the error to check. You did not upload the geometry, log files, mass flow check (what is your continuity error?). I run this every day and "it works for me". Can you provide further info?

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #113

    Suppress Gcc-8 warnings

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #111

    fixed wrong usuage of `find` in `etc/`

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #119

    Bugfix for the testHarness runFunctions

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #118

    Update the compilation of the nextRelease branch under macOS

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #121

    Reverting to old (correct) consistency faceU calculation

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #117

    Better overset assembly controls in validation suite case

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #116

    Consistent velocity reconstruction with moving meshes

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #115

    Additional overset fringe strategy based on cutting patches

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #112

    Updates to fvcReconstruct and Overset include files

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #114

    DLB and AMR fixes and additional developments

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #107

    BUGFIX: View factor smoothing now takes into account reciprocity condition

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #104

    BUGFIX: call to completeAssembly in wrong place

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #106

    STYLE: More meaningful error message when call to setFluxRequired is needed

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #102

    critical bug in getRefCellValue function

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #108

    64-bit label bugfix for refinement utility of dynamicMesh

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on merge request #108

    Thank you. The reason for previous delays was a hardware failure on the merge/test server. SHould be replaced by the end of the week.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #108

    64-bit label bugfix for refinement utility of dynamicMesh

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #101

    Small update to solutionControl's interface

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #100

    Bugfixes and improvements in DLB and AMR

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #99

    gcc8 compliance improvments

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on merge request #102

    Why so many changes - all that is needed is the label fix in the last function? There is no problem setting a ref cell next to special patches. Can you comment?

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #94

    BUGFIX: Compile WM_LABEL_SIZE=64

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on merge request #94

    Merged elsewhere

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #75

    Bugfix and improvement in interpolateXY function that returns a field

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #89

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on merge request #89

    Included elsewhere

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #93

    Wrong dimensions on creation of zero geometric field

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #88

    Incorrect base class method override in sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacementPointPatchVectorField

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #87

    Incorrect base class method override in sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacementPointPatchVectorField

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #96

    Cummulated fixes Henrik Rusche

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #90

    Parallel bugfix and improvement in multi-region overset

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak posted a comment on merge request #90

    Please check - it is to do with the mean in the suitability criterion. Get back to me.

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #95

    Improvement in protectedInitialRefinement

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #97

    GCC8 compatibility improvments

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #98

    BUGFIX: Compile WM_LABEL_SIZE=64 (final)

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #86

    Cumulative development and fixes

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #74

    Bugfix related to variable time step on deforming meshes using backward scheme

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #79

    Another simple but useful overlap assembly strategy for overset

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #78

    BUGFIX: Fixed missing dependency in Windows compilation

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak merged merge request #84

    Added mapping methods to point patch vector fields that have type pointField 'p0_' member

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak merged merge request #80

    Added mapping methods to point patch vector fields that have type pointField 'p0_' member

  • Hrvoje Jasak Hrvoje Jasak updated merge request #76

    PLB with particles + accumulated bugfixes/backports

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