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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1108 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    No, it doesn't. But the values have changed: 2024-03-01 22:59:36.8078 2168 xdpi ReadWrite, Range 50-600 @ 300 + 1; [] 2024-03-01 22:59:36.8078 2168 ydpi ReadWrite, Range 50-600 @ 300 + 1; [] 2024-03-01 22:59:36.8589 2168 Value does not fall within the expected range. System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at void NAPS2.Wia.Native.IWiaPropertyStorage.WriteMultiple(uint cpspec, PROPSPEC[] rgpspec, PROPVARIANT[] rgpropvar, uint propidNameFirst) at uint NAPS2.Wia.Native.NativeWiaMethods.StartTransfer1(IntPtr...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1108 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    Hi Ben, sure thing. Please find the files attached. I tried twice and switched to English in between. Thank you! Henrik On 01.03.2024 22:18, Ben Olden-Cooligan wrote: Hi, can you try the attached test version and follow these instructions: - Download, extract, and run the test version - In the "About" window, check "Enable debug logging" - Scan and reproduce the error - In the extracted folder, in the "Data" folder, find the "debuglog.txt" file and attach it to this ticket Attachments:

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1108 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    Hi Ben, sure thing. Please find the files attached. I tried twice and switched to English in between. Thank you! Henrik

  • Created ticket #1108 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    Exception "Value does not fall within the expected range" with Canon 4400F on Windows 10

  • Posted a comment on ticket #538 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    I have this issue with on Windows 10 with a Canon 4400F. Funny enough, 5.8.2 does work with that scanner.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #802 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    With WIA 2.0 I get the following errors: NAPS2.Scan.Exceptions.ScanDriverUnknownException: Ein Fehler ist mit dem Scanner-Treiber aufgetreten. ---> NAPS2.Scan.Wia.Native.WiaException: WIA error code 80070057 bei NAPS2.Scan.Wia.Native.WiaTransfer.Download() bei NAPS2.Scan.Wia.WiaScanOperation.DoTransfer(Concrete source, WiaDevice device, WiaItem item) bei NAPS2.Scan.Wia.WiaScanOperation.Scan(Concrete source) bei NAPS2.Scan.Wia.WiaScanOperation.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<start>b__0() --- Ende der internen...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #802 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    Should have mentioned: Windows 10, current, 64bit. 300 dpi attempted.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #802 on NAPS2 - Not Another PDF Scanner

    Should have mentioned: Windows 10, current, 64bit.

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2005-09-21 19:22:02


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