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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on p7zip

    Good afternoon Mr. Pavlov, please do not find the corresponding CLSID to unzip a self-extracting .exe file. Allow me to explain further. I want to open certain .exe files to look at what's inside them. There is no reference to the Guid.txt file, but 7zip can open .exe files. How do I do this programmatically? Thank you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SimpleXlsxWriter

    Hello, is it possible for me to include an image in a spreadsheet? Which class should I use? Regards, Henrique Aschenbrenner

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SimpleXlsxWriter

    Thank you master! A folder was missing to include in the project. But here's the hint for the folks who use CygWin, for Debug mode compilation, the "sys/syscall.h" file is missing, which I could not solve. But I created a linux virtual machine and compiled it remotely. Then everything became clearer. Be sure to include the <cstring> in the PathManager.cpp file. Thank you, and may the force be with you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SimpleXlsxWriter

    OK, let's go. I am using the 'Simple.cpp' that was placed in the Samples folder. I created the project in NetBeans. the compiler command is: g++ -D_UNICODE -c -O2 -ISource/Xlsx -ISource/XLSXColors -ISource/Zip -std=c++11 -MMD -MP -MF "build/Release/Cygwin64-Windows/main.o.d" -o build/Release/Cygwin64-Windows/main.o main.cpp The commando command: g++ -D_UNICODE -o dist/Release/Cygwin64-Windows/simplexlsx build/Release/Cygwin64-Windows/main.o and the output of the results of the whole task: build/Release/Cygwin64-Windows/main.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN10SimpleXlsx10CWorksheet7AddCellEPKcm[_ZN10SimpleXlsx10CWorksheet7AddCellEPKcm]+0x29):...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SimpleXlsxWriter

    Hi, I'm having trouble compiling on windows 10. I have a 64bit system, NetBeans IDE 8.2 x86_64 and CygWin64 installed with all -DEV libraries. But I'm having compiler responses that there are undefined references. I've done everything. Can anyone give me a light? With the makefile of Eduardo Zacarias B. I was able to compile in Debian 9.2.1 32bit successfully. I would also like to know if SimpleXlsx is able to create a table with more than 200,000 rows by 32 columns. Thank you, and may the force...

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2017-11-29 09:22:23


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