Activity for Haroen

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is it possible to use the GCBsoftware (SynWrite 6.22.2290) to hexflash without automatic saving to disk? Normally I program by having a leading file with code and test all sorts of situation codes before I save again. After some time I backup that file and move on with more changes. Often I retrieve the previous backups to investigate the trials and errors. So therefore I checked the PullDown menu, Options, Customize and couldn't find such setting.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is the criteria of HDD versus SSD with only 3000 write cycles. In the past I've changed my original HDD to a SSD and april 2022 had to replace the SSD for failing most likely of exeeding the “Wear Level". From then on I keep track and minimizing software writes to SSD drive for longer life span. So, with every GCB Flash test to the chip I will degrade my SSD and with a Hex even further for making an extra hex-file too. With softwares like GC-Code and AutoVer that will expand the problem by...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    SDD drives spread the data around so it doesn't rewrite the same drive memory I think I think so but does that apply to editting the same (GCBfile) over and over again too? A RAM drive? They still exist and are very clever. Write to the RAM drive then move the final file to SDD. Great idea for a very fast separate drive and problem can be solved if GCBsoftware could have the option to only do (Hex)FlashSave to RAM drive and keep the CodeSave to SSD with the existing Save icon. Then even a cheaper...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Angel Mier Good to know, thanks for the reasurance of the SSD drive criteria. But in the end there still remains the "problem" we all have, and try to correct by alternative methods, of not wanting to save to disk by flashing a chip. No more exidental overwrites. 'workingdir = "tempdir" So, if you set your system temp directory to an external USB drive - all temp file ( including the OS temp files) will be written to the USB drive. You would have to change the System Environment Variables tmp and...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If the GCB-editor can't write to a different directory/drive for the Compiler to flash the gcb supported external chip than indeed Timeline, AutoVer and SynWrite are the only solutions.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Indeed, after every HexFlash 5 files will be created instead of what I thought just one *.gcb file. To avoid saving every hexflash as seperate files for every trial with Timeline, AutoVer and SynWrite I've decided to manually copy a backup file every time I think some part of code should be saved. Not a problem yet because now I'm just learning examples in my spare time. Thanks for the help everyone.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I use the Windows-Explorer method of selecting the file and holding the Right Mouse button and drag the file(with the cursor) to an empty spot in the same folder thus creating copies from Haroen.txt like: Haroen - kopie.txt Haroen - kopie (2).txt Haroen - kopie (3).txt

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thinking out loud... As a GCbasic wannabe I want to know what kind of assumptions I should take I started with an Arduino Nano for PWM without having capabilities info Knowing the EDM freq range 4-5KHz resolution 0.001 There is a list of GCB supported chips *GCB has a glcd.h file for displays in which various displays are bundled together and a specific type can be called by #define. Idea: There may also be a (H)PWM.h file that provides a frequency resolution based on the chosen chip and the desired...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Angel, I will set GCbasic/Legacy now as my default UI. It's just my favorite!

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does this mean that on a pic18F... a higher resolution for frequency could be possible?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have tested the pwm signal that works with Frequency 1-255KHz and Duty 0-100% all Step=1. Is it possible to get a higher Frequency resolution of Step=0,1 or 0,25 with ReadAD10 range 0-1023?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anobium is correct, should add a "p" at the end. I have not yet tested if the pwm signal works with POTmeters for Freq and Duty. While searching the answer I found out that GCbasic can run in legacy mode that I like, but does it contains all upgrades as a full GCbasic?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The program is here. C:\GCstudio\gcbasic\use.ini

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Anobium, "safe mode" never seen it before! @ kent_twt4, "device for AVRDude as -p m328p" where do I put this in the jpg?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Installed in C:\GCSTUDIO and now the FlashLED program programs and runs. But the PWM program does not: Downloading program ...Arduino Nano/ProMini 328p@57600 Calling : C:\GCstudio\GCBASIC..\avrdude\avrdude.exe Parameters : -c Arduino -u -b 57600 -P COM7 -p ATMEGA328 -U flash:w:"D:_HR_GCB\HPWM from help.hex":i avrdude.exe: "safemode" feature no longer supported avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Took me a while but I found the problem(s): 1)First uninstall the old GCstudio before installing the new one. 2)GCstudio is on another pc where I had an ArduinoNano USB-C type that has an old bootloader and 2 extra resistors on the board. I now have ArduinoNano328p selected in GCstudio but what should I select for the OLD bootloader? 3)Programming a ArduinoNano µUSB-type that works well on SynWrite but gives errors with GCstudio PWMcode: Downloading program ...Arduino Nano/ProMini 328p@57600 Calling...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Same error problem in newest GCstudio. Will it be easier to program PWM just to switch to a PIC chip instead?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Same error problem in newest GCstudio.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So the PWM code will only work in the newest GCstudio? I will test the code in the new version...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In SynWrite GCBforum02 purged.gcb GCBforum02 purged.asm In GCstudio HPWM from help.gcb HPWM from help.asm

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In SynWrite GCBforum02 purged.gcb GCBforum02 purged.asm In GCstudio

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In SynWrite GCBforum02 purged.gcb GCBforum02 purged.asm In GCstudio

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In SynWrite GCBforum02 purged.gcb GCBforum02 purged.asm In GCstudio

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I can't find if this assumption of mine is true: PortD.5 Out 'OC0B, UNO pin 5 => HPWM 2 PortB.1 Out 'OC1A, UNO pin 9 => HPWM 3 PortB.2 Out 'OC1B, UNO pin 10 => HPWM 4 PortD.3 Out 'OC2B, UNO pin 3 => HPWM 7 Then I've purged the code for just 1 PWMpin to... #define AVRTC0 'Timer0 #define AVRCHAN2 dir PortD.5 Out 'OC0B, UNO pin 5 do '63khz works good with 16MHz '32khz with 8MHz intosc '4KHz with 8MHz intosc and ckDiv8 fuse freq = 4 duty = 50 HPWM 2,freq,Duty loop I've set the correct COMport, but get...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I want to try the method of edm based on this video Frequency indication is mentioned at 3.00 minutes.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the replies, I have read the help. A working example on youtube was in the range 4,865KHz and 5KHz where tuning the freq and duty is needed for different materials to EDM. So more resolution is needed to tweek the freq, but no sub 1khz values is required. How to manually set the registers?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I downloaded and installed the new version of GCstudio and browsed through the help commands and couldn't find any PWM command. I found 4 demo's with 1 "Mega328pb_fixedmode_pwm.gcb" that has Freq, Duty settings: #chip MEGA328PB, 20 #option Explicit #Define PWMSIGNAL portD.5 'Set direction of PWMSIGNAL Dir PWMSIGNAL out 'define PWM_Freq in kHz and define PWM_Duty in % #define PWM_Freq 38 #define PWM_Duty 50 do PWMOn wait 5 s PWMOff wait 1 s loop Will this mega328pb code work for a mega328p chip? And...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If my code is way off then please just disgard it. It was just an indication of what I thought.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I use a 328p Nano. This code is what I have so far but have not checked functionality yet. Please correct my code for proper working. I will then check the code for correct adjustable frequency and duty on my oscilloscope. What range of frequency will I be able to set? ; ----- Configuration #chip mega328p, 16 '#option explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings dir PortB.5 out ' Define constants #define POT_FREQ_PIN A0 ' Analog pin connected to the frequency potentiometer #define POT_DUTY_PIN A1 '...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I use a 328p Nano. This code is what I have so far but have not checked functionality yet. Please correct my code for proper working. I will then check the code for correct adjustable frequency and duty on my oscilloscope. What range of frequency will I be able to set? ; ----- Configuration #chip mega328p, 16 '#option explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings dir PortB.5 out ' Define constants #define POT_FREQ_PIN A0 ' Analog pin connected to the frequency potentiometer #define POT_DUTY_PIN A1 '...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I use a 328p Nano. This code is what I have so far but have not checked functionality yet. Please correct my code for proper working. I will then check the code for correct adjustable frequency and duty on my oscilloscope. What range of frequency will I be able to set? ; ----- Configuration #chip mega328p, 16 '#option explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings dir PortB.5 out ' Define constants #define POT_FREQ_PIN A0 ' Analog pin connected to the frequency potentiometer #define POT_DUTY_PIN A1 '...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found these PWM demo's for the mega328p: interrupt_driving_led_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb led_interrupt_driven_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb I couldn't understand the PWM demo's enough to implement it in my EDM (Electrical Discharge Machine) test setup. Circuit is just a PWM, with adjustable frequency and adjustable duty, to a mosfet that will spark for tiny metal removing. I want to make something like this as a procedure: (H)PWM pin, freq, duty -Freq and Duty will be set by a POTmeter -The period (length of...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found these PWM demo's for the mega328p: interrupt_driving_led_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb led_interrupt_driven_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb I couldn't understand the PWM demo's enough to implement it in my EDM (Electrical Discharge Machine) test setup. Circuit is just a PWM, with adjustable frequency and adjustable duty, to a mosfet that will spark for tiny metal removing. I want to make something like this as a procedure: (H)PWM pin, freq, duty -Freq and Duty will be set py a POTmeter -The period (length of...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found these PWM demo's for the mega328p: interrupt_driving_led_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb led_interrupt_driven_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb I couldn't understand the PWM demo's enough to implement it in my EDM (Electrical Discharge Machine) test setup. Circuit is just a PWM, with adjustable frequency and adjustable duty, to a mosfet that will spark for tiny metal removing. I want to make something like this as a procedure: (H)PWM pin, freq, duty The period (length of 1 on/off cycle) is here not relevant. Is...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found these PWM demo's for the mega328p: interrupt_driving_led_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb led_interrupt_driven_via_pwm_mega328p.gcb I couldn't understand the PWM demo's enough to implement it in my EDM (Electrical Discharge Machine) test setup. Circuit is just a PWM, with adjustable frequency and adjustable duty, to a mosfet that will spark for tiny metal removing. I want to make something like this as a procedure: (H)PWM pin, freq, duty Is this possible in GCB?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    1) I will try some more demo's to figure it out. 2) Found it and works wel, thanks.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Anobium, 1) I use a ArduinoNano now for testing, but if I would swap later to another type of chip I will have to check this in the datasheet if pwm is mentioned on a specific pin? 2) Where to find this setting for Synwrite with the GCB options does not close the window? 3) According to the ASCII table we made is it chr(248), unless I made a mistake somewhere. But I found that the location on the display was overwritten by the temperature value. Now the degree sign is visible.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I was playing around with GCB again to see if I could do a project for PWMout with variable frequency and variable duty. I encountered 3 problems using (yes I know, I just love it) GCBASIC IDE GCB@SYN version. Didn't know if it should be seperate topics. 1) Is there a GCB command like PICAXE for PWMout(Frequency, Duty) I found this demo but thought it could be usefull to have a PWM.h file for it if not available. 2) If I HexFlash a chip then the G+Stool(FrankSteinberg) disappears quick before...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the past I used these 28pins and 40pins chips with PBP but not the 20pins 18F14K50 because of the smaller package I was interested for testing purposes like simple data loggers to USB.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I browsed the forum on this topic but still... Is there a working GCB code example available for the 18F14K50 chip with USB support? What is the bare-minimum circuit for this to work?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks everyone for implementing. Now motivated to develop a long enough program for bootloaders to test this fail-safe!

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I can't find the "Build" version in the GCstudio Help>>About window. (see jpg)

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hai, I've tested the MPU6060 i2c gyro sensor with the demo code "MPU6050_6_Axis_sensor.gcb" to the pc terminal readings and works great. When I wanted the values on a i2c SSD1306 display... it didn't work. I noticed the code line #define USART_TX_BLOCKING while the SSD1306 is using the TX I think. Is that the problem and how to solve it?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is this time to make these change to the compiler yourself ? It is easy. The source for the compiler is now installed with your installation. There is an option on GCStudio to edit & compile these sources. And, you can try these ideas in the future. I took a look under-the-GC_hood on the great programming skills of the community! My system.h file, even after updating, didn't contain any "#Define Optiboot = 1024". How can I update my GCstudio for those changes? (See jpg) I still have to edit some...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I guess that I missed one "TINYBOOTLOADER"... And these two I'll try to add... #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG LGT8F328P #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG TBL

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just a thought... Could the command #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG 1024 be something like below instead #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG OptiBoot #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG OptiBootUSB #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG ArduinoNano #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG ArduinoMega2560 #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG LGT8F328P #OPTION RESERVEHIGHPROG TBL+ Then there is no need for a AVRInfo tool and the last parameter determines how much boatloader memory is hardcoded and how much is free. An extra tool for just 6 supported bootloader chips... *And...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The only ones with bootloader I know and have, are Arduino Nano, Uno, Mega2560 and the Chinese one LGT8F328P. There are a lot others like the ESP32 serie but not GCB relevant/supported. Which GCB supported chips are also (frequently) used with a bootloader? OptiBoot as Arduino bootloader replacer is an idea to free up more space for progmem: Allows larger sketches. Optiboot is only 512 bytes, freeing 1.5k of extra code space compared to older bootloaders.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So when we would reach the end of the progmem it would repeatedly overwrite the bootloader ending in more bootloader losses of AVR bootloaders SIP's? Good to know that there is now a fail-save build in GCBASIC compiler not to exceed the available progmem space. I tried many demo codes but not sure if I exceeded progmem. Two questions on the "Two changes" if I may... 1) When does the latest build of GCBASIC compiler checks the program not to exceed the available progmem? The compiler now issues a...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hai Stan, on my Windows7 the nano boards both pup-up on COM8 for the past month and worked great until one didn't. I will try again some time later but for now I use the replacement Nano. I was playing around with code for a gyro sensor and a pressor+temp+humidity sensor when the Arduino Nano died or a coma :-( (The sensors is for another topic.)

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have found several video's on internet on how to do it but it did not work. I have tried Atmel Studio 7 that now just wouldn't recognize my Atmel-ICE. I soldered some headers on another spare Arduino Nano as replacement for now. Thank for the help.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    1) Did you mean PK2 is PICKit2 for programming Atmel chip? 2) Optiboot upgrade is good compatible with GCB? 3) Pulling the bootloader out of the chip with a Atmel ICE programmer? 4) Programming the bootloader with a Atmel ICE programmer possible?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    1) Did you mean PK2 is PICKit2 for programming Atmel chip? 2) Optiboot upgrade is good compatible with GCB? 3) Pulling the bootloader out of the chip with a Atmel ICE programmer? 4) Programming the bootloader with a Atmel ICE programmer possible?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the quick reply. I checked the windows port settings both are on COM8 for the two Nano boards. Is there a bootloader programmer option in GCB or hex file available?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I was programming some demo codes and suddenly GCB download window gives errors with my Arduino Nano shown in the jpg. The board does give a Windows USB connection sound when plugged in. When I try it on another Arduino Nano board it just works fine. Does this mean the board has reached it's end of life programming cycle? Or is the Arduino Firmware corrupted?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Good to know the difference in chip selection what is and is not supported. Thanks.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was testing with an Arduino Uno, Nano (16MHz max) and LGT8F328P (32MHz max) boards checking performances altogether. (At some times even forgot to switch back, compiling with too high frequency without the compiler giving an error on that?) Summary, I hopefully explained how Hugh designed and implemented mega328p support based upon a set of assumptions. I have given you insights into how to low the frequency. These essential explanations of you all show how important the first code line "#chip...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried the TOF10120 laser distance code again and changed it from 16MHz to "#chip mega328p,32". With 32MHz I get terminal messages like: <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>æø~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜à˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜x˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜ †˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜x†˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜ f˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæx<0>˜žfžæ€˜ instead of 16MHz messages like: <0><0><0>à<0><0>à<0>²Êjµ5Distance= 1930 mm Distance= 1930 mm Distance= 1942 mm Distance=...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried the TOF10120 laser distance code again and changed it from 16MHz to "#chip mega328p,32". With 32MHz I get terminal messages like: <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>æø~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜à˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜x˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜ †˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜x†˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæ˜à˜ø˜ f˜žfžæ€˜€`fž ~†ž fxæx<0>˜žfžæ€˜ instead of 16MHz messages like: <0><0><0>à<0><0>à<0>²Êjµ5Distance= 1930 mm Distance= 1930 mm Distance= 1942 mm Distance=...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found this post with an example but don't understand it. In PICAXE there is a function Setfreq to easily change the µP frequency. I have this at the program start: "#chip mega328p,32" And want to change it temporarily in code to 16MHz. Is there a short way to make a procedure called "SetFreq ...MHz" to change the µP frequency?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    USB is 5V for the whole board except the VoltageRegulator 1117-5.0 for 2,5-18Vin and 5Vout, and The HT42B has a 3,3Vout

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I use the Windows-Explorer method of selecting the file and holding the Right Mouse button and drag the file(with the cursor) to an empty spot in the same folder thus creating copies from Haroen.txt like: Haroen - kopie.txt Haroen - kopie (2).txt Haroen - kopie (3).txt

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Stan Thanks for the oscilloscope code, I will certainly try it. Have to find the correct ili9341 first. By the way, I've read that the ltg328 is 1,8-5,5V device!? No logic level converters needed except when dealing with other voltage displays.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Used GCstudio only on a Windows10 pc. My Windows7 laptop has GCB. I will buy an ili9341 with touch and 5V logic levels to try oscilloscope and ASCII code. But some forum reading first as it has arrived that I will post on a new Topic. I would test your code for chars but lost the thread. Same topic just previous post pages: 1) BASELINE USAGE 2) OLED FONTS USAGE - BASIC USE 3) OLED FONTS USAGE - EXTENDED CHARACTERS 4) OLED FONTS USAGE - NO OLEDFONT2 5) BASELINE FONTS USAGE - EXTENDED CHARACTERS 6)...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the confirmation on Win7. So I tried to run the Flash Led ltg328 demo file on a Win10 pc with GCstudio and noticed that the demo files where missing and that the EditProgrammerPreferences option just opened a tab with code? Half hour later after rebooting GCstudio the EditProgrammerPreferences worked and could select the propper com channel. After programming the oscilloscope worked with a low amplitude? With Several code example files from Arduino nano just changing the first #chip line...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the confirmation on Win7. So I tried to run the Flash Led ltg328 demo file on a Win10 pc with GCstudio and noticed that the demo files where missing and that the EditProgrammerPreferences option just opened a tab with code? Half hour later after rebooting GCstudio the EditProgrammerPreferences worked and could select the propper com channel. After programming the oscilloscope worked with a low amplitude? Several code files from Arduino nano just changing the first #chip line made the response...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will try to fill in my SSD1306 ASCII info on github.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Indeed, after every HexFlash 5 files will be created instead of what I thought just one *.gcb file. To avoid saving every hexflash as seperate files for every trial with Timeline, AutoVer and SynWrite I've decided to manually copy a backup file every time I think some part of code should be saved. Not a problem yet because now I'm just learning examples in my spare time. Thanks for the help everyone.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Indeed, after every HexFlash 5 files will be created instead of what I thought just one *.gcb file. To avoid saving every hexflash as seperate files for every trial with Timeline, AutoVer and SynWrite I've decided to manually copy a backup file every time I think some part of code should be saved. Not a problem yet because now I'm just learning examples in my spare time.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That's it Stan, it installed on someone's Windows10 pc but on another pc with Windows 7 like mine the OS can't find the (online) drivers. When I use programmer preferences it doesn't find a port number at all if the driver has not been installed. So it needs a Windows7 driver to install but can't find one than the chinese HT42B534 usb chip rar file that's corrupted.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Stan The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller GCB supports. It's interesting for glcd displays if you're into animated graphics. That's why I want to test it with the oscilloscope code in combination with ASCII tekst to display. I do have a LGT328 and it shows up in Computer management -> Device Manager -> Other devices -> USB to UART Bridge. So it needs drivers to install is what I did "CH341SER". Doesn't work! I will try again.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If the GCB-editor can't write to a different directory/drive for the Compiler to flash the gcb supported external chip than indeed Timeline, AutoVer and SynWrite are the only solutions.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Stan The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller GCB supports. It's interesting for glcd displays if you're into animated graphics. That's why I want to test it with the oscilloscope code in combination with ASCII tekst to display. I do have a LGT328 and it shows up in Computer management -> Device Manager -> Other devices -> USB to UART Bridge. So it needs drivers to install is what I did "CH341SER". Doesn't work!

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Stan The Lgt328 is the fastest 8bit microcontroller GCB supports. It's interesting for glcd displays if you're into animated graphics. That's why I want to test it with the oscilloscope code. I do have a LGT328 and it shows up in Computer management -> Device Manager -> Other devices -> USB to UART Bridge. So it needs drivers to install is what I did "CH341SER". Doesn't work!

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Angel Mier Good to know, thanks for the reasurance of the SSD drive criteria. But in the end there still remains the "problem" we all have, and try to correct by alternative methods, of not wanting to save to disk by flashing a chip. No more exidental overwrites. 'workingdir = "tempdir" So, if you set your system temp directory to an external USB drive - all temp file ( including the OS temp files) will be written to the USB drive. You would have to change the System Environment Variables tmp and...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    SDD drives spread the data around so it doesn't rewrite the same drive memory I think I think so but does that apply to editting the same (GCBfile) over and over again too? A RAM drive? They still exist and are very clever. Write to the RAM drive then move the final file to SDD. Great idea for a very fast separate drive and problem can be solved if GCBsoftware could have the option to only do (Hex)FlashSave to RAM drive and keep the CodeSave to SSD with the existing Save icon. Then even a cheaper...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey Stan, your post font type is set to very small :-) But you are right that it will take me some time to achieve the "easy" level, yet I will certainly try. I think Anobium meant it's relative easy compared to other methods.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is the criteria of HDD versus SSD with only 3000 write cycles. In the past I've changed my original HDD to a SSD and april 2022 had to replace the SSD for failing most likely of exeeding the “Wear Level". From then on I keep track and minimizing software writes to SSD drive for longer life span. So, with every GCB Flash test to the chip I will degrade my SSD and with a Hex even further for making an extra hex-file too. With softwares like GC-Code and AutoVer that will expand the problem by...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Here is a video to help understand the process. I am now using GC Code as the editor - it is by far the easiest method. Is it also possible in older GCBsoftware? So the lgt is a plug in replacement for arduino nano... with prog prefs changed and SSD1306 is a 0.08W Voltage 3-5Vdc therefore it should work with the 3,3V LGT board and a 3,3V power supply. But 5V on the 3,3V LGT board? I lost 1 hour trying to install the LGT8F328P driver, no luck :(

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is it possible to use the GCBsoftware (SynWrite 6.22.2290) to hexflash without automatic saving to disk? Normally I program by having a leading file with code and test all sorts of situation codes before I save again. After some time I backup that file and move on with more changes. Often I retrieve the previous backups to investigate the trials and errors. So therefore I checked the PullDown menu, Options, Customize and couldn't find such setting.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Anobium But, I will create a quick video to show the process of editing. Looking forward to it :-) I will assume you do not have a GitHub account and you want to edit locally ( on your PC ) and send back to the Forum for uploading to GitHub. I used Github once in the past to only download code from someone else about a mechanical engineering study. So I do have a Github account and could learn how to use it for GCB. In the earlier post here in this thread I was logged in Github to do this: http...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    But, I will create a quick video to show the process of editing. Looking forward to it :-) I will assume you do not have a GitHub account and you want to edit locally ( on your PC ) and send back to the Forum for uploading to GitHub. I used Github once in the past to only download code from someone else about a mechanical engineering study. So I do have a Github account and could learn how to use it for GCB. In the earlier post here in this thread I was logged in Github to do this: https://sourc...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Stan I'm not sure on your bread board setup with a lgt328 (LGT8F328P?) or a 328p nano? And if I understand right the last modification Evan made in the PSET, XOR(PSET ) was not backwards compatible with previous written programs? I have none yet but working through most of the examples codes supplied to learn GCB in comparison with previous picaxe, pbp, mplab.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @anobium Here is the source for the new page for Fonts and Characters = Please update as you wish in GitHub. I can then 'update' to create the new Help. The image does not shown in the GitHub source but it is shown in the attached CHM file. You will have to UNBLOCK the CHM if you download from this post. Could you please point out a previous GCB example page how and what I have to fill in? I think (Stan and) I could use...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried the above code. Thanks Stan, that makes sense.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    While I was tinkering with the code to try your changes I am learning more and more how GCB works. Sometimes text was even up-side-down and mirrored :) I may have restored the ability to show characters and have the XOR graphics. Do try to see if characters now display. I could replicate the issue and think this is still a character problem: If I use "#Define GLCD_PROTECTOVERRUN" in the oscilloscope code and then stop the oscilloscope graphic and then try to display some text all is up-side-down...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    While I was tinkering with the code to try your changes I am learning more and more how GCB works. Sometimes text was even up-side-down and mirrored :) I may have restored the ability to show characters and have the XOR graphics. Do try to see if characters now display. I could replicate the issue and think this is still a character problem: If I use "#Define GLCD_PROTECTOVERRUN" in the oscilloscope code and then stop the oscilloscope graphic and then try to display some text all is up-side-down...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have added the new Ascii table with hex. The new Oscilloscope demo works, thanks. While I was tinkering with the code to try your changes I am learning more and more how GCB works. Sometimes text was even up-side-down and mirrored :) How to change the Xscale (µs) in code easily?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have added the new Ascii table with hex. The new Oscilloscope demo works, thanks. While I was tinkering with the code to try your changes I am learning more and more how GCB works.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will now complete the ascii table with hex numbers.

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Happy NewYear to you all, The program also works without the #include <uno_mega328p.h>. I use a Arduino micro just for testing. does the program show anything with #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_SSD1306 on your 32pixel display? Yes it does and it clears all pixels correctly after displaying. Remove line 88 and 124 - they constrain the code to one specific GLCD type. With the line to #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_SSD1306_32 the display is not black (off) anymore and works. But now not all pixels are cleared...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried the GCB demo file "GLCD_Simple_Oscilloscope_MEGA328p_for_SSD1306@16" and changed the line to #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_SSD1306_32 for a smaller display. The display then stays black (off). Is this a "#define PSet_SSD1306 xorPSet_SSD1306" problem? If I add tekst to the program it also only works without the "SSD1306_32" otherwise it stays black. Should I try another Font-set? I tried #define PSet_SSD1306_32 xorPSet_SSD1306_32 that would program and showed just one line but no oscillosco...

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there a better definition ? Can't seem to find one than the table in combination with the code examples.

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will add the missing Hex. A specific character is selected by: 1) Declaration #Define... See example All the codes up to Dec=127 results all in the same char. Dec=128 to 191 and the chars on the right in the colums from 192 to 255 are with the last example code. 2) One of these two code . GLCDprint (35, 16, chr(Dec)) GLCDdrawCHAR (50, 16, Dec) 3) The corresponding Dec number. Did you mean point 1) what to declare?

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will add the missing Hex. A specific character is selected by: 1) Declaration #Define... See example All the codes up to Dec=127 results all in the same char. Dec=128 to 191 and the chars on the right in the colums from 192 to 255 are with the last example code. 2) One of these two code . (35, 16, chr(Dec)) GLCDdrawCHAR (50, 16, Dec) 3) The corresponding Dec number. Did you mean point 1) what to declare?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will add the missing Hex. A specific character is selected by: 1) Declaration #Define... See example All the codes up to Dec=127 results all in the same char. Dec=128 to 191 and the chars on the right in the colums from 192 to 255 are with the last example code. 2) One of these two code . (35, 16, chr(Dec)) GLCDdrawCHAR (50, 16, Dec) 3) The corresponding Dec number. Did you mean point 1) what to declare?

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Evan for adding the new example demo on github, looks good. I like this layout. Is the Hex value of any use to gcb? I can remove the columns or expand the hex range from 128 to 255. Do you want me to compare to the actual display ? You could or maybe Stan would like to try if he has some time left ;-)

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I couldn't seem to reproduce the situation for extra characters but I've found it in my previous post. I have purged it to this example code: 'DECLARATION #chip mega328p, 16 #option explicit #include <glcd.h> ; ----- Define GLCD Hardware settings #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_SSD1306_32 #define GLCD_I2C_Address 0x78 #define GLCD_PROTECTOVERRUN ; ----- Define Hardware settings #define hi2c_BAUD_RATE 400 #define hi2c_DATA HI2CMode Master ; ----- Define GLCD Font settings Dim OLDDSDATA, EIGHTBYTES, CLOCKS...

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, please wait because there is something strange. I've tested the "#define OLEDFont2 OLEDExtendedFont2" before on the SSD1306 display for °C with a DS18B20 in the GCB examples with "Chr(248)" instead of the LCD print chr(223)+"C ". In my tables experiment with the SSD1306 display a have seen a "ω" character on the 248 position. Did I do something wrong? (Merry Christmas Everyone)

  • Haroen Haroen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, please wait because there is something strange. I've tested the "#define OLEDFont2 OLEDExtendedFont2" before on the SSD1306 display for °C with a DS18B20 in the GCB examples with "Chr(248)" instead of the LCD print chr(223)+"C ". In my tables experiment with the SSD1306 display a have seen a "ω" character on the 248 position. Did I do something wrong?

  • Haroen Haroen modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok, took me some time to research and to compose the character tables based on this online example. Then I noticed the "#define OLEDFont2 OLEDExtendedFont2 = OLE DExtended Font-Set ASCII 32 To 255" form earlier in this topic :( Next time! Here is the merged table what I've got so far. I was thinking if these merged tables also will work for other displays that I've seen in glcd.h? BUILD 1208 - Get via a GCStudio update. Are you using GCStudio? I've extracted the glcd.h file from GCStudio copied it...

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