All good now, thanks very much.
Now I've done something which messed with aduio on an other site.
Driver updated but not resolve problem.
I was mistaken about ASIO setup button. My audio interface device is listed. Then I have options ..sample rate = 48000, buffer size=72, and clock source and status which is locked. I am sure the correct drivers are installed because I use this set up on other sites without problems.
In 'soundcard device' I have Focusrite USB ASIO, ASIO setup doesnt open. not sure what WDM device is. but I see no red "X"..
LOL, thanks Don. intel pentium CPU N3700 64-bit windows 10
LOL, thanks Don. intel pentium CPU N3700 54-bit windows 10
Hi, I've checked all the settings and I'm not having problems with other sites using my microphone. Any one have a suggestion why my mic is not working with jamulus..? Thanks.