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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    #chip 12F1572, 32 #define SWITCH_PORT GPIO.3 Dir PORTA Out TrisA = 0b001000 Do If SWITCH_PORT = 0 Then HPWM16(1, 10, 16384) '10 kHz, 25% duty cycle (16384/65535) else HPWM16(1, 80, 16384) '80 kHz, 25% duty cycle (16384/65535) HPWM16(3, 30, 16384) '30 kHz, 25% duty cycle (16384/65535) End if loop ' not sure if the 80 is right but at least its visible! and it works as expected

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    i thought obout that just before you posted! its 'set and forget' to try the same idea using variable PWM.if i can get my head round the examples...still at least it does output 2 PWM waveforms albeit on seperate pins! why only2? simple..the lowpincount board only has 2 'linked' LEDs.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    i thought obout that just before you posted! its 'set and forget' to try the same idea using variable PWM.if i can get my head round the examples...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    i've changed 'DIR porta out' to 'TrisA = 0b001000' but the switch still has no effect;the chip is outputting the correct PWM but it won't change on the button press...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    i dont see myself moving over to win10 any year soon.tried it and hated it. the best option would be for the existing users on win7 to get a dual-tested version until the user balance finally swings prodominantly towards a newer OS and presumably win7 machines die off?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    adapted from an example file;the pushbutton 'should' change the duty-cycle on channel 1,but won't do anything...can anyone see whats wrong? chip 12F1572, 32 ' #config mclr=on 'use bushbutton on GPIO.3 as input #define SWITCH_PORT GPIO.3 Dir SWITCH_PORT In Dir PORTA Out Do If SWITCH_PORT = 0 Then #define HPWM16_1_Freq 100 '100khz #define HPWM16_1_Duty 5 '5% duty DS2 barely lit HPWM16On ( 1 ) else #define HPWM16_1_Freq 200 '200khz #define HPWM16_1_Duty 100 '100% duty HPWM16On ( 1 ) #define HPWM16_3_Freq...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code on GCBASIC

    the google link is 404'd

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    my VDD measures a measly 4.65V on the demo header; my mileage definately varies! this explains why nothing made much sense...

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2018-08-06 17:50:09


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