Activity for Geoffrey Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Anobium, Do these new chip still require the $55 - $AA sequence for EE memory ? Geoffrey Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Ben, I would look at something like a quad rotary encoder to sub-divide your large table into manageable chuncks - either decimal or hex - The user dials up the table number and hits a GO button. Adafruit make such a device -product # 5752 that only uses two pins ! It is an I2C device meant for the Arduino market. Since GCBasic handles most AVR devices with aplomb, it should not be too difficult. I have also devised a BCD thumwheel/Hex switch interface that uses just One uC pin with adc capability,...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Many thanks for that. Cheers Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Many thanks for that. Cheers Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    One final comment from me, Could you please update the Help File with this change to the Function Statement. I spent an awful lot of time in there trying to figure out what had happened. Cheers Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Donation Made

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Thank you Evan. I compiled and programmed the 15244. Works like a charm ! Cheers Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Thanks for all the useful information. I have done the following. 1. Dim myreturnedvaluefromKPDfunction as byte ' 2. Function KPD() 'When called -> Returns PB value 3. Added myreturnedvaluefromKPDfunction = KPD just below the Function call I tried to compile, but I still get the error msg. I then rem'd out #3 and tried to compile again but without success. Any further clues ? Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Hi Evan , The attached file ' MicroKP.gcb ' is a good, working file that compiled correctly with ver-1073 . When I try to compile with the latest ver-1331 I get the following error message - ' MicroKP.gcb (49): Error: Missing Function Assignment - assign function result to a variable, or, change to a Subroutine' I've racked my brains to find out what I did wrong, without any success. Can you please help ? Cheers Geoffrey Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You also need to Dimension your user variable - where the a2d result goes, like this. Dim adcKP as Integer ' for Forced 10 bit adc, and the function reads Function KPD ' adcKP = ReadAD10(ANC7,TRUE ) ' Forced 10 bit conversion etc This worked for for me. BTW I never use PPS during R&D, It adds a layer of complexity you can do without. At power-on reset the original pinouts are valid !! Cheers, Geoffrey Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Every color TV set made in the USA had a 3.58MHz crystal in it. It is possibly the most manufactured xtal in history. Look [here] (https:// for more info. In the History part , approx half way down , starting at " In 1953 ----is a good explanation of why 3.58MHz was used. Regards, Geoffrey Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Hi, I ADD these 2 lines of ASM in any 12F675 running on INTOSC ;at the Start of program. ;---------------------------- CALL 0x3ff movwf osccal ;---------------------------- Cheers, Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Anobium, You can save 158 Mb in Download by replacing the Demo's button in Synwrite with this hyperlink I dont see the need for all the demo files in the IDE. Just a thought. Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobium, I forgot to add the attached pdf to the last post. It's an update to the original jpg - with timing details. Cheers GY

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobium, Please find attached a text document which wraps up the 595LCD project. I trust it is what you envisaged. If not feel free to edit ! Cheers GY

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobium, The attached video is a short demo of the 595LCD AVR version in operation. It was done on a Hiland Barebones board ATmega328P DIP at 16MHz and lasts 13 secs. I'm working on the document and will post later. Cheers GY

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobium, Thanks for the sentiments, I might just do that., though it will take some time to produce ! Cheers, Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobium, The LCDcommands.h file is posted at #14 in this thread. But you could just comment this out as the program works without it !! It is an artifact from previous lcd programs. Can you re-compile please and let me know. Cheers, Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobiium, Thanks for the feedback - I'm at a loss to explain the non-compile. I tested this thorougly before posting, and all looked good. I downloded the file I just posted and recompiled it and flashed the board and all still looks good. Can you help me out here - where is the missing .h ? Cheers , Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    I was asked about an AVR equivalent of the 3pin LCD interface - well here it is. I developed this on a Hiland Barebones Board - Mega328P Dip with UNO bootloader running at 16MHz. Cheers !

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    They look like two modules I got from EastRising LCD a couple of years ago. I think you will be pleasently surprised. They look like modules manufactured by CJMCU ! I've attached a file I used for testing an 8x2 LCD. Hope this helps . Cheers

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Better late than never--thanks @mkstevo for the previous post. I have done some modifications and tests to the previous software. This new version can now use the 'print' command and the tests shows this. I also took out my old CRO to check various waveforms. These are the results - 1. The ENL pulse rate (for the loop test at the start) is 49 uSec which gives more than 20,000 characters/sec. 2. I used the uppercase 'U' because it has a hex code of 55 or binary 01010101. This a solid test for the...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Evidently there is a weak pullup on the mclr pin, so I went to my archive and found the attached jpeg. You could use this as an output - which might freeup another more appropiate pin! I have not used this circuit. Regards, Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Peter, If you open up the gcb IDE, there is an icon called 'view demos' (just to the right of the cow with a ? ' if you press this icon it will show a sub-window with 7segment solutions and many more ! There might be something there that will help you. cheers.

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Help

    Look at the gcb demo code on github under keypad solutions, you might find something there !

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Thank you Theo for your kind but condesending words. I can assure you I have NOT missed the lcd overview. I've only been using/designing characterLCD interfaces for the past 26 years !! How else do you think I could come up with this 3 wire interface that is fast and easy to use, just look at the jpeg I just posted. End of Transmission !!

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    Hi Anobium , I am completely confused. At no time did I say I wanted to add this interface to the GCB system, it is an exercise in 'tinkering' using lcd Mode 0. Also, it is not a One Wire solution, the circuit diagram ( jpg ) clearly shows 3 wires. It's main attraction is high speed and ease of use. I noticed the use of K107 lcd mode in your video's, does it work like Dr Peter Anderson's K107 and K117 one wire interfces ? When can we expect to get our hands on this new software ? Thanks for your...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    I'll try again and again 2 hours later it works for 1 attachment

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    I'll try again 2 hours later it works for 1 attachment

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    I'm following the discussion with much interest. All I did was to copy an example in the Help file. If you go to here - Help -> Command References ->Liquid Crystal Display ->Example -> Lcd_IO 4 Example , you will find an Example created by Thomas Henry and edited by Evan Venn. At the very bottom of the example you will find the sub in question. Anyhow, the focus of this exercise by me was the hardware lcd inerface in MODE 0. I couldn't find any working examples so I created my own. The Hardware is...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Projects, Demos & Guides

    In this time of covid-19 and social isolation a positive has to be - its a great time for 'tinkering' and making video's !! To this end I have come up with yet another LCD i/f. This one uses the humble 74HC595 as a fast, 8bit serial lcd driver. I first developed this i/f in Dec'18 on a picaxe 14M2 and used it successfully since. The basic premise is the multiplexing of the Data and RS lines and delivering the data at 8MHz clock (32MHz) to the 595+lcd. While it looks like SPI it isn't. Here are some...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For a detailed analysis of the Pot/Button command by the guy who invented it , look at the txt file within the attached zip file. (from 1994 !!)

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found the BS1 app note pdf in my archive - see page 85 for Pot/Button.

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the days before ADC keypads became fashionable, Parallax put out an app note pdf with an app in it called " One Input - Many Switches" . I used this with great success.

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Am I missing something here ! Isn't this just the POT command in GCB aka the BUTTON command in Basic Stamp - with a scaling resistor on the input.

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Well done Chris, I'm sure this would be a great benefit to many. I tried to find an updated version of lcd.h which might have the software so I could check it out, but without luck - are you able to help ? One thing that intrigued me was the choice of 74LS574 as opposed to a 74HC595. The extra wiring ( 8 outputs to 8 inputs) and cost (74HC595 are very popular and consequently cheap!) . To achieve the same thing on a 595 all you have to do is tie the two clocks (input & latch) together and supply...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Anobium I just programmed a pic16f1827 using the PK2+ software on my win10H/64 system. Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Anobium, I've had success on my win10 system with the PK2+ software. Managed to program 12f675, 16f690 and 16f883. Geoff

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Anobium, I'd like to try out your PK2+ software on a range of devices. Thanks Geoff Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Where do I 'sign up' to get the PK+ software ? I can try out PK+ on 12f675, 16f690, 16F883, 18f14k22 Geoff Younger

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Stan, I just came across your recent comments on clearing variables at startup. Seeing that GCB accepts assembler; I use the following;- ;----------------Clear RAM 20h-7Fh in bank-0------------------------- mov FSR,#20h ;Start location STARTX ; clr INDF ;Clear RAM pointed to ! inc FSR ;next location sb FSR.7 ;End of RAM ? jmp STARTX ;No,so return ;----------------All RAM now cleared !------------------------------- clr PORTC ;Port-C output pins=0 ; setb LCD_PWR ;POWER SOURCE OF LCD MODULE ;...

  • Geoffrey Younger Geoffrey Younger posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Hello, I've just got my nano working. I unrem'd the Arduino_ Pro_Mini bootloader choice in the avrdude batch file and setup com6 in device manager. Message for William Roth - Is the any chance of getting an include file for the nano - I'd like to use A.6 and A.7 analog pins and be ble to change the DDRC to digital as reqd. Geoff (first time ever on this forum !!)