User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #15 on SET's Editor, a friendly text editor

    I just tried setedit on Windows 7 64-bit. I downloaded (DOS binary), then replaced the setedit.exe with the one from I then ran, from the bin directory, "setedit myfile.txt". At first I was hopeful, as it successfully loaded the file's contents. But then before I did anything, it popped up the dialog: "setedit.exe has stopped working", with two buttons to close or debug. I selected close. The popup went away and the app remained, but was unresponsive.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on RoboMirror

    Correct. Imagine configuring a brand new backup plan, with a completely empty target disk. So, none of the source directories exist yet on the target.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on RoboMirror

    Sorry, I meant to say I've been using RoboCopy for decades. I'm just trying to adopt RoboMirror now. (Can't figure out how to modify the ticket text.)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Windows on luckyBackup

    I just discovered luckyBackup today. I'm looking for a solution to sync multiple computers running Windows and Linux to a new QNAP NAS I recently acquired. I got LB running, but I'm in an MSYS2 environment, not CygWin. So when I attempt to do anything with a Windows directory, I encounter the following error: rsync: [sender] change_dir "/cygdrive/d" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync: [Receiver] mkdir "/cygdrive/d/util/LuckyBackup/temp/Projects-Linux" failed: No such file or directory (2)...

  • Created ticket #12 on RoboMirror

    Allow specification of a target directory whose last node does not exist

  • Posted a comment on ticket #10 on RoboMirror

    This is now possible in version 2.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on RoboMirror

    I just discovered tonight that the /MT switch causes RoboCopy to mess up folder and file timestamps. I can't find anywhere to report this to Microsoft.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on RoboMirror

    And it took me even longer to rediscover this discussion. :) Thanks.

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Personal Data

2001-05-08 17:40:29


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