Activity for Gurce

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #320

    Heya Jim, I've given it a test-drive today, was working well for my needs, thanks for this :) I spotted one problem along the way, 'rcursor' didn't work for me, but after inspecting the patch, I noticed it was due to a typo of 'rcusor' instead of 'rcursor'.

  • Gurce Gurce modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm, inside Thunderbird's Error Console, I was occasionally seeing warnings relating to these ics chunks. While my thunderbird was set to "Australia/Melbourne" timezone, this error-console output made mention that TZID equaled "Australia/Melbourne". Later, I switched thunderbird back to "Australia/Sydney" timezone, and then I saw in the error-console that TZID equaled "Australia/Brisbane" :( So perhaps for now, until I can dig deeper into this, I'll stick with the "Australia/Melbourne" timezone and...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm, inside Thunderbird's Error Console, I was occasionally seeing warnings relating to these ics chunks. While my thunderbird was set to "Australia/Melbourne" timezone, this error-console output made mention that TZID equaled "Australia/Melbourne". Later, I switched thunderbird back to "Australia/Sydney" timezone, and then I saw in the error-console that TZID equaled "Australia/Brisbane" :( So perhaps for now, until I can dig deeper into this, I'll stick with the "Australia/Melbourne" timezone and...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm, I'm wondering, is there any logging facility that I can turn on within DavMail that will show me the guts of that ics information that Thunderbird will try push to davmail when I create an event? I'd like to inspect that information and see what TZID value (if any) it puts there. Maybe that might provide me a clue.

  • Gurce Gurce modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm, I tried comparing the content within that VTIMEZONE chunk (for TZID="AUS Eastern Standard Time") against what I saw in that code-snippet from thunderbird-calendar's "zones.json" file: I noticed one interesting difference: Exchange's VTIMEZONE contains that TZID field Thunderbird's zones.json doesn't have this, but instead embeds a TZNAME field into each BEGIN/END group. STANDARD has TZNAME: AEST DAYLIGHT has TZNAME: AEDT Don't really know if this is any great revelation or not, but thought I'd...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm, I tried comparing the content within that VTIMEZONE chunk (for TZID="AUS Eastern Standard Time") against what I saw in that code-snippet from thunderbird-calendar's "zones.json" file: I noticed one interesting difference: Exchange's VTIMEZONE contains that TZID field Thunderbird's zones.json doesn't have this, but instead embeds a TZNAME field into each BEGIN/END group. * STANDARD has TZNAME: AEST * DAYLIGHT has TZNAME: AEDT Don't really know if this is any great revelation or not, but thought...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Mickael, Thanks for your response, and sorry for the delays getting back to you. I knew I would once I found a window to do so, and my calendar issues aggravated me enough to give me even more incentive to do so :) I must admit that all this icalendar,tzid,ics stuff is a little foreign to me, so I've been doing some googling to get up to speed with this, to try get on the same page as you with your message. On your trailing question, yes, I've mainly noticed this with other colleagues meeting...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Jim. I was wondering where are you based? I am in Sydney Australia. I'm kind-of experiencing the opposite to you, a colleague creates a recurring event, I accept, they later change a single instance of the event (let's say in a particular month) to a different datetime. When I try to accept this, it fails, and there's a mismatch on the new time he specified and the new time showing on my side of about an hour. Part of me wonders if it relates to Sydney switching between two timezones due to daylight...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #11

    Thanks Lokesh. Fwiw, maybe my original solution idea wasn't the best (as there may be occasions where you alt-tabbed away from an AlwaysOnTop window, and you'd like to use Alt-Tab to jump back to it). So perhaps there are more promising leads online. When I was googling, one site mentioned a technique might be to traverse through some GetLastActivePopup() chain? Anyways, I'll leave it in your hands, as you see fit :) Regards, Gurce

  • Gurce Gurce created ticket #11

    Windows with 'Always on Top' setting always come to top of list (and interfere with alt-tabbing)

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    Ok to close this one too.

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #10

    Ah ok, I've made the problem go away by running AltTabAlternative as administrator. Now I see the process name ConEmu64.exe. The problem seems to have surfaced due to me running ComEmu as administrator. Ok to close.

  • Gurce Gurce committed [298c41]

    tried to fix probs with things auto-selecting via the mouse when maximising window or loading new files

  • Gurce Gurce committed [42454c]

    repaired issue of Shift+F3 search not scrolling down screen sufficiently to display next found item

  • Gurce Gurce committed [43135b]

    upped version

  • Gurce Gurce committed [9e6340]

    Added tag V1.4.7 for changeset 43135bd9db4d

  • Gurce Gurce committed [544d70]

    upped version

  • Gurce Gurce committed [5a7ba9]

    Added tag V1.4.6 for changeset 544d70bdb569

  • Gurce Gurce committed [95d818]

    Fixed a prob building the project inside VS2013

  • Gurce Gurce committed [4f671c]

    Fixed a prob when moving down from the end of a long-line to a short line, if you did a ctrl-left, it would get an exception due to trying to perform a .substring() on a shorter string.

  • Gurce Gurce committed [e37481]

    Added in Schlowski's fix relating to a ctrl-left/ctrl-right issue of the display going out-of-sync and showing a lot of spaces before the first character.

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    Aah wait a second, yes true, the 2nd GET method/technique still does not work (whr.Open("GET", "")... However, adding "(x) Use TLS 1.1" and "(x) Use TLS 1.2" has made URLDownloadToFile work again, awesome! :) AltTabAlternative now works fine when I do the "Check For Updates", so all good here. As for why the issue appeared for me in the past week or so, I can't be sure, perhaps our IT dept has been tweaking security settings on our pc's of late. Anyway, all fine now!

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    I read a hint in this forum post: - They mentioned that URLDownloadToFile runs via Internet Explorer. So I tried opening up the "" url inside internet explorer (V11 running on Win7) and got this message: This page can’t be displayed Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to again. If this...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    From the documention page, I tried one of the alternate methods they suggested: Inside my "test.ahk", I put this: ; Example: Download text to a variable: whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") whr.Open("GET", "", true) whr.Send() ; Using 'true' above and the call below allows the script to remain responsive. whr.WaitForResponse() version := whr.ResponseText...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hmm, I tried wget on both these files. when I grab from sourceforge, there's a lot of hopping about with redirections: wget --2018-02-23 12:01:01-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location:...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    I took a look at the docs for URLDownloadToFile here: I tried the example from there: UrlDownloadToFile,, AutoHotkey Latest Version.txt This worked, and it is https... Hmm... So maybe it's not https, but something else :(

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    I did a bit of testing with the AutoHotKeys app and a test.ahk script consisting of just: URLDownloadToFile,, test.txt This gave me a test.txt file successfully. I then switched it to this path: URLDownloadToFile,, test.txt I didn't get a test.txt file outputted from this. As a further test, I then tried https with google: URLDownloadToFile,, test.txt This also failed too. So I'm wondering...

  • Gurce Gurce modified a comment on ticket #9

    Ok, I tried these steps, and was unable to find the "%temp%\ata_latestversion.txt" file. I was wondering if it was due to me being on the office network, perhaps there are firewall or security settings getting in the way. Seems odd that the issue just appeared recently (no problems about a week or so ago), but then again, perhaps our IT dept clamped down on security recently. I tried running alttabalternative on another pc in the office that I had permission switch off the firewall, but I still got...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    Ok, I tried these steps, and was unable to find the "%temp%\ata_latestversion.txt" file. I was wondering if it was due to me being on the office network, perhaps there are firewall or security settings getting in the way. Seems odd that the issue just appeared recently (no problems about a week or so ago), but then again, perhaps our IT dept clamped down on security recently. I tried running alttabalternative on another pc in the office that I had permission switch off the firewall, but I still got...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #10

    Oh, interesting. I'd better jot down my ConEmu version number here, just in-case that's a factor. My current version is "ConEmu 161206 [64]". This seems to be the latest 'stable' version listed here: What version did you have running?

  • Gurce Gurce created ticket #10

    ConEmu missing 'process name' field

  • Gurce Gurce created ticket #9

    Failing to download "version.txt"

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #8

    I've been running this fine in Windows 7. And yes, I keep the ALT key down while typing in the text string to filter down the items in the Alt-Tab window (I don't have any problems of other alt-key combo/shortcuts getting triggered during this). I haven't tried AltTabAlternative on a Windows 10 pc yet, so it might be unique to that platform. If I get around to installing it on Win10, I'll drop a note here to let you know if it's a prob I can replicate there also.

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on ticket #9

    I noticed I had a similar issue when using the ghdl-0.33 binary for windows downloaded...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for all the points you raised Martin. I'll look into them and see how I fare....

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Simon. I've given that a try. I used the gcc from the TDM-GCC install. The...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys, I was interested in learning how to go about building a newer version of...

  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page


  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page


  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page


  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page


  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page


  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Uwe, I'll drop in what I have now.

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This nosaf tool lacks any form of documentation. I've spent quite a bit of time today...

  • Gurce Gurce modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok, think I figured it out for my case. I'd better elaborate on my situation: I encountered...

  • Gurce Gurce modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok, think I figured it out for my case. I'd better elaborate on my situation: I encountered...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok, think I figured it out for my case. I'd better elaborate on my situation: I encountered...

  • Gurce Gurce posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm getting this error also. Anyone find any new insights into this? I will try put...

  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page

    How do I commit my changes?

  • Gurce Gurce created a wiki page

    How do I commit my changes?

  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page

    How to contribute?

  • Gurce Gurce created a wiki page

    How to contribute?

  • Gurce Gurce modified a wiki page


  • Gurce Gurce committed [c0c7d0]

    - Added "Cut Block", "Copy Block" and "Paste Bl...

  • Gurce Gurce created ticket #2

    missing "hwsid_handle.h" file