Activity for Greg Senia

  • Greg Senia Greg Senia posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bruce back in 2014 I made some changes before you added the new ways of adding IO-Readers/Writers. I just have to say how awesome your code is and how much of a help it has been when dealing with loading legacy mainframe data into Hadoop Environments. I have used this twice over the last few years to get legacy data into Hadoop and converted the files using Mapreduce into CSV/TSV tables. Not sure why I never saw this thread but I would like to give back a bit here is the code that I wrote that does...

  • Greg Senia Greg Senia posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Also Bruce does this give the entire length of the line including the RDW or does...

  • Greg Senia Greg Senia posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This was very insightful. I think what we have to do now is attempt to convert these...

  • Greg Senia Greg Senia posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bruce, Not sure if this is an option but is it possible to use something like JRecord...