I think it's more a matter of how EQ presets from Oratory1990, AutoEQ, etc. are distributed. People look for inputting those values and they think it's not possible. I think defaulting to 0.1 is a wise choice in this regard. Il Gio 29 Ago 2024, 14:50 Peter Verbeek peverbeek@users.sourceforge.net ha scritto: I guess you can now play around with the settings. Lots to discover 😃 For now installation of Peace I've now set the default snap value to 0.1 dB. Perhaps it's better than 0.5, also after reading...
In any case, don't know how sophisticated the algorithm is, I find it probably a bit "excessive" in its correction. But there's the attenuation thing that can help in dialing in for a satisfactory result.
You're correct. Probably the developer know what he based it on. I was looking at the code hoping to find some comments in there.
I suppose the answer on how it's implemented can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/equalizerapo/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/filters/loudnessCorrection/LoudnessCorrectionFilter.cpp Unfortunately it completely flies over my head. :-)
Equalizer APO has a loudness feature which I haven't implemented into Peace as there isn't enough documentation on how this loudness feature works. As far as I understand it, and I'm no expert, it uses dynamically adjusted equalization. For instance, I use Peace for my speakers. If I open the Configuration Editor from Equalizer APO I see my EQ curve in the analysis panel. If I add the Loudness Correction advanced filter, I first need to calibrate it with a sound pressure analyzer, in order for it...
Equalizer APO has a loudness feature which I haven't implemented into Peace as there isn't enough documentation on how this loudness feature works. As far as I understand it, and I'm no expert, it uses dynamically adjusted equalization. For instance, I use Peace for my speakers. If I open the Configuration Editor from Equalizer APO I see my EQ curve in the analysis panel. If I add the Loudness Correction advanced filter, I first need to calibrate it with a sound pressure analyzer, in order for it...
Equalizer APO has a loudness feature which I haven't implemented into Peace as there isn't enough documentation on how this loudness feature works. As far as I understand it, and I'm no expert, it uses dynamically adjusted equalization. For instance, I use Peace for my speakers. If I open the Configuration Editor from Equalizer APO I see my EQ curve in the analysis panel. If I add the Loudness Correction advanced filter, I first need to calibrate it with a sound pressure analyzer, in order for it...
Equalizer APO has a loudness feature which I haven't implemented into Peace as there isn't enough documentation on how this loudness feature works. As far as I understand it, and I'm no expert, it uses dynamically adjusted equalization. For instance, I use Peace for my speakers. If I open the Configuration Editor from Equalizer APO I see my EQ curve in the analysis panel. If I add the Loudness Correction advanced filter, I first need to calibrate it with a sound pressure analyzer, in order for it...