Activity for burak

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1191

    I don't know; wouldn't hurt; yet again Fluxbox is almost perfect and doesn't seem to be actively maintained, possibly as it's already perfect! So ignoring updates has seemed enough for me.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1191

    No, I guess you're talking about the little glitch happening in some window resizing or tabbing behaviour which has been there for some time. Each of my custom menus appears as drop-down lists on the toolbar by middle-clicking (mouse-2), scrolling-down (mouse5) or scrolling-up (mouse-4) on it. When this happens the titlebar of the menus appears on the toolbar, which had got random transparency with the update and started to appear just under the toolbar, not on it so I hadn't been able to easily...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1191

    So have I and now Fluxbox is the only IgnorePkg in my pacman.conf.

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #1191

    My other menus' titles have the same glitch as well. Another inconvenience which is really frustrating is caused by the new mode of opening the menu(s) below the toolbar. instead of on the toolbar. Not all menus automatically disappears in Fluxbox when we click on an item, but this wasn't an issue previously, I could right-click on the menu's titlebar sitting the toolbar. Now since that menu's titlebar are not on top but below the toolbar, I get rid of it by left-clicking on the toolbar and by doing...

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #1191

    My other menus' titles have the same glitch as well. Another inconvenience which is really frustrating is caused by the new mode of opening the menu(s) below the toolbar. instead of on the toolbar. Not all menus automatically disappears in Fluxbox when we click on an item, but this wasn't an issue previously, I could right-click on the menu's titlebar sitting the toolbar. Now since that menu's titlebar are not on top but below the toolbar, I can't get rid of the menu by left clicking on the toolbar...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1191

    My other menus' titles have the same glitch as well.

  • burak burak created ticket #1191

    Menu title `OnToolbar Mouse2` behaves erratically

  • burak burak created ticket #1087

    Bash quoting issue in File Operations > Execute

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #71

    Might be related to how kde apps behave outside of kde, as dolphin and kate didn't honour my qt5ct theme in my Arch/Fluxbox system as well. I could solve dolphin issue by this workaround, but not kate. So eventually replaced dolphin with pcmanfm-qt and kate with qtextpad.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1055

    In your home/USER_NAME/.qmmp/

  • burak burak created ticket #1056

    highlight palette colour for current track and playlist

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #989

    Thank you so much.

  • burak burak created ticket #989

    Custom "Current text" doesn't work

  • burak burak created ticket #55

    Apply button issue with font changes

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #54

    I would be very glad if it's possible to solve this, as I can't use (by far) the best audio application, Cantata.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #9

    Thank you. I've read that soon Libreoffice will have VCL support for qt5.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #39

    Thanks for the new qss implementations By the way, forgot to mention before, as can be seen again in the above screenshot comparison, it's impossible to differentiate fusion's default button; compare the OK buttons above. It would be fine to add it here as well (if possible): QTabBar::tab:selected { color: palette(bright-text);

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #39

    By the way, there's another annoyance of fusion I can't solve, checkboxes, as can be seen by the comparison of attachments.

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #39

    Thank you. I can't do anything about 4 which seems to be hardcoded to fusion engine. But I solve 1, 2 and 3 by this qss: QMenuBar, QMenu, QToolBar, QStatusBar, QFrame, QScrollBar { border: none; } QTabBar::tab:selected { color: palette(bright-text); } QScrollBar { background: palette(dark); } QScrollBar::handle { background: palette(highlight); border-radius: 4px; } QScrollBar::add-line, QScrollBar::sub-line { background: palette(window); }

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #39

    Thank you. I can't do anything about 4 which seems to be hardcoded to fusion engine. But I solve 1, 2 and 3 by this qss: QMenuBar, QMenu, QToolBar, QStatusBar, QFrame, QScrollBar { border: none; } QTabBar::tab:selected { color: palette(bright-text); } QScrollBar { background: palette(dark); } QScrollBar::handle { background: palette(highlight); border-radius: 4px; } QScrollBar::add-line, QScrollBar::sub-line { background: palette(window); }

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #39

    Thank you. I can't do anything about 4 which seems to be hardcoded to fusion engine. But I solve 1, 2 and 3 by this qss: QMenuBar, QMenu, QToolBar, QStatusBar, QFrame, QScrollBar { border: none; } QTabBar::tab:selected { color: palette(bright-text); } QScrollBar { background: palette(dark); } QScrollBar::handle { background: palette(highlight); border-radius: 4px; } QScrollBar::add-line, QScrollBar::sub-line { background: palette(window); }

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #39

    Thank you. I can't do anything about 4 which seems to be hardcoded to fusion engine. But I solve 1, 2 and 3 by this qss: QMenuBar, QMenu, QToolBar, QStatusBar, QFrame, QScrollBar { border: none; } QTabBar::tab:selected { color: palette(bright-text); } QScrollBar { background: palette(dark); } QScrollBar::handle { background: palette(highlight); border-radius: 4px; } QScrollBar::add-line { background: palette(window); } QScrollBar::sub-line { background: palette(window); }

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #39

    Thank you. I can't do anything about 4 which seems to be hardcoded to fusion engine. But I solve 1, 2 and 3 by this qss: QMenuBar, QMenu, QToolBar, QStatusBar, QFrame { border: none; } QTabBar::tab:selected { color: palette(bright-text); } /*QScrollBar Horizontal*/ QScrollBar:horizontal { border: none; background: palette(dark); height: 12px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } QScrollBar::handle:horizontal { background: palette(highlight); min-width: 20px; border-radius: 4px; } QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal...

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #39

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #39

    By the way, the new qtcurve-qt5 seems to pull KDE cruft ( So it now only belongs to the KDE's systemsettings.

  • burak burak created ticket #39

    Some enhancement suggesstions

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #38

    Thank you so much.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #38

    Sorry; here it is. The lines under menu items.

  • burak burak created ticket #38

    Option to disable shortcuts underline

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #10

    2017-04-08 QtCreator has solved this now though a little user input is still necessary....

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #10

    QtCreator has solved this now though a little user input is still necessary. First...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #31

    Thank you.

  • burak burak created ticket #31

    What is for?

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #847

    To illustrate I've put qmmp (left) and deadbeef (right) side by side in the attachement,...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #847

    To illustrate I've put qmmp (left) and deadbeef (right) side by side in the attachement,...

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #10

    After the last qtcreator update (to 4.0) chosing the new flat theme solves this issue....

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #10

    After the last qtcreator update (to 4.0) chosing the new flat theme solves this issue....

  • burak burak modified a comment on ticket #10

    After the last qtcreator update (to 4.0) chosing the new flat theme solves this issue....

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #10

    After the last qtcreator update (to 4.0) chosing the new flat theme solves this issue....

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    All right, no problem. Thank you.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    Surely, I will. And I'll be in your service if/when you need testing.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    Thank you very much. You've sold an issue of others. Yes it works now. Much appreciated....

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    Thank you very much. You've sold an issue of others. Yes, scribus works now. Much...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    /usr/bin/gm convert -list formats Formats get listed, but at the end it says: /usr/bin/gm...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    The terminal output is sometimes short as above and other times long: scribus: magick/error.c:921:...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #377

    Thank you for the prompt response. No problem with which gm; it gave /usr/bin/gm....

  • burak burak created ticket #377


  • burak burak created ticket #849

    Option to disable statusbar text

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #847

    Sorry, thumbnails left to all the tracks would clutter and confuse the window. To...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #848

    Sorry for the noise; haven't noticed. Thank you.

  • burak burak created ticket #848

    Grouping splits album by track dates

  • burak burak created ticket #847

    Add Column > Cover

  • burak burak created ticket #846

    Doesn't follow my qt5ct theme consistently

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #10

    Thank you for your concern, but it's not such a big deal really, I can re-launch...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #10

    I've got 3.5.0-4 in Arch and the issue is still valid.

  • burak burak created ticket #10

    QtCreator can't retain theme

  • burak burak created ticket #9


  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thank you.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #5

    Brilliant, thank you!

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #6

    All right, this is not much needed as one can read qpalette reference -and see what...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #7

    Thank you.

  • burak burak created ticket #7

    A bit taller Palette Editor window

  • burak burak created ticket #6


  • burak burak created ticket #5


  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #4

    Thanks to you.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #4

    Yes, works here with the patch.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #4

    Sorry… The issue occurs only when I've chosen qtcurve, but not if Fusion or Kvantum...

  • burak burak created ticket #4

    Latest qt5ct won't allow any qt5 app to launch

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    All right, no problem with closing the issue, middle click on toolbar is better,...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    Slit Layer : Dock Slit Client: Conky conkyrc: alignment top_right double_buffer background...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #318

    Yes, please.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    Yet it used to work previously. So I gather there isn't an alternative either, so...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #318

    I admit to be embarrased especially since I'm almost a Fluxbox fanatic and yet don't...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    OnSlit Mouse1 :RootMenu OnSlit Mouse2 :RootMenu OnSlit Mouse3 :RootMenu None of them...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    Slit Layer : Dock Slit Client: Conky conkyrc: alignment top_right double_buffer background...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #318

    And this is my fbmenugen menu screenshot.

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #318 This utility creates two files:...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    I mean I've so arranged that left-clicking on slit (i.e. on conky) would pop up the...

  • burak burak posted a comment on ticket #1123

    Well, I've got conky on slit if it matters.

  • burak burak created ticket #318

    Integrate fbmenugen

  • burak burak created ticket #1123

    Slit and Toolbar issue