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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    Hi there, I use USE to check whether an execution path of a transformation is reachable or not. I have not got a problem to transform conjunction of conditions in the path to USE format. My question is how the constraint looks like for conjunction of "if conditions" below in the USE formt. operation Persons!Male isFather() : Boolean { for (i in Persons!Male.all()) { if (self.lastName = i.lastName) { if (i.age > self.age) { return false; } } } return true; } CSP constraint: Male.allInstances.size()...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    It was kind of you.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    What is the difference between Trivially satisfiable and satisfiable result (or Trivially unsatisfiable and unsatisfiable)? Are there any other results? Is there a reference to explain more the configuration?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    What is the difference between Trivially satisfiable and satisfiable result (or Trivially unsatisfiable and unsatisfiable)? Are there any other results? satisfiable means there is at least one state which satifies the invarients and unsatisfiable means there is at least one staten which not satisfy the invarients. If we have a system in which some state can satisfy the invarients and some others not satisfy them, what is the result (satisfiable or unsatisfiable)? Is there a reference to explain more...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    What is the difference between Trivially satisfiable and satisfiable result (or Trivially unsatisfiable and unsatisfiable)? Are there any other results? Is there a reference to explain more the configuration?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    How can I set String = Set {'hi'} via configuration wizard? I don't realize it. What is the role really do? family is the name of association or class (Family)? when I write this, I have no error. However, the model has the father association! when I write an association, I first specify the association start and then specify the association end, is it true? (e.g. in below code Member is association start and Family is association end) association familyFather between Member[1] Family[1] end

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    Hi, Many thanks for your kind help. About UML support, I converted my ecore file to UML via Sample Ecore Editor menu and convert to UML model submenu. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xmi:XMI xmi:version="20131001" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:Ecore="" xmlns:ecore="" xmlns:uml="" xsi:schemaLocation="

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on USE: UML-based Specification Environment

    Hi, my problem was solved. I have also two more questions. 1. I added an attribute to the Member class and write this invariant: constraints context Member inv c1: self.age = 2 and self.firstName = 'hi' the validator says this constraint is TRIVIALLY_UNSATISFIABLE. why? I cannot realize the reason. INFO: Unsatisfiable proof: < node: (all self: one Member | (((if (self = Undefined) then Undefined else (self . Member_age)) = Int[2]) && ((if (self = Undefined) then Undefined else (self . Member_firstName))...

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2017-06-07 16:08:10


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