User Activity

  • Modified ticket #93 on NaviServer

    Repo link on SF Summary page pointing to obsolet Bitbucket repository

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on NaviServer

    Thanks a lot for reporting. The link is now pointing correctly to GitHub

  • Posted a comment on ticket #92 on NaviServer

    There is now (since Nov 6) a change following your request in the repository: Note, that this is not the usual source location (there is currently a problem on bitbucket with their changes in the licensing model). Furthermore, this change is in the main branch, whereas your diff above is from the release/4.99 branch. There are substantial changes in the main branch (to be used in the release 5.0 of NaviServer)...

  • Modified ticket #90 on NaviServer

    contrary to documentation "name" option to [ns_set create] is not optional.

  • Modified ticket #50 on NaviServer

    UTF8 input not validated

  • Posted a comment on ticket #50 on NaviServer

    There was a large reform for handling UTF-8 in NaviServer - and in Tcl as well. Full support for UTF-8 from Tcl will be introduced by the forthcoming Tcl9. NaviServer performs peroper conversions where ever necessary (e.g. in the DB drivers). Furthermore, there is a validation support in NaviServer on the Tcl level "ns_valid_utf8" and on the C API level "Ns_Valid_UTF8()".

  • Modified ticket #90 on NaviServer

    contrary to documentation "name" option to [ns_set create] is not optional.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #90 on NaviServer

    Many thanks for the report. This has been fixed apparently some time ago.

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Personal Data

2007-04-30 09:21:44


This is a list of open source software projects that gustafn is associated with:

  • AOLserver High-performance multithreaded web server Last Updated:
  • Project Logo NaviServer NaviServer, a high performance web server written in C and Tcl Last Updated:
  • XOTcl   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo next-scripting Next Scripting Framework (NSF) Last Updated:

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