Activity for gianluca

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on ticket #60

    Update. After many tests, I can say that in my case the crashes were caused by the program itself. Imdisk and dynamic ram allocation don't go well in my pc. Static ramdisk is not a problem. Tried also Softperfect ramdisk (that has only static disk option) and never had a crash. Now I'm using the program Primo Ramdisk. This one can be configured as a dynamic ramdisk and so far, after weeks, I never had a crash. So I'll stick with this one with this machine. Unfortunally it's not free, it costs 25$....

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on ticket #60

    I was using the dynamic disk with NTFS all the time. I changed to exFAT to see if this could fix the crash problem. But didn't. I will try with a different drive letter from tomorrow. The crashes didn't give any error message, because consisted always in a system restart, with no BSOD. Anyway, as I've said, the crash/restart happened always when I was moving a big file of folder (1-5GB or more) in the ramdisk. I use the ramdisk for the browser cache (the browsers create their cache in this path:...

  • gianluca gianluca modified a comment on ticket #60

    Hello. All these days I tried using the static disk option and the ramdisk worked fine, no crashes when deleting files inside it. Tried different sizes and using the letter A for the disk. So looks like my crash problem was caused by the dynamic version.

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on ticket #60

    Hello. I tried using the static disk option and the ramdisk worked fine, no crashes when deleting files inside it. Tried different sizes and using the letter A for the disk. So looks like my crash problem was caused by the dynamic version.

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on ticket #60

    Thanks for the answers. I'll try using a static ramdisk and to change the letter of the drive. Then report back asap.

  • gianluca gianluca created ticket #60

    Windows crashes and restarts when moving files to ramdisk

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No. I'm asking a specific thing, not directly related with the right click menu lines. When you right click over the folder/file that you want to compress, the explorer menu shows different options (that the user can customize). If I click on the voice "add to archive..." the program opens its main window and let me choose the settings to use for compression (format, number of cores used, dictionary size, etc.). Once I click ok and create the archive, 7zip memorizes the options used and will use...

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on ticket #759

    Thanks for the answer Giorgio, I'll have a look at the options that you suggested. I'm new to peazip, so I'm still figuring out how to customize it. Anyway, I did some tests for comparison with 7zip and winrar, the programs that I've always used, and peazip with zstandard is really fast. So thanks a lot, because, if I'm not wrong, yours seems to be the only program with a user friendly UI that supports this format, with also the Tar option. Grazie ancora, alla prossima, buona serata. :)

  • gianluca gianluca modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys. I want to use zstd format for my archives and I've decided to try the modern7z plugin, but it seems that this can be used only when I'm compressing a single file. If I right click on a folder with more than one file in it and select "add to archive", then in the 7zip window I can't select the zstandard format. Now, I know that compressing multiple files with zstd requires to put them in a Tar archive, before the zstd compression. Is there a way to say to 7zip to always tar the files (even...

  • gianluca gianluca modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys. I want to use zstd format for my archives and I've decided to try the modern7Z plugin, but it seems that this can be used only when I'm compressing a single file. If I right click on a folder with more than one file in it and select "add to archive", then in the 7zip window I can't select the zstandard format. Now, I know that compressing multiple files with zstd requires to put them in a Tar archive, before the zstd compression. Is there a way to say to 7zip to always tar the files (even...

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the answer. I'm using the latest version of modern7z. You're suggesting to start 7zip from the windows cmd? It's not what I'm trying to achieve. I want to create a default profile for this, usable for all the files from the right click explorer menu, using the commands that go in here:

  • gianluca gianluca modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys. I want to use zstd format for my archives and I've decided to try the modernZ plugin, but it seems that this can be used only when I'm compressing a single file. If I right click on a folder with more than one file in it and select "add to archive", then in the 7zip window I can't select the zstandard format. Now, I know that compressing multiple files with zstd requires to put them in a Tar archive, before the zstd compression. Is there a way to say to 7zip to always tar the files (even...

  • gianluca gianluca modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys. I want to use zstd format for my archives and I've decided to try the modernZ plugin, but it seems that this can be used only when I'm compressing a single file. If I right click on a folder with more than one file in it and select "add to archive", then in the 7zip window I can't select the zstandard format. Now, I know that compressing multiple files with zstd requires to put them in a Tar archive, before the zstd compression. Is there a way to say to 7zip to always tar the files (even...

  • gianluca gianluca posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys. I want to use zstd format for my archives and I've decided to try the modernZ plugin, but it seems that this can be used only when I'm compressing a single file. If I right click on a folder with more than one file in it and select "add to archive", then in the 7zip window I can't select the zstandard format. Now, I know that compressing multiple files with zstd requires to put them in a Tar archive, before the zstd compression. Is there a way to say to 7zip to always tar the files (even...

  • gianluca gianluca created ticket #759

    QOL must have features for peazip