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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on sharpPDF

    Hello everybody, I try to run the "Hello World" project read on, but as I understand, the version for .Net 6 is published there. My project is on .Net 4.7.2, so I downloaded sharpPDF 2..0 beta 2. Some objects as PdfDocument, PdfPage, XGraphics, are not recognized. For XGraphics I imagine it is GDI+ that is missing, but I am hesitant about how to declare it.

  • Posted a review on Volume Step Adjuster
  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hello, As appears on the picture, I applied the last paragraph, to set up the two parameterizable font sizes. With the current version of Windows 10, the display parameters appear like this :

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hello, Anything wrong here ? It seems I installed, and the dialog box is displayed with its old tiny font that I cannot read. I installed the last version of KeePass, 2.48.1, with its installer. I found stylesheets, so I searched "font-size" in it, found one occurrence, and replaced 13px by 22px —and restarted the computer.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hello, Anything wrong here ? It seems I installed, and the dialog box is displayed with its old tiny font that I cannot read. I installed the last version of KeePass, 2.48.1, with its installer. I found stylesheets, so I searched "font-size" in it, found one occurrence, and replaced 13px by 22px.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #214 on XML Copy Editor

    In the help file I read there are keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl U is OK to get a larger font, and that stays memorized for the following session. If one day you have time it can avoid questions to get the menu options active.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #214 on XML Copy Editor

    Hello, I just made exactly this, just after having installed XML Copy Editor on Windows 10 64 bits 1803, and the text remains displayed in size 4, whereas I should need 12 or 14. I did not have that problem before. I had to restore my machine last week, with an image of six months ago. I opened XML Copy Editor with privilege elevation and it changes nothing. Any idea what happens ?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on custombuttons

    In the last sentence, please read "Even" rather than "Event". Sorry I did not see any edit button here.

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2009-03-14 00:25:49


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