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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SymmetricDS

    Hello I'm having a problem with a large batch being created during an initial load. I have a large table in mySQL which results in many batches. However, while all the batches created are of the same size (207450) the last one created for that table is huge (39842157) This is causing problems with the transfer of the batch to the client as it is timing out. Does anyone know why the one batch is created so large and what can I do about it? Thanks in advance, Gregg

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SymmetricDS

    I have a question on the SymmetricDS api. I've successfully created a mobile app that utilizes the API to pull data from the central node. But how do I send a SQL statement (like an UPDATE or INSERT) to the central node? I'm sure I'm missing something here....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on SymmetricDS

    I have observed a behavior during an initial load that I need help understanding. I have a server running mySQL and symmetric 3.11.4. I have a mobile device which uses the symmetric API to sync data from the server to the mobile. My server is set to do an automatic initial load when a new node is registered. When I register my mobile via the API things work as expected. The initial load request is started and I can see the batches in sym_outgoing_batch being created on the 'reload' channel. That...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SymmetricDS

    Hello I have observed an issue I hope someone can help me with. I am using the API to sync data between the server and a remote node. The first thing the remote node does is request an initial load which seems to work. But what I have noticed is that the server is creating many many "empty" batches. When I say many I'm meaning about 5-6000 batches in the sym_outgoing_batch table with no associated data. This seems to be a result of the initial_load. In the sym_table_reload_status table it shows about...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SymmetricDS

    Being a novice, I'm sure this is a simple question but I can't seem to find an answer. I am trying to view the documentation on the rest API and I'm sure I'm missing something simple. I'm able to access the API successfully using http://hostip:31415/api/engine/node because I get a good response. I want to use other methods but can't find any documentation. Can someone tell me how to see the documentation described above? Thank you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Mobile Development on SymmetricDS

    Hi Hoping to find someone that has done this as I'm running into several problems trying to do this.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Mobile Development on SymmetricDS

    I am trying to create a DLL from the Android Jar files using a "Android Bindings Project" within visual studio 2019. When I compile which I believe will product the DLL I get the following 2 errors: Unexpected charter '`' :Using the generic type 'IEnumerable<t>' requires 1 type argument.</t> The source code that is causing the error is in the generated cs file: 2019\Projects\SymmetricLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Springframework.Core.Log.LogMessage.cs and the code in error is: internal partial...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Mobile Development on SymmetricDS

    Hi First let me say I'm new to mobile development. So don't hesitate to let me know if I'm headed down the wrong path here. We have a system that uses SymmetricDS to replicate data between several mySQL databases. It works great. Now I am building a mobile app (android first, then hopefully iOS) using xamarin forms. The database we are using on the mobile is SQLite. My goal is to utilize SymmetricDS android to replicate from the mobile like we do with the other mySQL remote instances. I've downloaded...

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2020-03-31 17:56:53


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