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  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    Hi James ... What version of Postfixadmin are you trying to use, and what version of PHP are you trying to use? It looks like there's an issue with PHP coping with shorttags (<? vs <?php) - which feels like it was an issue a long time ago. Note - you'll get a better/quicker answer on - we're not using the sourceforge site any longer.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    You probably need to escape the '.' in your regex - else it'll match any character. Try e.g. /.tld$/ REJECT blah blah You should also be able to query that table/file using postmap - which might help you diagnose if you've got your syntax correct - e.g. something like : postmap -q pcre:/path/to/something if my memory serves me correctly.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    Hi, What versions of PostfixAdmin and PHP are you using? thanks David.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin


  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    Is there anything logged in the PHP / apache / webserver error log?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    For the above, i suspect you don't have the PHP module enabled within Apache ( ? ) - it looks like it's just echoing out the PHP source code. Try : apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.4 or .... 8.0 ? (I'm not sure what version of PHP ubuntu 22.04 shipped with)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    I can't easily search the discussion here (sourceforge is slow/clunky). Try changing the pagination size settings in and see if that makes any difference? Can you run that SQL manually on the MySQL command line ? (it works for me, but I don't know what version of MySQL you're trying to use).

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    upgrade to a newer version of Postfixadmin - see ...

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2007-04-05 12:49:55


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