Activity for Greg Fleishman

  • Greg Fleishman Greg Fleishman posted a comment on ticket #49

    As an aside - rendering the 3D view of so many labeled ROIs is also very slow. I'm guessing whatever algorithm maps voxel ROIs to surface meshes (marching cubes + smoothing?) is done sequentially over the labels? Perhaps this could also be multithreaded? Once generated, it is very slow to interact with the 3D viewer. Perhaps fewer vertices per label mesh (since there are so many ROIs, they are small, and pretty regular in shape) would help render faster? Once a mesh is created, if I export it and...

  • Greg Fleishman Greg Fleishman created ticket #49

    Enable ITK-SNAP to scale better with the number of labeled ROIs (100K+)

  • Greg Fleishman Greg Fleishman created ticket #110

    Label index overflows when exceeding 2**16 labels

  • Greg Fleishman Greg Fleishman created ticket #48

    Hot key to interpolate the active label

  • Greg Fleishman Greg Fleishman created ticket #47

    Hot key to create new labels