Activity for Gert vd Walt

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you, and yes it was GC Code. The video helped a lot

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you, and yes it was GC Code. I found the vid on your youtube channel, but you forgot to embed a link in your reply... The video helped a lot

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Been familiarizing myself with GC Studio and one thing I miss is getting to the help for Great Cow Basic in general and by right clicking on a command and it opens in help. Or is there a setting I am missing?

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Been familiarizing myself with GC Studio and one thinf I miss is getting to the help for Great Cow Basic in general and by right clicking on a command and it opens in help. Or is there a setting I am missing?

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Been familiarising myself with GC Studio and one thinf I miss is getting to the help for Great Cow Basic in general and by right clicking on a command and it opens in help. Or is there a setting I am missing?

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    More info: If I comment out the "START:" label it compiles

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    When trying to compile this program for 18f25k20 it gives the following error: Error: GCASM: Duplicate, conflicting definition for START I compiled / used it for numerous different pic's and it works. (use it to see if hardware serial is working) Tried it with 98.06 and 98.07 rc35 Thank you.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I have finaly gotten round to messing with the Great Cow BASIC USB and have ran the demos with an attached chip etc. I installed and tried to load the source files for the pc application in order to have a look at them but can not seem to find any of it. There is only a .exe in the usb examples folder. Am I looking at the wrong place?

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Great Cow Basic has allowed me to create very cool and inexpensive educational robots that has allowed my students to enjoy programming and win a competition or two. I do hope to get rich ($$) from educational robotics in the future but for now the ease of use and the ease of teaching basic (as opposed to some spaghetti languages like java and C ) that has my students solving a problem and implementing a solution with ease is payment enough. So I also want to jump on the bandwagon of thanking everyone...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for having a crack at it. Now I feel less like it is my ineptidude.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have the blank chips on hand from previous projects and thaught it would be interesting to replicate the xpress board in dip. So I cant try the demos, my "board" is not working. lol But thanks for the reply.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have the blank chips on hand from previous projects ant thaught it would be interesting to replicate the xpress board in dip. So I cant try the demos, my "board" is not worling. lol But thanks for the reply.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is entirely not Great Cow BASIC related but I am confident someone here will be able to help me: ( And if the mods feel it has to be removed it is also fine ) I am trying to compile the bootloader for the MplabXpress board with the pic16f1454 (as the programmer) and the pic18f18345 (as the target) that emulates as a usb storage device. (this one) It has two sections, one is a DFU bootloader to update the firmware on the 16f and the other the...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    thanks. how does ser1send differ from sersend? gert On 5/16/19, Anobium wrote: Gert, I have a 12f1571. Serial communications on the 12F1571. You may want this code one day. Enjoy ProgramWrite only for specific chips? Sent from because you indicated interest in

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just so that this thead can be marked as resolved: HEF will do what I need done. I wrote to the program memmory because I did not know about HEF in general, or that chip has it in particular. You learn something new every day! Thanks again for the help and the advice

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    thanks for reply, will test HEF. Here is program and hex

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    here you go

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    and the "serout" should be commented out, it is from PBP

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I had all the programread and write commands commentes out in search of the problem in the first post. the last one I posted is the one that gives the errors. sorry, my bad

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    seems like I posted the wrong program, sorry. this is the correct one:

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    latest and greatest 0.98.05

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wrote a program in Picbasic Pro that stored settings in the flash for a 12f1571. I want to make a similar program in GCB because my trail period for PBP expired but get the following error when trying to compile the program: eeprom.h (303): Error: Incorrect parameters in Set, expected: Set variable.bit status eeprom.h (324): Error: Incorrect parameters in Set, expected: Set variable.bit status The current program tests if it works and sends the result to the serial port (attached) tx

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you very very much! Just tested it in my application and it works like an absolute charm.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I will experiment with the dtr delay settings and see if that might help since you say there might be a timing issue

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you. The fact that you have created such a small bootloader for such a small device is brilliant in and of itself. Thanks for you effort.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I tried using both the "Dan beta" and the one from "" found on the tinybootload forum. Both had the same issue. Piccodes.ini is from "Tiny Multi Bootloader+ (v0.11.0) - Firmware" I replaced the gui bundled with GCB with "Tiny Multi Bootloader+ (v0.11.2)- Software" in hopes of solving the problem. FTDI FT232rl. dtr connected directly to reset, but just tested the setup with the capacitor and no change. Not much of a basic source code, just a blinky LED to say hello...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Help

    I put in #option tbl+ during fault finding and GCB gave an error: Warning: Unrecognised compiler option: TBL+ I would like to get the bootloader going, even if it is to help me in future. I did it with only #option bootloader. without TBL+

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I put in #option tbl+ during fault finding and GCB gave an error: Warning: Unrecognised compiler option: TBL+ I would like to get the bootloader going, even if it is to help me in future.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have loaded the firmware for the bootloader into the 1571 and when checking it with the bootloader GUI for the first time it recognises the chip and say all is well: Checking device Open COM3 serial port at 9600 Baud Rate Hardware DTR resetting device Device detected: '12F 1501/1571' Closed COM3 serial port TinyBootLoader+ device check completed When I flash the chip with the bootloader (with no modification to user program in GCB) the program starts running but when I try to re flash I get the...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Thank you it works. I copied the snippet you posted into my use.ini, opened the programmer editor, moved it to the top and placed the files in the directories you suggested and everything works.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    thank you. I will give feedback

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you can give me the procedure or method to do what I need then I will rename and swop and change as needed. Just have to be pointed in the right direction. So dont worry about names and such teach me how to get-R-done. lol

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can also have a look at this video to see how it was implemented: The great cow stuff is about half way through. Thanks for your time thus far

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    as you might see I put a REM in fromt of the path

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    They are both in GCB@SYN so I dont have to worry too much about working directories and such

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @echo off echo *** flashPIC.bat *** echo. REM v0.98.01 - Added chip checking for PicKit2 REM This batchfile is called from G+Stool.exe if an PIC-chipmodel is detected and REM no "FlashThis.bat" is present in the sourcefile-folder. REM You can adapt this file to your needs. REM %1 is replaced with the hexfile in double quotes i.e. "C:\My Folder\nice file.hex" REM %2 is replaced with the chipmodel i.e. 16F688 REM G+Stool.exe always makes the GCB@Syn root-folder the current folder. REM --- Your code...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It is this DFU bootloader: I compiled the flash code and put this in flashthis.bat copy %1 "wrtemp.hex" "change.exe" wrtemp.hex wrtemp.dfu "dfu-util.exe" -D wrtemp.dfu It saves the hes file as wrtemp.hex, then changes it into the dfu standard and calls the dfu util to flash the pic. I put the dfu files in the root of GCB@SYN so as to to have to bother with directories too much

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    oh, and yes. it is windows 7, gcb@syn. standard instalation

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    oh, and yoe. it is windows 7, gcb@syn. standard instalation

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have setup a usb bootloader and edited flashthis.bat to call it and flash the program to the pic via usb. I cant give you screenshots since the only error is "pic kit 2 not found" witch means flashthis.bat is not being run.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not sure if I am hijacking this thread but having issues starting my own: Ver 0.98.02 totally ignores "flashthis.bat". is ther a setting I must change?

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help


  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt modified a comment on discussion Help

    onother update: it works.... lol did it wrong the first time

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    onother update: it works.... lol

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just an update: making the program into sub routines did not work. how do I tell breat cow basic where my main program starts and stops? I usually use ether a do.... loop, or a goto label:

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you, will give it a try.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have used the HID USB bootloader for the 16f1459 / 4 / 5 and as mentioned above the option bootloader offset makes great cow basic complain about the first page being full. After searching a while I found another usb bootloader that have an offset of 512 and great cow basic does compile a small program but the moment the program gets bigger it complains about the same thing. 4.0 Sec. Compiler Version: 0.98.01 2017-10-27 Program Memory: 1531/8192 words (18.69%) RAM: 0/1024 bytes (0.%) Chip: 16F1459...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    And please dont reccomend a serial bootloader...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Would it be possible to re-visit this? On the 18F the option bootloader offset is no problem, but since more people is using the 16f1459 /5 /4 it might be useful to get this going?

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Great cow basic dont care in witch order or where you declare a variable. So you can do the following: Dim think as Byte think = 0 Dim position as Byte position = 0 Dim linesense as byte linesense = 0 or simply: Dim think as Byte : think = 0 Dim position as Byte : position = 0 Dim linesense as byte : linesense = 0 not as pretty as you wanted, but, I think, much better than messing with assembly.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    LOL. I have found this bootloader but it uses a python scrypt to write the hex file to the pic. It also solves the memory full problem since the bootloader offset is 0x200 and great cow is happy with compiling that. Can some clever coder out there maybe make an .exe of it that works with GCB? I live in hope...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    tynybootloader is a serial bootloader. I have a handle on serial bootloaders. I want to use the usb bootloader to avoid the serial to usb hardware in order to save costs. Thanks anyway

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    PS: thanks for a cool compiler and prompt help.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    not much of a user program... `; ----- Configuration #chip 16f1459, 48 #option bootloader 0x1000 'must for usb Bootloader #option NoConfig #option explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings dir PORTc.0 out ;----- Variables ; ----- Main body of program commences here. Main: set PORTc.0 on wait 50 ms set PORTc.0 off wait 1 s goto Main end` If you can reccomend a different usb bootloader that would also work. I allready went the serial bootloader route and was hoping to avoid the usb to serial hardware...

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    When I remove the option bootloader directive the bootloader application gives the following message: No address within range in file: LED Dimmer 16f1459 bootloader hid.hex. Verify the correct firmware image was specified and is designed for your device.

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have loaded the HID USB bootloader from Microchip onto a 16f1459. The loader aplication on the pc identifies the chip correctly. When I try to compile a program with #option bootloader 0x1000 I get the following message: Error: First page of program memory is full, please reduce size of Main and Interrupt routines

  • Gert vd Walt Gert vd Walt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Has there been any progress made on the "option bootloader" for the 16f1459? I also get the "memory full" error. (using compiler 98.0.1)