Activity for Gershy13

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    I uninstalled eqapo and reinstalled, and started on a clean config.txt and it seems to work now. Yeah maybe windows update broke something.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 modified a comment on ticket #268

    So it seems to work fine on my laptop that runs windows 11, but for some reason my desktop pc that is on windows 10 it does not work anymore (it did before). Im not sure why. It seems to connect to voicemeeter, but nothing happens when i change anything in the config.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    So it seems to work fine on my laptop that runs windows 11, but for some reason my desktop pc that is on windows 10 it does not work anymore (it did before). Im not sure why.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    Yeah, i'll give the source code a read and see if i can figure it out. My C/C++ isnt good tho haha!

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    Thanks, i guess we will have to wait and see. I am not sure what changed as the api seems to be working fine for me to control VM using a program that i wrote, however i am not doing any audio processing using it, so i am not sure how that side works

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    i assume it is unlikely to get an update forthis in eqapo as the developer isnt active anymore?

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    according to the developer of voicemeeter, he said the api dll has changed and would need to be updated for the new one. (i think this affects any program using the dll)

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 modified a comment on ticket #268

    Ah right, i didnt know that. It is a release candidate, available on their discord for testing before release

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on ticket #268

    Ah right, i didnt know that. It is a release candidate, available on their discord for testing before release

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 created ticket #268

    Voicemeeter Integration not working in latest version

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So after some more listening, it seems like the pops are still there, although the amount of them seems to have decreased. To be honest i'm not sure how to fix it. I tried using parametric only (disabling all graphic eq and convolution), and i still seem to get them. So this leads me to think maybe it is not eqAPO and something else in my sound chain. Maybe it is a voicemeeter fault?

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That's very interesting... Maybe it has something to do with the audio engine using the threaded virtual cores instead of the logical cores? Maybe the virtual threads do not perform as well as the logical cores, so when it is enabled eqAPO uses essentially less powerful cores? If there was a way to force it to use a specific core(s) that could be an interesting test.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yeah, I didn't realise the EQs had different performance until now. So as i have two audio chains (speakers A1 and headphones A2), i decided to make both as optimised/performant as possible. Switching the A1 speakers to parametric was easy as its a very simple (two frequencies) EQ. Maybe that offloaded some of the work of the CPU. Looks like if you want graphic EQ to work without too many issues with voicemeeter, try and keep CPU usage of eqAPO as low as possible. It seems that eqAPO was trying to...

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Based on my limited testing for about an hour, I haven't been able to come across any pops using both the graphic EQ or convolution wav file. This could be due to multiple tweaks I did, however time will tell. The first thing i did is moved my much simpler eq (only eq'ing 2-3 frequencies) for my main speakers from graphic EQ to parametric EQ, maybe this puts less stress on the system? The second thing i did, which i suspect has the most impact, is apply the eq(s) to only two channels using the channel...

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've used VIBE to generate a wav file at 96khz (my sample rate) so i'll give it a shot and post back with my results in a few days!

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Say if i exported the graphic EQ into a wav file using VIBE, and then imported into eqAPO as convolution, would i still have the same issues as it is using convolution?

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Alright I'll give parametric a shot. Is there any reason why graphic EQ is buggy? Are there any planned fixes?

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    yes it is only graphic eq. is there any way to fix it rather than switch filter? i use AutoEQ for headphones, and they generate a graphic eq file that i load in.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Anyone know of a fix for the random pops when audio is playing or being adjusted rapidly? It happens occasionally depending on what song is playing, but is very random and unpredictable, not sure what is causing the random pops. They are quiet pops that aren't really that noticeable but still fairly annoying (much more noticeable on headphones). I'm using eqAPO with Voicemeeter Potato (apo installed on A1,A2). Voicemeeter is going to my UMC204HD @ 96khz @ 256sample (ASIO). Ive tried changing the...

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the tips, yes i have a driver installed, but whats weird is i had that driver installed on my old computer and it worked fine with EQAPO, but on my new pc with windows clean installed, it does not. I am using voicemeeter currently, and it does not allow me to use EqAPO on an input device which is unfortunate. Only for hardware outputs.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have searched around on google and this forum, but i couldnt find anything to fix it. I also tried some of the troubleshooting options with no fix.

  • Gershy13 Gershy13 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have been using EqualizerAPO with my speakers as an output EQ for a while now, and i wanted to start applying some basic filters and VSTs to my mic input (Behringer UMC204HD audio interface as input for xlr mic and output to speakers). But i cant seem to get it working. The output works fine as an EQ to my speakers with no issues, but when i try and apply anything to my mic, when i install EqAPO on my input channel, I restart and then windows says "Audio enhancements have been disabled. Would you...