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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    I never used earlier forcing files, but now I have to. SWobs.txt is mentioned to be shortwave radiation. Reanalys parameters are different, there is clear sky direct solar radiation at surface, surface_net_solar_radiation_clear_sky and some other forms. In evaporation formulae also different forms of radiation are mentioned, so I conclude that there are some additional calculations from SWobs to radiation on upper layer of athmosphere or diffuse radiation etc. So the question is, what shortwave radiation...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on HYPE

    Hello, it isn't evident from docs, nor from the code, where this variable comes from when calculating transportfactor = MIN(1; eflow/4^1.3)? It isn't surface flow for the subbasin. Please, help me to find the source of it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    Yes, now it's much more clear. I have some effects of humus pool, but no effect on flow. Also I had a misunderstanding concerning gross load of upper soil layers. I thought, that it (sl11) include only flows of sources (fertilizers, residues, households etc). But now I see the basis 400000kg for all watershed with increase by 600000kg when fertilizers are applied. So, the amount of P, which soil contain also is included?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    Thank you for answer. There is a parameter resp in CropData.txt which seem to be the only one to determine the P flow from crop residues, but which parameter is the same for forested areas? By the way, when I significantly changed resp, no effect I had on the phosphorus flow.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    THere is one other really strange thing. When I have built the map of phosphorus loads in august and compared it with spring loads, I realized that first ones are 10 times bigger. As it could be only fertilizers, residues or point sources I conclude that this result give residues of crops. But without the residues variable I can't prove it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    Hello. I've found that parameters resp, resday, resdown etc that should manage biogenes loads from crop residues, don't change the results at all. Also, I can't verify plat grow or residues amount, because I don't see the corresponding variable in the variables list. The question is: is there any other parameter that "switches on" the part of model that calculate residues and load from it and is there any variables of these processes to take a glance of. Thanks!

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    mactrsm not - but I thought that macrate and mactrinf are enough, because the corresponding formulas give zeros. NO, I don't have any additional sources, nor groundwater inflows.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    The question is why in the orange case tha main part stays in the infiltrated box (infilt + water on land) and in the green case all to the contrary. Normally, I don't want to switch the infiltration off, but I see that due to this extrainfiltration of the orange case in normal conditions the model does not simulate the first rain pick after the spring flood.

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2018-01-12 10:09:16
Moscow / Russia / MSK


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This is a list of skills that Nikolay Yasinskiy possesses:

  • Python
  • Fortran

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