Activity for geoff

  • geoff geoff posted a comment on ticket #83

    @Nello, RomanH suggested this is a specific problem with Onedrive and a new thread should be raised. I have been to busy with other issues to do this. I had a very quick retrye of the mapping fix and I agree it dose not work. I also use Boxcyptor Classic and it does work for that. I may have assummed that it would for encfsmp as the problem seamed the same.

  • geoff geoff posted a comment on ticket #83

    The update seems to work fine when the source file is on a local hard drive, but it doesn’t work if the source is a OneDrive folder even if it is set to be permanently available. When I try to mount the drive I get the message that the encfs file does not exist. If I use and external encfs file on a normal hard drive folder I can mount the drive but all the files have zero size and cannot be mounted. MS are obviously doing some strange things with OneDrive. I noticed if you try to share a sub folder...

  • geoff geoff posted a comment on ticket #83

    I have a similar problem with both EncFSMP and boxcrytor Classic. my source folder is in the user Onedrive folder. I have found a work arround by sharring the physical Onedrive folder in /users/username . You can just share it with you self. them map this folder as a network drive. set EncFSMP to use the folder in the mapped network drive as the source folder. This works with boxcryptor. I had problems with EncFSMP not recognising the XML file. If you have the same problem it might to use an external...

  • geoff geoff created ticket #16

    Windows search not working

  • geoff geoff created ticket #5

    Auto Mount option