Two language recognition is not working on VietOCR.NET v 5.7.2. The OCR Language Combobox is no longer editable like in previous versions. Although combobox is not editable it allows two languages to be selected by double click selections from dropbox. However program is not performing recognition on both languages. It only recognizes the first of the two languages set. If you flip the language order around it will again recognize the first language. I noticed when you set the two languages in combobox...
Two language recognition is not working. I noted that in previous tickets the OCR Language Combobox was editable. The version I just downloaded is not editable. However I am able to select two languages by holding Ctrl and that allows you to select two languages. Also this latest version does not set the two languages as abbreviations (amh+eng) it sets as Amharic+English - again probably because of new version. That's fine. The problem I am reporting is the software is still not performing OCR on...