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  • Posted a comment on ticket #29 on AMOS

    Hi, This is the new log. ESC[0;35m###### Wed Apr 22 05:43:48 BST 2020: Running layoutESC[0m INPUT reads lis mates PLACEMENT CONFLICT ASSEMBLY OUTPUT ESC[0;35m###### Sun Apr 26 17:18:38 BST 2020: Running consensusESC[0m Entering 'Amos_supercontigs.bnk' Found CTG bank unlocking 'r 432968 tk19812' Found FRG bank Found LAY bank Found LIB bank Found RED bank Found SCF bank Found UNV bank IFOs found: 7 File locks: 0 Bank locks: 1 Starting on Sun Apr 26 17:18:38 2020 Read bank is Amos_supercontigs.bnk Alignment...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #29 on AMOS

    I'm suspecting it's a memory issue. Is there any chance I can split the delta file to run part of that and reconnect them after? Cheers F

  • Posted a comment on ticket #29 on AMOS

    Now I don't have it anymore, but the log file was just listing the different stages of the job like: INPUT reads lis ... till the end without returning any expicit error. F

  • Posted a comment on ticket #29 on AMOS

    Hi, I think consensus fails because layout didn't generate the file. layout also finishes without error messages Thanks a lot F

  • Created ticket #29 on AMOS

    casm-layout ERROR

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Lep-MAP3

    Hi Pasi, Thanks for your help. Apparently the small change in the assembly generated a mis-joining in the LM. I'm sure probably to a repeat region in those flanking areas. One scaffolder was able to solve it the other not. I also used the good LM to break down scaffolds, re-scaffold and gap filling them, re compute che LM and use it fo a final scaffolding. Now it looks really good. A final gap filling closed most of the LM gaps. Now I should be quite happy with it. As I'm not familiar with the sensitivity...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Lep-MAP3

    Hi Pasi, I'm having a problem with the linkadge map. The fist run produced a satisfied result, but, for reason that I'm not explaining here I went back to my assembly and I build a different version of the draft using a different software to perform the scaffolding. I then generated the LM for the new assembly version and the draft before the scaffolding. Comparing the 3 LMs it seems like the draft and the second scaffolding procedure produced comparable results which prodced worst results than the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on Lep-MAP3

    Ok, will do it. Is it in LMPlot section of your wiki? Something to mention is that AllMaps found this ambiguities: 11:26:59 [__init__] CACHEDIR=/home/fc464/.cache/matplotlib 11:26:59 [font_manager] Using fontManager instance from /home/fc464/.cache/matplotlib/fontList.json 11:26:59 [__init__] backend agg version v2.2 11:26:59 [base] Load file `../EisaPacBio.LMmale.bed` 11:27:02 [allmaps] Map contains 184033 markers in 31 linkage groups. 11:27:03 [allmaps] Retained 162,372 of 184,033 (88.2%) clean...

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2019-03-12 18:02:40


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