Activity for Felix Natter

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Ghica, unfortunately, Java reserves two bytes for characters which is not enough for all (ancient!) languages. So you need to take 2+2 characters for some unicode characters, which fp does not currently do, and it is a huge effort to change this. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Clonezilla live

    hello community, thanks for the excellent product! I was using 2.6.3 but this crashed when fetching an image via ssh (only on one out of 5 laptops so far). So now I am trying 2.8.1-12 on a stick which I created on linux with UEFI and legacy methods [1]. Both sticks do not show up in the boot menu of a laptop (Tuxedo N150CU). Note that the laptop uses EFI and only shows "EFI boot devices". The old stick (2.6.3, I do not know whether it was created with or without UEFI) does show up, however. [1]

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2607

    hi macmarrum, this one [1] is installed as /usr/share/mime/packages/freeplane.xml for the upstream .deb on Debian11, where it works ok (tested with nautilus->right-click->properties). [1] Historically, this also registers freemind with a "header" of <map, but if freemind is not installed, freeplane will also register for <map. Freeplane is registered always with <map version="freeplane magic prefix. I think...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    h Bugs, two solutions: LaTeX with \textsf{text}$_{b_1}$ or (partial solution, because Freeplane does not seem to support nested subscripts): HTML with something like text<sub>b<sub>1</sub></sub> Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    h Bugs, two solutions: LaTeX with \textsf{text}$_{b_1}$ or (partial solution, because Freeplane does not seem to support nested subscripts): HTML with something like textb1 Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Bugs, Sorry, I wasn't sure if this forum needs to escape it. Try: text$_{b_1}$ Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Bugs, thanks for the video. Why do you escape the '$' with a '\'? Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello bugs, you can only switches "font styles" within "Computer Modern": serif (roman), sans-serif, small caps of course with italic and bold. Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Bugs (:D), I don't understand what exactly you want. If you want nested subscripts, i.e. b_1 itself being a subscript, do this: ....\$_{b_1}\$. Please clarify. Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Dimitry, I would like attend, too. Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Technical Topics

    Dear veracrypt developers, we are using veracrypt-1.24.23-1.x86_64 on Scientific Linux 7 (essentially RHEL7). A colleague (userA in the following) has an issue when mounting an NTFS container on Linux: $> sudo veracrypt --text --mount /mnt/NAS/Container.hc /media/veracrypt8 Enter password for /mnt/NAS/Container.hc: Enter PIM for /mnt/NAS/Container.hc: Enter keyfile [none]: Protect hidden volume (if any)? (y=Yes/n=No) [No]: that it is (mounted) readonly: $> cd /media/veracrypt8 $> touch test.txt touch:...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello David, I can open the map and open the link without issues, and I do not see the PrivilegedActionException. Are you logged in as user 'user'? Could you please start fp with fresh settings by invoking with "-U/tmp"? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi David, please excuse the late reply! (I had to fix my father's PC ;-)) I tried now with freeplane_1.9.12~upstream-1_all.deb: - paste hyperlink ( to map - click on hyperlink -> opens Maybe there is something special with how your freeplane creates the links? Could you provide a simple (minimal) map? Also, can you check Tools->Open user directory->logs->log.0? Many Thanks and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello David, thank you for the bug report! Maybe there is a dependency that gets resolved to /usr/share/knopflerfish/framework.jar instead of /usr/share/freeplane/framework.jar? Could you please tell me how exactly to reproduce this? I tried with 1.9.7 .deb and pasted a http:// link to a node and could click it without error. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Freeplane (power) users, I am looking for someone to take over the freeplane Debian package (with my help of course!). There are a number of challenges for the package (see this post), but I did it for ~8 years and I do not have the time and resources to do it on my own. Currently, the package is blocked because the version of gradle in Debian is still 4.4, but I expect this to change soon. It is a rewarding task with a friendly community. I am looking forward to hear from interested persons!...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello cricrazy this is fixed in the latest preview: Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello cricrazy, this is indeed broken, testing with 1.9.7. @dpolivaev: Format=Unparsed LaTeX is exported fine, and I checked that the XSL uses: <xsl:when test="@FORMAT='latexPatternFormat' or @FORMAT='unparsedLatexPatternFormat'"> <xsl:value-of select="@TEXT"> <xsl:text></xsl:text></xsl:value-of></xsl:when> and what I tested was this: <node text="$x_1=\frac{3}{4}$" id="ID_1671200055" format="latexPatternFormat"></node> which was not exported. I can look at this in a few days up to next weekend if...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2972

    hello Milavon, you have to run the script via bash ... or ./ The script requires a bash and /bin/sh is not a bash. Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Bugs, a very simple partial solution would be to add an attribute (Edit->Node properties->Add attribute in dialog) numChildren with the value =node.getChildren().size(). Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified ticket #2836

    LateX bug

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2836

    It's not that easy. Of course you could have mixed modes like "This is a text with $forumlas$ and another $formula$". We could have a radio button for the default mode, but then we would need to update the radio buttons based on the input. i.e. if you select "math mode" and you put a $...$ in the text, we need to switch to "text mode". How about a a label "You are put in text mode by default. Use $...$ or $$...$$ for formula. Please look at the [documentation|]"...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified ticket #2836

    LateX bug

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2836

    hello ffoxD, freeplane puts you in LaTeX text mode by default, please wrap your formulas in $...$ or $$...$$. @dpolivaev, @ffoxD: Since this is misunderstood so many times, would you accept it if I add a documentation popup when the LaTeX editor is fired up for the first time? Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi David, please put your code in $...$ or $$...$$. Freeplane puts you in text mode by default, that's why i.e. sub/superscripts do not work. Unfortunately, many users do not get this right, do you have an idea how to communicate this? It is documented here: Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear users, this is a short reminder that there are a few new strings in the to-be-released 1.8.7 ("command search"). Please consider translating (which is really easy) here: Thanks and Best Regards Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is a new preview 1.8.7_pre06 with some changes to command search (except memorizing the window position/size, this might or might not go in for 1.8.7). Please review so that I can make a "call for translators". Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi, did you put your formula in $...$? Just like in LaTeX, freeplane puts you in text mode by default. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2789

    hi Joo, can you try to choose a different look&feel in Tools->Preferences..->Appearance->Look and Feel? (please restart freeplane after changing this option) This would be one difference betwen FreeMind and Freeplane. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Beniamin, welcome to the project! I think you will find some interesting and rewarding tasks in the Freeplane project. Can you point out what LaTeX problems you are having on Linux? Since we're using a pure java library, it should work exactly the same on linux. Also, while it is easy to pull additional maven dependencies (you mentioned lucene for spell checking), it think we should not light-heartedly add dependencies. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi bnc, you can start freeplane with -U <path>. If you are on Windows, you can edit freeplane.bat and change the path there.</path> Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified ticket #2753

    Subscript code in LaTeX is not working

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2753

    hi Ranjan, LaTeX in Freeplane puts you in text mode by default, and text mode does not know about sub-/superscripts. Use $...$ (for inline formulas) or $$...$$ (for out-of-line formulas), then almost all of the math stuff works. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2741

    hi Laurent, please be patient: There could be some font processing going on. Also, try to change Tools->Preferences->Environment->Export->Convert texts to shapes in exported pdf. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello njk, did you try the d3d flag has Nathan suggested? Also, there are a few ideas here (like changing the L&F): Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Rickytoo, this looks indeed like freeplane starts ok. Is this true? Is your problem solved? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi João, on which OS are you? Which file did you try to change? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Rickytoo, could you please run freeplane.bat from a cmd.exe window (cd into the freeplane installation directory, then type 'freeplane') and post the output? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi João, you need to give Freeplane more RAM, please see this page: Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi, we fixed the problem in git, so it builds with gradle5 and gradle6 (but no longer with gradle <=4). You can undo your patch and update. Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2709

    hi Milavon, you can install the .deb by: sudo dpkg -i freeplane-1.7.11-pre01~upstream-1_all.deb The bin package has no advantage over the deb, but if you want to use the bin distrib: Unzip it and run from within. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Carsten, I (hopefully) have a solution if your nodes do not contain formatting (formatting will be lost for the changed nodes!!).Make a backup of your map before trying this!! // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) def newToken = ui.showInputDialog(node.delegate, "Please enter new token", "") c.findAll().each { println(it.text) if(it.plainText.contains("[ABC] XYZ")) { it.text = it.plainText.replace("[ABC] XYZ", newToken) } } The trouble with the formatting is that it may look something like this:...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Thanh, in the preview Dimitry mentioned above the line spacing is configurable (Preferences->Plugins->LaTeX->LaTeX line spacing). Can you try out and give feedback which line spacing is the best, given the current circumstances? Thanks and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2709

    hi Nick, on which system are you? You can always use the binary distribution: Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Carsten, assuming that all the actual nodes look like <some prefix="">: <suffix>, the following changes all selected nodes to <newprefix>: <suffix>:</suffix></newprefix></suffix></some> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) def newPrefix = ui.showInputDialog(node.delegate, "Please enter new prefix", "") c.selecteds.each{ it.text = newPrefix + ": " + it.text.split(": ")[1] } Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi ChinWen, are you on Linux with a gradle package? In that case, just keep the patch commenting out the plugin, it is just used to build an upstream Debian package. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi ChinWen, sorry for the confusion, The first issue is a problem with gradle6! gradle6 works with nebula.ospackage 8.0.3 (but this does not work with gradle 4.4, so I will have to work on this). Can you use gradle5 for the time being? For the second one, I can download the artifact without problems: felix@bitburger:/tmp/x$ wget --2019-12-05 20:34:11--

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Carsten, create a script with Tools->Edit script, then Actions->New script use def X = ui.showInputDialog(node.delegate, "Please enter X", "") I don't understand the rest. Please elaborate. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Thanh, thanks for the excellent sample map. I have changed the line spacing for the new 1.7.11 release. See the attachment for what it looks like. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Thanh, could you please attach a sample map? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi ChinWen, it is a huge effort to download all dependencies manually. Please check your antivirus / firewall settings. @Nnamdi: Didn't you have a similar issue? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi ChinWen, I have no clue why you can't get this package. Can you please update (I assume you are on branch 1.7.x?)? You can build without this plugin with this patch: diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle index 7b0bbd509..89aed8ad9 100644 --- a/build.gradle +++ b/build.gradle @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ buildscript { } plugins { - id "nebula.ospackage" version "5.0.4" +// id "nebula.ospackage" version "5.0.4" } Properties props = new Properties() @@ -259,5 +259,5 @@ task format_translation { dependsOn ':freeplane:format_translation'...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi João, can you upload a minimal sample map? You can try changing Tools->Preferences->Environment->Export->Convert texts to shapes in exported PDF. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello João, it's at doc/ in your freeplane installation folder. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2681

    hi Randall, did you also start using freeplane.bat? I think default is freeplane.exe which ignores settings in freeplane.bat. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2689

    hi ilive, please use freeplane.bat and increase freeplane's heap size as described here: Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified ticket #2692

    Application require a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2693

    hi Ian, you have to install the normal (non-headless) JRE/JDK: Is sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk enough? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2681

    hi Randall, please change the memory limit in your freeplane.bat. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ah sorry no dual boot, so I misread this. In that case, create symlinks to dropbox folders on both systems.

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Andrew, (recent) Windows, Mac OS X and Linux have the concept of symbolic links (symlinks): So you can have a common (FAT32?) drive that both OSs can access, and, on both systems, use symlinks from i.e. $HOME/.config/freeplane/1.7.x/templates/ to /mnt/X/ Is that what you need? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Biswajit, you can create a new map view (View->New map view) and then drag the new view's tab to a part of the existing map view. Then you have the same data, but with different location, folding etc. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi David, freeplane uses the library jlatexmath to render LaTeX: (and we're already using the latest version) I think it is not easy to add new symbols, but you can report a bug against jlatexmath (see above). You can, however, define your own macros ( Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Fil, there is an "upstream deb": This is like a normal deb (install with sudo dpkg -i), but it contains all dependencies, so it is independent of the distro. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Joe, note that the file name contains a tilde (probably markdown swallowed this ;-). No problem, you can use this. The difference is that the 1.7.5 deb includes all dependencies, so it is independent of the mint version. It does not matter. yes, that command is correct The update manager will look at the version number. If mint will add a "1.7.4-1" version, it won't update; if mint willl add a "1.7.6-1" though, it will update. But I think you only get an update freeplane in mint if you update...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Joe, note that the file name contains a tilde (probably markdown swallowed this ;-). No problem, you can use this. The difference is that the 1.7.5 deb includes all dependencies, so it is independent of the mint version. It does not matter. yes, that command is correct The update manager will look at the version number. If mint will add a "1.7.4-1" version, it won't update; if mint willl add a "1.7.5-1" though, it will update. But I think you only get an update freeplane in mint if you update...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Dimitry, thanks, good work! I have updated the wiki to show the new version near the download link. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Valentin, you can use \textcolor{white}{...} in LaTeX. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2631

    hi Luke, did you activate the openjdk-11-jre with "sudo update-java-alternatives --list/--set"? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2634

    hello James, have you tried View->View settings->Show icons? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2632

    hello ZhangSan, I think you can install additional fonts system-wide to be used by freeplane. The problem with supporting all unicode code points is another one though: Java/Freeplane supports 16-bit unicode; handling the additional 32bit-values requires interpreting pairs of 16-bit chars ("surrogate pairs"). This would require changing virtually all of Freeplane. So, unfortunately, this won't happen. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2622

    hi Pierre, could you try with another java application like jedit? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2625

    hi Willy, this is a result of the combined rendering of JLaTeXMath and batik (svg renderer). This cannot be fixed easily, and does not have high priority for me :-( If anybody wants to look into this, I have a sample project. (which only needs to be enhanced with JLaTeXMath). Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2631

    hi Neo, unfortunately, jre10 contains a bug which is why it cannot be supported by Freeplane. Please uninstall jre10 and install jre11. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion


  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion


  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear users, could someone using Ubuntu 18.04 step forward for testing? It only takes two minutes. Here are the details: Many Thanks and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear users, the fix is now available, could someone please test it? Installation is very simple: wget sudo dpkg -i libknopflerfish-osgi-framework-java_6.1.1-2ubuntu0.1_all.deb Please post the result here and on success please comment the bug: Thanks and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion


  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear users, we are attempting to upgrade freeplane's mediawiki now, so please don't edit the wiki We apologize for some outage. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi again ric, you can also wait for the Ubuntu Stable Release Update, I need someone to test it in a few days. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello ric, please see these two workarounds until I've created a stable release update for Ubuntu 18.04: Sorry for the inconvenience, best regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2610

    hi Dan, since this occurs in the renderer: You can try to change the renderer properties: Or try to disable opengl rendering [1] -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false [1] Enable java2d logging [2]: -Dsun.java2d.trace=log [2] You can probably do this by setting _JAVA_OPTIONS: export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dsun.java2d.trace=log'...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Dimitry: I saw that you have disabled starting freeplane with Java10 in 1.7.1: I think it would be good to work on Java10/11 compatibility now. Especially fixX11AppName() must be disabled (see above). Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Ted, there was a problem in OpenJDK 10.0.1 (I think) that causes freeplane to hang. Could you try another jdk (jdk9)? does it fail to start without any further error message? If not, please append the full log (should be ~/.config/freeplane/1.6.x/logs). Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Which version of Java are you using (java -version)? Maybe the warning has turned into an error in java10/11? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Ted, Iam pretty sure this warning isn't final. We try to set the window name for GNOME3, which fails starting from Java9 I think. Do you have another issue when running Freeplane with this warning? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2591

    hello Paul, sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jdk $ sudo update-java-alternatives -l the output has lines like: java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 1081 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 pick one that is not openjdk 10 sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 (the key is in the first column) Does that help you? If not, please provide the output of "sudo update-java-alternatives -l". Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, View->Controls->Tool panel

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Alexandre, don't you need to multiply the number of seconds by 1000 to get the milliseconds? EDIT: likely freeplane gives you the milliseconds, so the variable name is not correct ;-) Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Alexandre, don't you need to multiply the number of seconds by 1000 to get the milliseconds? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Nguyen, did you have a look at this? In short, you can add LaTeX to a node in two different ways: 1. using a "\latex " ("\latex" + <space or="" newline="">) prefix 2. View->Properties panel, then Core text->Format->LaTeX Example 1: add a new node with content "\latex $x_2=\frac{1}{3}$" Example 2: add a new node with content "$x_2=\frac{1}{3}$" and change View->Tools panel, then Core text->Format->LaTeX Cheers and Best Regards, Fel...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi zipizap, yes it's good to upgrade rather sooner than later, that's what I meant. Some years ago I tried to create a SNAP package, but: 1. there is no way (as of 2016?) to use an external JDK, so the package is >100Mb 2. there are some hacks necessary to circumvent the sandbox (which is somewhat against the idea of SNAP) 3. SNAP is cool for programs with system dependencies, but Java programs are already self-contained in a virtual machine (the jdk) I created a .deb which is built for every release...

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi zipizap, thanks for the answer. You should update soon. I made the mistake to not update on my father's machine and now he is still on 12.04 and I need to reinstall ;-) Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello Ubuntu users, I created a stable release update for a freeplane library on Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) which fixes a bug in the script/latex editors, and I need someone to test it. Is anyone here using Ubuntu 18.04? Many Thanks and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on ticket #2597

    hi Adam, maybe there is a working backup in <fpuserdir>/.backup/*.mm ? Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

  • Felix Natter Felix Natter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    helo Moonbase, please try [x] Tools->Preferences->Environment->Export->Convert texts to shapes in exported PDF This often helps to speed up the export. Cheers and Best Regards, Felix

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