Activity for Flavio

  • Flavio Flavio posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Gary, I'm sorry if you have already posted it, but is there any roadmap to implement the backward chaining in this CLIPS distribution? I saw some implementations, such as Huyck's Implementation (, design examples (, and an ancient extended CLIPS implementation published by Peter V. Homeier and Thach C. Le ( Moreover, do you...

  • Flavio Flavio posted a comment on discussion Help

    It worked! Thanks.

  • Flavio Flavio posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi All, When I try to run the auto.clp example, I got the failed message described bellow. Defining deffunction: ask-question [EXPRNPSR3] auto.clp, Line 22: Missing function declaration for 'member'. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::ask-question (?question $?allowed-values) (printout t ?question) (bind ?answer (read)) (if (lexemep ?answer) then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))) (while (not (member Am I missing something? Flávio.