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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    You're absolutely right, dotum wasn't installed and now it works just fine. Thx so much!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    With use_anti_alias = false and deleting /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mlterm/ Hangul characters are shown (even with an awful aliasing), with this log report: $ tail ~/.mlterm/msg.log Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] ERROR(No such file or directory): xft: Could not load. Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] Font -efont-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-*-iso10646-1 couldn't be loaded. Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] Fall back to xcore. Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] Font -efont-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-*-iso10646-1 couldn't be loaded. Aug...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    After installing mlterm 3.5.0 on a fresh Lubuntu 16.04 it won't display Hangul characters. The reason seems to be that there's a wrong font configuration. Running it with $ mlterm -* cairo & it will show this fontconfig setup: $ mlcc fontconfig #error Starting from a Lubuntu 18.04 it will install version 3.8.4 from the Bionic repository, and then Hangul characters display correcly, as the configuration seems to be fine: $ mlcc fontconfig JISX0208_1978=VL Gothic-iso10646-1 GB2312_80=AR PL SungtiL...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    After installing mlterm 3.5.0 on a fresh Lubuntu 16.04 it won't display Hangul characters. The reason seems to be that there's a wrong font configuration. Running it with $ mlterm -* cairo & it will show this fontconfig setup: $ mlcc fontconfig #error Starting from a Lubuntu 18.04 it will install version 3.8.4 from the Bionic repository, and then Hangul characters display correcly, as the configuration seems to be fine: $ mlcc fontconfig JISX0208_1978=VL Gothic-iso10646-1 GB2312_80=AR PL SungtiL...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    After installing mlterm 3.5.0 on a fresh Lubuntu 16.04 it won't display Hangul characters. The reason seems to be that there's a wrong font configuration. Running it with $ mlterm -* cairo & it will show this fontconfig setup: $ mlcc fontconfig #error Starting from a Lubuntu 18.04 it will install version 3.8.4 from the Bionic repository, and then Hangul characters display correcly, as the configuration seems to be fine: $ mlcc fontconfig JISX0208_1978=VL Gothic-iso10646-1 GB2312_80=AR PL SungtiL...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    After installing mlterm 3.5.0 on a fresh Lubuntu 16.04 it won't display Hangul characters. The reason seems to be that there's a wrong font configuration. Running it with $ mlterm -* cairo &: $ mlcc fontconfig #error Starting from a Lubuntu 18.04 it will install version 3.8.4 from the Bionic repository, and then Hangul characters display correcly, as the configuration seems to be fine: $ mlcc fontconfig JISX0208_1978=VL Gothic-iso10646-1 GB2312_80=AR PL SungtiL GB-iso10646-1 KOI8_R=Nimbus Mono L-iso10646-1...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    Have just found that version 3.8.6 does not reproduce the problem after installation, but still have to fix it with version 3.5, since 3.8 is not available for Lubuntu version 16.04, which is the one I use to package the main program (Lubuntu 18.04 has 3.8 in its repository, but lacks other necessary libraries).

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    Just installed xterm and it shows Korean characters straight away... Can't understand how a multilingual terminal, by default, does not.

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2014-02-10 00:53:13


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