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  • Posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    I get it. Thank you!

  • Posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    I have fixed this. I built the executable file from source by myself. And I changed SIMinfo's simulator name. So I meet this problem. After I change SIMinfo's simulator name to its origin string, I fix this. But I can't understand, why this problem has to do with SIMinfo's simulator name. I think Cir file parse process should not couple with simulator name. Thanks!

  • Posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    Hi All! I have a cir file like this: .title test Circuit xU1 QNETU1_1 QNETU1_2 QNETU1_3 QNETU1_4 QNETU1_5 LM358_SUBCKT .subckt LM358_SUBCKT 1 2 3 4 5 EGND 99 0 poly(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 0.5 0.5 FB 7 99 POLY(5) VB VC VE VLP VLN 0 15.91E6 -20E6 20E6 20E6 -20E6 C1 11 12 5.544E-12 C2 6 7 20.00E-12 DC 5 53 DX DE 54 5 DX DLP 90 91 DX DLN 92 90 DX DP 4 3 DX GA 6 0 11 12 125.7E-6 GCM 0 6 10 99 7.067E-9 IEE 3 10 DC 10.04E-6 HLIM 90 0 VLIM 1K Q1 11 2 13 QX Q2 12 1 14 QX R2 6 9 100.0E3 RC1 4 11 7.957E3 RC2 4 12...

  • Modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    The return value of quit command is 1 wether use 26 or 27. But 26 will clear the memory, and 27 will not. My Windows app is build by VS2008, runs on Windows 7 32bit. Thanks!

  • Posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    Thanks! I am using ngspice as shared library. So I decide to save the vactor values that from callback function in memory, and output a VCD file myself. Then let gtkwave use the VCD file.

  • Posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    Hi All: I know that ngspice can save event driven nodes to vcd file, and view the vcd file with gtkwave. But I am interesting in analog circuit now, and can not find a way to output analog results to vcd file. How to save analog results from ngspice and view them in gtkwave? Thanks!

  • Modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    Thanks! It works good now. I find a new problem in shared-xspice+3, and it does not exist in release version of 27. If the include statement in cir file have same line, the source command will return 1. I give an example in attached file. Put the cpu folder in D:.

  • Posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users on ngspice

    Thanks! It works good now. I find a new problem in shared-xspice+3, and it does not exist in release version of 27. If the include statment in cir file have same line, the source command will return 1. I give an example in attached file. Put the cpu folder in the D:.

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2009-09-28 02:35:06


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