Activity for fiveight

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I get it. Thank you!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I have fixed this. I built the executable file from source by myself. And I changed SIMinfo's simulator name. So I meet this problem. After I change SIMinfo's simulator name to its origin string, I fix this. But I can't understand, why this problem has to do with SIMinfo's simulator name. I think Cir file parse process should not couple with simulator name. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All! I have a cir file like this: .title test Circuit xU1 QNETU1_1 QNETU1_2 QNETU1_3 QNETU1_4 QNETU1_5 LM358_SUBCKT .subckt LM358_SUBCKT 1 2 3 4 5 EGND 99 0 poly(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 0.5 0.5 FB 7 99 POLY(5) VB VC VE VLP VLN 0 15.91E6 -20E6 20E6 20E6 -20E6 C1 11 12 5.544E-12 C2 6 7 20.00E-12 DC 5 53 DX DE 54 5 DX DLP 90 91 DX DLN 92 90 DX DP 4 3 DX GA 6 0 11 12 125.7E-6 GCM 0 6 10 99 7.067E-9 IEE 3 10 DC 10.04E-6 HLIM 90 0 VLIM 1K Q1 11 2 13 QX Q2 12 1 14 QX R2 6 9 100.0E3 RC1 4 11 7.957E3 RC2 4 12...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    The return value of quit command is 1 wether use 26 or 27. But 26 will clear the memory, and 27 will not. My Windows app is build by VS2008, runs on Windows 7 32bit. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I am using ngspice as shared library. So I decide to save the vactor values that from callback function in memory, and output a VCD file myself. Then let gtkwave use the VCD file.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I know that ngspice can save event driven nodes to vcd file, and view the vcd file with gtkwave. But I am interesting in analog circuit now, and can not find a way to output analog results to vcd file. How to save analog results from ngspice and view them in gtkwave? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! It works good now. I find a new problem in shared-xspice+3, and it does not exist in release version of 27. If the include statement in cir file have same line, the source command will return 1. I give an example in attached file. Put the cpu folder in D:.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! It works good now. I find a new problem in shared-xspice+3, and it does not exist in release version of 27. If the include statment in cir file have same line, the source command will return 1. I give an example in attached file. Put the cpu folder in the D:.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I have tested shared-xspice+3 branch with my app on Windows 7 32bit. There is no memory leaks any more. But I find a very odd problem, that d_jkff model can not use a model name with number prefix. The release version of ngspice 27 can use number prefix model name. I give a cir below with d_jkff model name have number prefix, during simultion, the two output pins of jkff are all 0. If change the model name from "74JK_FLOP" to "JK_FLOP", it works good, the two output pins value is 0 and 1....

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I have tested shared-xspice+3 branch with my app on Windows 7 32bit. There is no memory leaks any more. But I find a very odd problem, that d_jkff model can not use a model name with number prefix。 I give a cir below with d_jkff model name have number prefix, during simultion, the two output pins of jkff are all 0. If change the model name from "74JK_FLOP" to "JK_FLOP", it works good, the two output pins value is 0 and 1. Circuit Title .tran 1ms 50s aU1 NETU1_J NETU1_K NETC1_1 NETU1_^PR NETU1_^CLR...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I have test shared-xspice+3 branch. It have no memory leaks any more. But I find a very odd problem, that d_jkff model can not use a model name with number prefix。 I give a cir below with d_jkff model name have number prefix, during simultion, the two output pins of jkff are all 0. If change the name from "74JK_FLOP" to "JK_FLOP", it works good. Circuit Title .tran 1ms 50s aU1 NETU1_J NETU1_K NETC1_1 NETU1_^PR NETU1_^CLR NETU1_Q NETU1_^Q 74JK_FLOP .model 74JK_FLOP d_jkff(clk_delay = 1.0e-9...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! You mean I can still use ngGet_Vec_Info function to get digital node values in my app? I find that I get digital node values of v_realdata usually is 0.0000 or 1.0000 with this function in 27 or 26. But with shared-xspice+2, I get values is -2.6569842580370804e+303 or 9.0737898161532819e-308.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    OK, This is my sample code, just call get_vec_info function several times in senddata callback funtion make 27 leak memory. The input command is: source mem.cir bg_run quit Begin memory is 1.6MB Befor quit command is 142.9MB After quit command is 138MB I build ngspice.dll and six cm files on Windows 10 64bit with vs2017, the solution config is Release OpenMP, and the plateform is X86. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    OK, Thanks! I need a few days to make a sample of my code.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I have tested your code with 26 and 27, all of them can release memory after quit command. Then I compare your code and my code, and I find the problem. In my code, every time when SendData callback function was called, I call ngGet_Vec_Info function many times to get a lot of node values by node names in SendData callback function. If I delete these code in SendData callback function, 26 and 27 can work good with my app. I think maybe there is some problem with ngGet_Vec_Info API function...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I have tested your code with 26 and 27, all of them can release memory after quit command. Then I compare your code and my code, and I find the problem. In my code, every time when SendData callback function was called, I call ngGet_Vec_Info function many times to get a lot of node values by node names in SendData callback function. If I delete these code in SendData callback function, 26 and 27 can work good with my app. I think there is some problem with ngGet_Vec_Info API function in ...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But I almost tried every possible position to call FreeLibrary function, 27 still can not release memory(even after I have my lunch and return to my desk ), but 26 can. I think the posting message is safe. Because the main thread of my Windows app has a message loop. Sending quit command and unload DLL file are all in this loop, they must be sequencial. Maybe the memory managment in 27 has something wrong.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But I almost tried every possible position to call FreeLibrary function, 27 still can not release memory, but 26 can. I think the posting message is safe. Because the main thread of my Windows app has a message loop. Sending quit command and unload DLL file are all in this loop, they must be sequencial. Maybe the memory managment in 27 has something wrong.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    These are the callback functions: /* Callback function called from bg thread in ngspice if fcn controlled_exit() is hit. Do not exit, but unload ngspice. */ int ng_exit(int exitstatus, bool immediate, bool quitexit, int ident, void* userdata) { if(quitexit) { PostMessage(theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_SIMULATE_STOP, 0, 0); } return exitstatus; } int ng_thread_runs(bool noruns, int ident, void* userdata) { if (noruns) { if (CSpiceSimulator::SS_INTERACTIVE != theApp.m_pSpiceSimulator->GetSimulateState())...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    These are the callback functions: /* Callback function called from bg thread in ngspice if fcn controlled_exit() is hit. Do not exit, but unload ngspice. */ int ng_exit(int exitstatus, bool immediate, bool quitexit, int ident, void* userdata) { if(quitexit) { PostMessage(theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_SIMULATE_STOP, 0, 0); } return exitstatus; } int ng_thread_runs(bool noruns, int ident, void* userdata) { if (noruns) { if (CSpiceSimulator::SS_INTERACTIVE != theApp.m_pSpiceSimulator->GetSimulateState())...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I find that these .save commands have nothing to do with the digital circuit simulation, but the return value is 0 indeed ! If I send save commands without dot, the simulation immediatly stop after bg_run command. So I delete all these useless save commands now. My app runs on Windows 7 32bit, and I don't have 64bit version of my app. So please check ngspice.dll-27 32bit version. And teach me how to send quit command correctlly. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I find that these .save commands have nothing to do with the digital circuit simulation, but the return value is 0 indeed ! If I send save commands without dot, the simulation immediatly stop after bg_run command. So I delete all these useless save commands now. My app runs on Windows 7 32bit, and I don't have 64bit version of my app. So please check ngspice.dll-27 32bit version. And teach me how to send quit command correct. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    OK, I find a problem that when I send 'quit' command by ngSpice_Command function, the return value is 1. Both 26 and 27 have this problem. But 26 will release memory normally, and 27 will not. Where should I send th 'quit' command? I have tried to send it in the ControlledExit callback function or the message response function of my app, all of them make my app crash.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    OK, I find a problem that when I send 'quit' command by ngSpice_Command function, the return value is 1. Both 26 and 27 have this problem. But 26 will release memory normally, and 27 will not. Where should I send th 'quit' command? I have tried to send it in the ControlledExit function or the message response function, all of them make my app crash.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Windows 7 32bit. At first, my app Load ngspice.dll by LoadLibrary function. Then send these commands by ngSpice_Command function: source 'c:\mo37.dlsche.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 .save net1_1 .save net2_1 .save netc1_1 .save netu10_1 .save netu10_2 .save netu11_1 .save netu11_2 .save netu11_3 .save netu11_4 .save netu11_5 .save netu12_1 .save netu12_2 .save netu13_1 .save netu1_a .save netu1_b .save netu1_c .save netu1_d .save netu1_enp .save netu1_rc0 .save netu1_^clr .save netu2_a...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    OK, I find a problem that when I send 'quit' command by ngSpice_Command function, the return value is 1. Both 26 and 27 have this problem. But 26 will release memory normally, and 27 will not. Where should I send th 'quit' command? I have try to send it in the ControlledExit function or the message response function, all of them make my app crash.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Windows 7 32bit. At first, my app Load ngspice.dll by LoadLibrary function. Then send these commands by ngSpice_Command function: source 'c:\mo37.dlsche.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 .save net1_1 .save net2_1 .save netc1_1 .save netu10_1 .save netu10_2 .save netu11_1 .save netu11_2 .save netu11_3 .save netu11_4 .save netu11_5 .save netu12_1 .save netu12_2 .save netu13_1 .save netu1_a .save netu1_b .save netu1_c .save netu1_d .save netu1_enp .save netu1_rc0 .save netu1_^clr .save netu2_a...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    OK, I find a problem that when I send 'quit' command by ngSpice_Command function, the return value is 1. Both 26 and 27 have this problem. But 26 will release memory normally, and 27 will not.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Windows 7 32bit. At first, my app Load ngspice.dll by LoadLibrary function. Then send these commands: source 'c:\mo37.dlsche.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 .save net1_1 .save net2_1 .save netc1_1 .save netu10_1 .save netu10_2 .save netu11_1 .save netu11_2 .save netu11_3 .save netu11_4 .save netu11_5 .save netu12_1 .save netu12_2 .save netu13_1 .save netu1_a .save netu1_b .save netu1_c .save netu1_d .save netu1_enp .save netu1_rc0 .save netu1_^clr .save netu2_a .save netu2_b .save netu2_c...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    At first, Load ngspice.dll by LoadLibrary function. Send these commands: source 'c:\mo37.dlsche.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 .save net1_1 .save net2_1 .save netc1_1 .save netu10_1 .save netu10_2 .save netu11_1 .save netu11_2 .save netu11_3 .save netu11_4 .save netu11_5 .save netu12_1 .save netu12_2 .save netu13_1 .save netu1_a .save netu1_b .save netu1_c .save netu1_d .save netu1_enp .save netu1_rc0 .save netu1_^clr .save netu2_a .save netu2_b .save netu2_c .save netu2_clk .save netu2_d...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    At first, Load ngspice.dll by LoadLibrary function. Send these commands: source 'c:\mo37.dlsche.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 .save net1_1 .save net2_1 .save netc1_1 .save netu10_1 .save netu10_2 .save netu11_1 .save netu11_2 .save netu11_3 .save netu11_4 .save netu11_5 .save netu12_1 .save netu12_2 .save netu13_1 .save netu1_a .save netu1_b .save netu1_c .save netu1_d .save netu1_enp .save netu1_rc0 .save netu1_^clr .save netu2_a .save netu2_b .save netu2_c .save netu2_clk .save netu2_d...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Load ngspice.dll by LoadLibrary function. Send these commands: source 'c:\mo37.dlsche.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 .save net1_1 .save net2_1 .save netc1_1 .save netu10_1 .save netu10_2 .save netu11_1 .save netu11_2 .save netu11_3 .save netu11_4 .save netu11_5 .save netu12_1 .save netu12_2 .save netu13_1 .save netu1_a .save netu1_b .save netu1_c .save netu1_d .save netu1_enp .save netu1_rc0 .save netu1_^clr .save netu2_a .save netu2_b .save netu2_c .save netu2_clk .save netu2_d .save...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Today, I test ngspice.dll 26 and 27 again on Windows 7 32bit. I keep my app and cir file the same, just change ngspice.dll between 26 and 27. I almost make sure that there is some problem with memory management of ngspice.dll 27. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: When I use 26 ngspice.dll, I load the ngspice.dll file dynamiclly when starting simulate in my Windows app. The memory usage , for example, before start simulate, my app use 9MB memory, after start simulate, the app load the ngspice.dll file by LoadLibrary function, during simulating, the memory maybe increase to 100MB. After stop simulate, the app free the ngspice.dll by FreeLibrary funtion, and the memory return to 9MB. Perfect! But when I migrate to 27 ngspice.dll with the same app, after...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: When I use 26 ngspice.dll, I load the ngspice.dll file dynamiclly when starting simulate in my Windows app. The memory usage , for example, before start simulate, my app use 9MB memory, after start simulate, the app load the ngspice.dll file by LoadLibrary function, during simulating, the memory maybe increase to 100MB. After stop simulate, the app free the ngspice.dll by FreeLibrary funtion, and the memory return to 9MB. Perfect! But when I migrate to use 27 ngspice.dll with the same app,...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: When I use 26 ngspice.dll, I load the ngspice.dll file dynamiclly when starting simulate in my Windows app. The memory usage , for example, before start simulate, my app use 9MB memory, after start simulate, the app load the ngspice.dll file by LoadLibrary function, during simulating, the memory maybe increase to 100MB. After stop simulate, the app free the ngspice.dll by FreeLibrary funtion, and the memory return to 9MB. Perfect! But when I start to use 27 ngspice.dll with the same app,...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: When I use 26 ngspice.dll, I dynamicly load the ngspice.dll file when starting simulate in my Windows app. The memory usage , for example, before start simulate, my app use 9MB memory, after start simulate, the app load the ngspice.dll file by LoadLibrary function, during simulating, the memory maybe increase to 100MB. After stop simulate, the app free the ngspice.dll by FreeLibrary funtion, and the memory return to 9MB. Perfect! But when I start to use 27 ngspice.dll with the same app, after...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: When I use 26 ngspice.dll, I dynamicly load the ngspice.dll file when stating simulate in my Windows app. The memory usage , for example, before start simulate, my app use 9MB memory, after start simulate, the app load the ngspice.dll file by LoadLibrary function, during simulating, the memory maybe increase to 100MB. After stop simulate, the app free the ngspice.dll by FreeLibrary funtion, and the memory return to 9MB. Perfect! But when I start to use 27 ngspice.dll with the same app, after...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    This time ngspice.dll can work on Windows XP. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! VS2015 is just fine. I have migrate to Windows 7.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi I have changed the sharedspice project's property, set "platform toolset" to "Windows XP (v140_xp)". But it still not work. I give up on Windows XP and migrate to Windows 7. Thanks

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi I have changed the sharedspice project's property, set "platform toolset" to "Windows XP (v140_xp)". But it still not work.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Greate! But the ngspice 32bit can not work on Windows XP 32bit indeed.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I have download ngspice.dll from It can not work on Windows XP 32bit indeed. But it can work on Windows 7 32bit.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Sorry, I make a mistake. Thanks.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But it still not work. I have set the platform toolset to "v140_xp" for shared ngspice project and all code model projects. And rebuild dll file and cm files. But it still not work on Windows XP. I can not access for The GFW.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But it still not work. I have set the platform toolset to "v140_xp" for shared ngspice project and all code model projects. And rebuild dll file and cm files. But it still not work on Windows XP. I can not access for the GFW.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But it still not work. I have set the platform toolset to "v140_xp" for shared ngspice project and all code model projects. And rebuild dll file and cm files. But it still not work on Windows XP.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Dose special for 32 bit windows? Days ago, I download ngspice-27 source code from I use VS2015 to build shared ngspice DLL file with solution config "ReleaseOMP" and platform config "x86". After I get ngspice.dll file, it works good on Windows 7 32bit, but can not work on Windows XP 32bit.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Dose special for 32 bit windows? Days ago, I download ngspice-27 source code from And I use VS2015 to build shared ngspice DLL file with solution config "ReleaseOMP" and platform config "x86". After I get ngspice.dll file it works good on Windows 7 32bit, but can not work on Windows XP 32bit.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users Dose this special for 32 bit windows? Days ago, I download ngspice-27 source code from And I use VS2015 to build shared ngspice DLL file with solution config "ReleaseOMP" and platform config "x86". After I get ngspice.dll file it works good on Windows 7 32bit, but can not work on Windows XP 32bit.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: Dose .include support space charactor in file path? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I find that NgSpice-27 DLL can not start simulate on Windows XP. Is this a feature? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi Holger! Does Ngspice-27 DLL support "save none" command now? And is this available for XSPICE event nodes? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Maybe it is too hard. I want to accomplish some features like Proteus. For example, simulate MCU and peripheral equipment chips, and let them work together. Make the designer of schematic can read register values of these chips at any time or every clock when simulating. Maybe I should use code model of XSPICE to accomplish this.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I have the same idea before I create this topic. But I am not sure.Now I will try this. If it works, does this mean I can implement any chips in this way? Maybe I can program 8051 8086 8253 8259 ......chips, and these chips can simulate with ngspice.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But I didn't understand. Do you mean writing my own code model?

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am using ngspice.dll. I want to set memory data of device that used d_ram model befor starting simulation like ROM, and access memory data of this device every time when send data callback function was called. For example, get the value of one byte with a given address, or set the value of one byte. How can I make this? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am using ngspice.dll. I want to set memory data of device that used d_ram model befor starting simulation like ROM, and access memory data of this device every time when send data callback function was called. How can I make this? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Sorry, I forgot post the simulating commands. Use the spice I post second time and use follow commands: source 'c:\srflipflop.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 alter @v.x3.v2 = 2 alter @v.x4.v2 = 2 bg_run

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Sorry, I forgot post the simulating commands. Use follow commands: source 'c:\srflipflop.cir' alter @v.x1.v2 = 0 alter @v.x2.v2 = 0 alter @v.x3.v2 = 2 alter @v.x4.v2 = 2 bg_run

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    You can use this picture of my netlist.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Circuit Title .tran 1ms 50s aU1 [ Net1_1 NetC1_1] NetU1_3 NAND aU2 [ NetC1_1 Net2_1] NetU2_3 NAND .model NAND d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) aU3 [ NetU20_2 NetU1_3 Net6_1] Net5_1 NAND3 aU4 [ Net5_1 NetU2_3 NetU21_2] Net6_1 NAND3 .model NAND3 d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) aU20 Net3_1 NetU20_2 NOT aU21 Net4_1 NetU21_2 NOT .model NOT d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) xC1 NetC1_1 CLOCK .subckt CLOCK out frequency...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Circuit Title .tran 1ms 50s aU1 [ Net1_1 NetC1_1] NetU1_3 NAND aU2 [ NetC1_1 Net2_1] NetU2_3 NAND .model NAND d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) aU3 [ NetU20_2 NetU1_3 Net6_1] Net5_1 NAND3 aU4 [ Net5_1 NetU2_3 NetU21_2] Net6_1 NAND3 .model NAND3 d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) aU20 Net3_1 NetU20_2 NOT aU21 Net4_1 NetU21_2 NOT .model NOT d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) xC1 NetC1_1 CLOCK .subckt CLOCK out frequency...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Circuit Title .tran 1ms 50s aU1 [ S CP] NetU1_3 NAND aU2 [ CP R] NetU2_3 NAND .model NAND d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) aU3 [ NetU20_2 NetU1_3 NQ] Q NAND3 aU4 [ Q NetU2_3 NetU21_2] NQ NAND3 .model NAND3 d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) aU20 PR NetU20_2 NOT aU21 CLR NetU21_2 NOT .model NOT d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9 input_load = 1e-3) .end When S pin and R pin is 1, this SR flip-flop get into unstable state, and this...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Good job! Thanks! I will try this.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Good job! Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi all: I am newbie to ruby on rails. I want to learn it and read vitualx code. Which book should I read? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks. I have test, that ngspice is case insensitive when load spice file, so I send alter command in lower case. It is ok.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I send alter command to ngspice.dll like this: alter @v.xH.v2 = 2 When I user upper case after "@v.x", it failed. But lower case and number is ok. So is ngspice not case sensitive? If then I will change all device name and net name to lower case.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I send alter command to ngspice.dll like this: alter @v.xH.v2 = 2 When I user upper case after "@v.x", it failed. But lower case and number is ok.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    So a tri-state buffer is not of interest if used a a single device, but only when you connect the outputs of several tri-states together. I See. Thank you very much!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    So a tri-state buffer is not of interest if used a a single device, but only when you connect the outputs of several tri-states together. I See. Thank you very much!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    This time I use ngsipce.exe. Spice file content: Circuit Title .tran 1ms 100ms aU1 6 7 9 BUFFER .model BUFFER d_tristate(delay = 0.5e-9 input_load = 0.5e-12 enable_load = 0.5e-12) v1 1 0 DC 5 v2 3 0 DC 0 abridge1 [1] [6] adc_buff abridge2 [3] [7] adc_buff .model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.3 in_high = 1) .end Result 1: --ready-- stdout No. of Data Rows : 50008 bg not running stdout Background thread stopped with timeout = 0 stdout v(6) = 1.000000e+000 stdout v(7) = 0.000000e+000 stdout v(9) =...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thank you very mush! But as the first post of this thread said, I am using DLL, and you told me the reason at the second post. With my app and ngspice.dll, I get value from output pin always as same as input pin, It has nothing to do with enable pin is 0 or 1. So I can not use this d_tristate model.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thank you very mush! But as the first post of this thread said, I am using DLL, and you told me the reason at the second post. With my app and ngspice.dll, I get value from output pin always as same as input pin, It has nothing to do with enable pin is 0 or 1.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Is there any way I can find that weither Tri-state Gate output is 1 or 0 or high impedance?

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    why not

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users


  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. I can get nodes value in send data callback funtion by call ngGet_Vec_Info function with nodes name, but these values use double type. I notice the section 12.5 in manual, but how can I use digital node type? and get nodes value like 0s 1s Us... in send data callback funtion. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. I can get nodes value in send data callback funtion by call ngGet_Vec_Info function with nodes name, but these values are double type. I notice the section 12.5 in manual, but how can I use digital node type? and get nodes value like 0s 1s Us... in send data callback funtion. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. I can get nodes value in send data callback funtion by call ngGet_Vec_Info function, but these values are double type. I notice the section 12.5 in manual, but how can I use digital node type? and get nodes value like 0s 1s Us... in send data callback funtion. Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. I can get nodes value in send data callback funtion by call ngGet_Vec_Info function, but these values are double type. I notice the section 12.5 in manual, but how can I use digital node type? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thank! But I still think while simulation ngspice does not need all history values of nodes. Hope ngspice can supply a command to clear these useless values next version.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. I can get nodes value in send data callback funtion by call ngGet_Vec_Info function, but these values are double type. I notice the 12.5 section in manual, but how can I use digital node type? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. I can get nodes value in send data callback funtion, but these values are double type. I notice the 12.5 section in manual, but how can I use digital node type? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. Is there any way to make ngspice to delete history nodes value during simultion? I think while simulating ngspice dose not need all history nodes value. I use Multisim to simulate my circuit too. It can use static memory while simulating, if I set logic analysis instrument in circuit, Multisim eat memory slowly.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    I am working in interactive mode, and doing transient analysis on digital circuit. Is there any way to make ngspice to delete history nodes value during simultion? I think while simulating ngspice dose not need all history nodes value.

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working with ngspice.dll. And I get nodes value in senddata callback function. I want to store nodes value of current moment only by myself, and make ngspice not to store history nodes values. So ngspice will not eat memory more and more. How can I do this? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I am working with ngspice.dll. And I get nodes value from senddata callback function. I want to store nodes value of current moment only by myself, and make ngspice not to store history nodes values. So ngspice will not eat memory more and more. How can I do this? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thank you very much! But I notice that the command function still use ascii string argument like / Caller may send ngspice commands to ngspice.dll. Commands are executed immediately / IMPEXP int ngSpice_Command(char* command); How can I send unicode command string to this function?

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: I use command "source" to send a .cir file to ngspice. If this file path include space and Chinese characters. The command failed. How can I resolve this problem? Thanks!

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I will try yosys.

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Yes, I don't care timing violations and other aspects, I just want a purely functinal...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I asked this question because I already have an eda software which can simulate...

  • fiveight fiveight modified a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I asked this question because I already have an eda software which can simulate...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! I asked this question because I already have an eda software which can simulate...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Thanks! But I still want to know that can I use ADMS to change verilog into C, and...

  • fiveight fiveight posted a comment on discussion ngspice-users

    Hi All: Zet processor is written in verilog.

  • fiveight fiveight created ticket #308

    Error A2271: structure field expected.

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