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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Writer2LaTeX

    For LaTeX to Writer, try

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Writer2LaTeX

    Did you try to use LyX ? Demo:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Writer2LaTeX

    Maybe we have to add a book. xml as there is a article.xml (For Arch Linux/ Manjaro : usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/w2lconfig/config/article.xml) and a template as ( usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/w2lconfig/template/Writer2LaTeX/ I guess we have to create both files and use the "customized" latex-format otherwise, it will be an article formatted file). As I don't know if you saw my first or second post, I put here a second time what I put the second...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Writer2LaTeX

    Hi, I'm a knew user of writer2latex and I try myself to produce a book documentclass. So far, I could get a book format by : configuration headings : level 1 writer=level 0 latex = chapter When exporting, I choose latex format = customized (if I chosse article, I get an... article, not a book!)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Writer2LaTeX

    Hi, I'm a knew user of writer2latex and I try myself to produce a book documentclass. So far, I could not. In the documentation, there's an example file for book. Did you try it?

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2020-07-01 09:05:26


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