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  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on rafah

    Thanks Julia, I will add min requirements to the readme file. Also, I just created a RaFAH repo on github: Its about time I center everything there anyway. Feel free to submit PRs through there. Best, F

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on rafah

    My bad, I meant 80GB (considering a dataset with thousands of viral sequences and using the predict mode). It only uses this much for a very short time, but enough to get killed if there is not enough much memory available.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on rafah

    Ok. And there is no "RaFAH_1_Host_Predictions.tsv" file generated, correct? It seems R is dying after loading the models into memory. This could happen if there is not enough RAM available. RaFAH needs at least 80 Mb of RAM to run properly, so it will most likely not work on a personal computer. Can you try running it on your server and let me know if you still get the same error?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on rafah

    Is "/results/Total_CP.fasta" empty by any chance? If there is something in it, are they protein sequences in fasta format?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on rafah

    Hi Julia, can you please specify the full command line you are using?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on rafah

    Hi Eric, Thanks for the info. The changes between versions were restricted to the scripts. While the HMM database stayed the same, so there should be no impact to the results.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on rafah

    Hi there! Which dependencies are you referring to specifically? There is no conda enviroment for RaFAH. Also, which version of RaFAH are you running and with which command?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2 on rafah

    Can you try running the same command with the attached version instead?

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Personal Data

2015-08-24 14:11:05


This is a list of open source software projects that Felipe Hernandes Coutinho is associated with:

  • GLUVAB Genomic Lineages of Uncultured Viruses of Archaea and Bacteria Last Updated:
  • GenTaxo A perl script for comparative genomics Last Updated:
  • rafah Random Forest Assignment of Hosts Last Updated:

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