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  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    ok! If I remember correctly it's different whether you use read_binary or not ...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    Hi Janko, The problem is in the way the de-excitations (Y-vector) is handled. It is an interesting question to think about what de-excitations mean physically and how to include them appropriately in TheoDORE. But, otherwise, it's nothing to worry about. Some more information here:

  • Modified a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    Hi, I have performed TDDFT calculations on the same system using both ORCA and Turbomole, ensuring that the settings were as similar as possible. While the ground state and excitation energies are nearly identical, after performing a transition density matrix analysis with TheDORE I get relatively big differences in the Om values for one of the states (state 4, see below). Is this expected behaviour, or could it indicate an error on my part? Kind regards, Janko tden_summ.txt for the ORCA calculation:...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    Yes, let's start with that. You can upload are tar archive here, or send me via email.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    ok... does it work for you if you run theodore independently, outside of SHARC?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    Dear Prof Plasser The issue with the version clash is solved, Thank you for the help, but unfortinatly. diffrent error accured: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/bin/theodore", line 6, in <module> run() File "/storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/colt/", line 386, in __call__ return self._cls.from_commandline(*args, description=self.description, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/colt/",...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    Dear Prof Plasser The issue with the version clash is solved, Thank you for the help, but unfortinatly. diffrent error accured: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/bin/theodore", line 6, in <module> run() File "/storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/colt/", line 386, in __call__ return self._cls.from_commandline(*args, description=self.description, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/colt/",...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs and Questions on TheoDORE

    Hi, the command has to be: string = 'theodore analyze_tden' And you have to make sure that the correct TheoDORE version is activated: source /storage/homefs/jc22p286/TheoDORE/TheoDORE_3.1.1/setpaths.bash (or change the version appropriately in SHARC) You error message comes from TheoDORE 2.4 . So, there is a clash with versions.

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2014-10-29 15:20:22
Loughborough / Britain (UK) / BST
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This is a list of open source software projects that Felix Plasser is associated with:

  • Project Logo TheoDORE Theoretical Density, Orbital Relaxation and Exciton analysis Last Updated:


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  • Programming Language

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