Activity for Fabrice Engel

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello I appreciate the optimisations made by the new compiler :) Thanks for savings :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Dear Community, This project give me no peace :) See new update from the documentation, again a good lesson learned for me and new experience ... Update from the 5 th of August 2024: Now that I had a second SCC-2024 module assembled, I had to review the ADC data calibration values for the battery voltage control measurements. During these measurement operations, I became aware of a problem with excessive current consumption from time to time when the buzzer stopped sounding. In fact, I've recently...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Dear Community, This project give me no peace :) See new update from the documentation, again a good lesson learned for me and new experience ... Update from the 5 th of August 2024: Now that I had a second SCC-2024 module assembled, I had to review the ADC data calibration values for the battery voltage control measurements. During these measurement operations, I became aware of a problem with excessive current consumption from time to time when the buzzer stopped sounding. In fact, I've recently...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Have ordered 2 of this chip (AVR128DA28) to learn AVR family and play not with PIC only :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Software version 1.1 is released, short improvements by adding also accoustic battery voltage indication during power up. Lets see if usefull :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Software version 1.1 is released, short improvements by adding also accoustic battery voltage indication during power up. Lets see if usefull :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Thanks Evan, hopefully some makers will reproduce it :) Any idea for my next project? What about a voltage reference with display and I2C ADC 16 bits ? Redo the solution presented in Elektor in March - April this year... And it need to pass on same PCB size as the short circuit probe presented today. Or maybe another usefull tool for the lab ?

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Thanks Evan, hopefully some makers will reproduce it :) Any idea for my next project? What about a voltage reference with display and I2C ADC 16 bits ? Redo the solution presented in Elektor in March - April this year... And it need to pass on same PCB size as the short circuit probe presented today. Or maybe another usefull tool for the lab ?

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello Community Let me introduce you my latest vacation project! It's a code porting and PCB creation of an electronic project originally designed and presented by Bertrand, aka EB (Electro- Bidouilleur). In 3 YouTube videos (the links are in the source code), Bertrand created and described a “delicate” short-circuit probe based on an operational amplifier and a Microchip PIC12F683 microcontroller. The probes approach the cause of the short-circuit acoustically (rather than visually). Detection of...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello Community Let me introduce you my latest vacation project! It's a code porting and PCB creation of an electronic project originally designed and presented by Bertrand, aka EB (Electro- Bidouilleur). In 3 YouTube videos (the links are in the source code), Bertrand created and described a “delicate” short-circuit probe based on an operational amplifier and a Microchip PIC12F683 microcontroller. The probes approach the cause of the short-circuit acoustically (rather than visually). Detection of...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello Community Let me introduce you my latest vacation project! It's a code porting and PCB creation of an electronic project originally designed and presented by Bertrand, aka EB (Electro- Bidouilleur). In 3 YouTube videos (the links are in the source code), Bertrand created and described a “delicate” short-circuit probe based on an operational amplifier and a Microchip PIC12F683 microcontroller. The probes approach the cause of the short-circuit acoustically (rather than visually). Detection of...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Evan, Hi Angel, thank for your feedbacks, it is more clear for me now. I cannot wait anymore the PCB delivery to complete and share the whole project :) That I guess can be helpfull for makers like us for fixing electronics! @++++ Fabrice

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Community, I am working on a project, (that I will share with you and community very soon), but I need little help. Nothing bad, every thing is working as expected, code is completed (was a portage from C and PIC12F683 to GCBASIC and PIC16F1825) and all run well including on test board. The PCB will arrive this week, so I can hopefully complete all together, hardware and software. I have one routine to display different information on a LED bargraph with 6 leds. My question is, why sometimes...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Guys, I am just so impressive what you achieved in the past, and now you give all back to the community. My best thanks for that !

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Community, some news about my activities round code conversion MikroBasic to GCBASIC. The last issues I had were with variable types. Certainly both compilers handle differently variables types and declarations. Some variable type Byte in my code needed to be changed into Word. Was in relation what calculations and operations are made. I needed some time to figure out why the system is reacting differently or why so times and delays are differently. Now the system conversion is near to the end,...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Community, some news about my activities round code conversion MikroBasic to GCBASIC. The last issues I had were with variable types. Certainly both compilers handle differently variables types and declarations. Some variable type Byte in my code needed to be changed into Word. Was in relation what calculations and operations are made. I needed some time to figure out why the system is reacting differently or why so times and delays are differently. Now the system conversion is near to the end, I...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another point that I just figured out, when you create a variable 16 bits (word) from combination of 2 eeprom memory addresses, you need to load low and high part separatly. This is what I already did with MikroBasic. But the point here, is that attention must be taken to load first the lower part an than the higher part. If you do it in opposite, the 16bits variable will be not correct. I took not attention in MB, maybe the compiler handle it correctly and it works all the time. In GCBASIC, you...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    To give you more feedback about conversion code issues between MikroBasic and GCBASIC, please note that GCBASIC handle the variables as global. No local variables to sub routines exist. You can read more here:

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    To give you more feedback about conversion code issues between MikroBasic and GCBASIC, please note that GCBASIC handle the variables as global. No local variables to sub routines exist. You can read more here:

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank Anobium, ok I have already adapted in the source code. I have not noticed in my previous converted projects, had no local variable inside :) Will now continu the code. As far I am not using delay in my code, the program run much faster that with MikroBasic, that I assume they use delays in the button libray. So I need to create longer loops to get similar results. I will keep you on track....

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Community, During my conversion from MikroBasic to GCBASIC, I figure out (after many hours :) of debugging ) that local variables are not working with same syntax as MB, or maybe like the information in this forum entry that local variables are not supported in GCBASIC Is this still the case? Are local variables to Subroutine no available today? Thank a lot for feedback

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Anobium gave me some support, thank a lot for that. Following changes were made, can be usefull for everyone moving from MikroBasic to GCBASIC (see below copy from source code history section): Following syntax must be modified from MikroBasic to GCBASIC (related to instructions used in this code): * INC() to replace with += 1 * while - wend to replace with Do While - Loop * %00000000 to replace with 0b00000000 * $00 to replace with 0x00 * EEProm_Write to EPWrite * EEProm_Read to EPRead *...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    About the source, in opposition with other projects I shared with Community here, this one contains some sensitive information and cannot be shared globally. Sorry for that. @Evan, I posted you a chat message over the messaging platform. Thank for comprehension.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear GCBASIC Community, I am working on a conversion from one of my existing project written in MikroBasic for PIC16F1825. After the syntax corrections needed to convert the code, I got 2 final error messages that I not really understand. First message seems to be related to Interrupt handling. The error message is as following: Error: First page of program memory is full, please reduce size of Main and Interrupt routines To note that the interrupt routine is the same as for MikroBasic. I have only...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Hey Angel, I am using the mainstream channel and the version was just the version before 1.01.061 (I assume was 1.01.06, I will not start again GCStudio yet, have already copied your files, and I will launch now GCStudio). The update have worked :) Any logfile to share with you to figure out wat was the reason ? Thank a lot, Fabrice

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Hello, just to let you know, on my computer latest update failed. The download seems to be completed, and after few seconds the windows is closed, and thats it. No update successfull. By starting again GCStudio, restart of the download and same procedure... I can close the update windows to have access to the GCStudio. Any Idea ? Thank

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes Evan, I confirm, I needed also to add more calculation in my code PWM2Laser to be able to manage different resolutions according frequencies (see code examples in attached picture). Needed time to understand, debug and fix, and the solution is mostly a multiplicator :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Evan, yes good point, the code requires next build starting from version 1296. The new EEPROM storage capability is used to place some information inside the programmable memory place. I will complete the documentation. Thank for the hint.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Evan, yes good point, the code requires next build starting from version 1296. The new EEPROM storage capability is used to place some information inside the programmable memory place. I will complete the documentation. Thank for the hint.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Evan, yes good point, the code requires next build starting from version 1296. The new EEPROM storage capability is used to place some information inside the programmable memory place. I will complete the documentation. Thank for the hint.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Evan, yes good point, the code requires next build starting from version 1296. The new EEPROM storage capability is used to place some information inside the programmable memory place. I will complete the documentation. Thank for the hint.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Evan, yes good point, the code requires next build starting from version 1297. The new EEPROM storage capability is used to place some information inside the programmable memory place. I will complete the documentation. Thank for the hint.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello, Just completed my second conversion project from mikroBasic to GCBASIC. The project is full available in the GCBASIC Demo repository, have a look here: Any related idea, please let me know in comments below. Thank

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Evan, I will send you a private link as soon Sourceforge authorize me again to send a message. The ODT file for the documentation have 41MB.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Evan, I will send you a private link as soon Sourceforge authorize me again to send a message. The ODF for the documentation have 41MB.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    And this will increase in the future. Also in France, they are talking about blocking more and more !

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    ID account send :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    I figured out I have a GitHub account ! Can I send it to you over a confidential link ?

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Oh, I was not aware that MEGA platform is blocked. So I created a share on Google Drive, could you try if access and download is working for you ? PWM2Laser Google Drive Thank

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Did you tried the link on the MEGA platform from my previous message ? If you have any issue, sure I can share. Here in the forum ? The documentation with best resolution approach 20MB. PS, I am not a github user at today.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you tried the link on the MEGA platform from my previous message ? If you have any issue, sure I can share. Here in the forum ? The documentation with best resolution approach 20MB.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Happy Halloween :) The complete project PWM2Laser is now online, you can read more here: The full project documentation and files are provided in the Elektor Labs dedicated project page. More ressources and a higher resolution documentation file are available on the link that you can also find inside the documentation. Thank again to all for your help.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Happy Halloween :) The complete project PWM2Laser is now online, you can read more here: The full project documentation and files are provided in the Elektor Labs dedicated project page. More ressources and a higher resolution documentation file are available on the link that you can also find inside the documentation. Thank again to all for your help.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hey, I just removed the interrupt handler part, win 21 memory steps to reach 786 used words :) Now we are below 800 words, thank a lot. Let's go on with next project steps. Need also to update my big project documentation file explaining step by step how to create the PCB with a CNC and how could be one programming approach. See you soon

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hey, I just removed the interrupt handler part, win 21 memory steps to reach 786 used words :) Now we are below 800 words, thank a lot. Let's go one with next project steps. Need also to update my big project documentation file explaining step by step how to create the PCB with a CNC and how could be one programming approach. See you soon

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, please let me give you some feedback. I made the proposed Evan's changes and reach now the value of 807 memory steps. Here below the operated changes: Try first options to optimise code by used ROM size (start at 886 ROM and 71 RAM used) Use rotate function to right 4 time for /16 - win 5 program memory steps (881) win also efficiency in programme loop, Blue LED blinking frequency increased from 13.5Hz to 17.8Hz, non blocking routine was not slowdown by maths /16 and run faster Use rotate...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, please let me give you some feedback. I made the proposed Evan's changes and reach now the value of 807 memory steps. Here below the operated changes: Try first options to optimise code by used ROM size (start at 886 ROM and 71 RAM used) Use rotate function to right 4 time for /16 - win 5 program memory steps (881) win also efficiency in programme loop, Blue LED blinking frequency increased from 13.5Hz to 17.8Hz, non blocking routine was not slowdown by maths /16 and run faster Use rotate...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, please let me give you some feedback. I made the proposed Evan's changes and reach now the value of 807 memory steps. Here below the operated changes: Try first options to optimise code by used ROM size (start at 886 ROM and 71 RAM used) Use rotate function to right 4 time for /16 - win 5 program memory steps (881) win also efficiency in programme loop, Blue LED blinking frequency increased from 13.5Hz to 17.8Hz, non blocking routine was not slowdown by maths /16 and run faster Use rotate...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Help

    I take notes basically, to remember myself. I will share the final result with my optimisation notes. I am just not so quick, doing this during hobby time :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    I take notes basically, to remember myself. I will share the final result with my optimisation notes. I am just not so quick, do this during hobby time :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Evan you are amazing :) Thank a lot, I do not expected so much :) I am learning a lot here with your support.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes why not, please find the attached code

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Doing like that will reduce code size less than /16, ok will also try Thank

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank for all these proposals, I will check and give you feedback, ... later in the week Quick one answer about variables, many values are over 8bits, maybe rethink the programme with lower variable size could be an optimisation path, must review but will take longer time for my brain :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Euh GCBASIC beginner question, how do you rotate 4 time right to divider per 16?

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good hint, this was not on my radar, I remember once I have checked the ASM code from MikroE and they used already rotation by these kinds of math. I had not the reflex to go in that direction.

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Let say near to 800 ! Do you thing it is possible (maybe with your next post, other optimisation than ADC are also a way :) ) Thank Even for your help

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Team, I am working on a code transport from MikroE MikroBasic into GCBASIC. After my successful code migration, my next step will be to upgrade the microcontroller from PIC12F1840 to PIC16F18313. But before, I want to optimise the code space. In the attached GCBASIC source code, you will read about Analog Digital Conversion optimisation code in the top comments. By following the optimisation proposal from GCBASIC Team and activating only the needed AN3 channel, the compilation win 26 memory...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, Just started to use GCBasic couple of weeks, so thank for your efforts to create this nice tool. If you ask me right now, option 1 would be my preference. One reason to choose GCBasic is exactly that, be able to use AVR as well PIC. Option 3, not really, I find MPLAB X too massif for my hobby approach. Option 2, hum I have never used up to today float type variables. So I vote for option 1 :) The version topic, I more focusing on version itself, by following many products, I find it more easy...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, Just started to use GCBasic couple of weeks, so thank for your efforts to create this nice tool. If you ask me right now, option 1 would be my preference. One reason to choose GCBasic is exactly that, be able to use AVR as well PIC. Option 3, not really, I find MPLAB X too massif for my hobby approach. Option 2, hum I have never used up to today float type variables. So I vote for option 1 :) Thank a lot,

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Thank a lot, I assume I will be back soon with new questions :)

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Actually with or without parameters I have no issues or errors anymore. When I had setup the PK5 config first time in GCStudio, I got the error that the speed was to high (in the GCStudio terminal). I have no experience with MPLAP IPE GUI or CLI, so I was searching in multiple ways, and I found the option in the GUI. I set as low and try another programming. Since it is working. I do not know why exactly, could be also a hardware issue? That was the first point of my post basically, I cannot understand...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Hello, quick feedback from my side, I tested both parameters (-OA0 and -OAS0), in the 2 cases the programming of the PIC12F1840 was fine, no errors, no error messages, no issues. In the next days and weeks, I will learn more to program with GCBasic and work on my new project. Thank for your help

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Thank for feedback, I will try and report...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel modified a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Dear GCBasic Community, Please let me ask a question here. First some content. I am a hobbyst in France playing since years with Microchip 8bits PIC by using MikroElektronika MikroBasic as programming langage. I discovered GCBasic 3 weeks ago on Youtube just by looking for some nice videos about PIC and the tutorials from Even pushed me in the world of GCBasic. I have a project for my CNC machine requiring a microcontroller to execute routing of signals, and I do not know why, I choose a PIC16F17146...

  • Fabrice Engel Fabrice Engel posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Dear GCBasic Community, Please let me ask a question here. First some content. I am a hobbyst in France playing since years with Microchip 8bits PIC by using MikroElektronika MikroBasic as programming langage. I discovered GCBasic 3 weeks ago on Youtube just by looking for some nice videos about PIC and the tutorials from Even pushed me in the world of GCBasic. I have a project for my CNC machine requiring a microcontroller to execute routing of signals, and I do not know why, I choose a PIC16F17146...