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Hello! I just got a new laptop. Peace is nothing new, I use it on my desktop. But the speakers in the laptop are pretty bad, and an equalizer can make it a bit better. But I also use headphones, which need a different peace setting. I got both configs for the speakers and the headphones. How can I make it, so it automatically changes when I plug in or unplug the headphones? I know there is the config in equaizerapo, but I cant find how to start a specific preset from peace in it. Thanks in advan...
I found a good way for me, I saved two different presets in peace, on with the upmixing, one without and I change it in my taskbar, works fast enough. One other question: I wanted to do some EQ for my headphones. I installed them in APO, made a new preset for them in peace, the volume bar also shows the input from the headphones, but nothing changes the headphones behavior, not even the volume control. How can I change that?
But it should work somewhere, right? Not spotify, not WMM, nothing. Weird. How could I bind that to a key?
But I mean how can this work then? I mean YouTube, Spotify etc. only bring stereo, there is no output at my other speaker, so why isnt it detecting as stereo?
Hello! I want my 5.1 setup to work with all speakers when there is only stereo. I activated the upmixing and detect mode, because I only want the upmixing to do its job when there is really only stereo. But that doesnt work. If I activated always its works perfectly fine, but I want it automatically.
So I installed Peace, volume boost and so on is working, but the upmixing again isnt working on detect mode. Whyyyy
Yea, but I really want an automization. Not a button I have to press. I often switch between stereo and 5.1, so that is not what I want. How would the Peace equalizer work?
I also tried it with pre mix before and post mix after, still didnt work.
Hello. I've got a 5.1 soundsystem connected to my PC. Everything is working fine, but I wanted to get stereo sound to all speakers. With the following command: If: inputChannelCount == 2 Copy: MUP=0.5*L+0.5*R Copy: C=MUP Copy: SUB=MUP Copy: RL=L Copy: RR=R Endif: My problem is, that it is not working with the If: inputChannelCount == 2. If i delete that, it is working like it should, by only want it to do the upmixing if there is stereo, not if I get the 5.1 directly. What is the problem there? Thanks...
Stereo upmixing not working