Activity for Fernando Cassia

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    On Tue, Dec 14, 2021, 02:46 Luke S wrote: Just a bit of an update: I've just uploaded version 1.2 of the STLTranslator to the plugin repository. It can be installed or updated through SPManager. This is not intended to shortstop or discourage further work, but the improvements so far are significant enough to make the plugin more usable. Several of the issues brought up in the OP have been at least partly addressed. @Fernando, feedback would be appreciated. I just read...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    On 21/11/2021, Luke S wrote: I took Fernando's comment to mean that STL files go Z==up. Given that the format was intended for 3d Printing/fabrication, this is not surprising. of course :) FC

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    On 19/11/2021, Fernando Cassia wrote: Z is up. End of story. Or, make it a preference. "Model Orientation: [z is Up]" [z is Depth]" FC

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    Z is up. End of story. ;) FC On 19/11/2021, Luke S wrote: I have had cases with thousands of individual parts in an assembly. (...) unfold the assebly hierarchy to to tips and pick every individual part... There you go again, stretching the limits on expected usecase! :D It sounds to me like you could use some extra tooling around the selection tools - say a shortcut for "Deselect...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    On Thu., 28 Oct. 2021, 15:51 Pete, wrote: The Wikipedia entry claims: Adding to that the rest of the paragraph, I'd read it that extra spaces or newlines shouldn't hurt between words and numbers. If the header would be split on several lines, then the one starting solid should mark the beginning of the 3D-content. I wonder (and this is entirely hypothetical) if that book (Burns, Marshall (1993). Automated Fabrication. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-119462-5.), would be...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help Also insightful FC On 23/10/2021, Luke S wrote: The ";" for comment appears in the imported name From what I can tell, STL does not have a comment syntax. ; should just be treated as text. Do you have references that state otherwise? The quotes appear in the imported...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    On 08/04/2021, Luke S wrote: Fernando, if you're still watching, I've started cleaning up the STL plugin code. Was the actual STL file something that could be shared? It would be nice to have a real world dataset to work against. Sorry, missed this one. Yes, I´m here. The STL is available publicly, it´s this one.... FC

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    "The reason that it is the way that it currently is: C:\Program Files is a privileged location. As things stand, you need Admin permission to write to it or any of it's subfolders" How does VUZE, the bittorrent desktop app which is also Java based, manage this? I never got any system dialogs to update the program, and I know it doesn´t run with elevated privileges. Something tells me that your rationale about this is wrong. ".This would mean running in elevated mode for: Installing or updating Plugins...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    Luke, Thanks for your continued support. You said "STLTranslator source is available on (" I see only version 1.1. there. The latest binary Jar is v2.7 I am confused now... :) FC

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    Perhaps this will shed some light on what the plugin is doing when reading to calculate the warnings threshold? "tolerance" is defined below... public class STLTranslator implements Plugin, Translator { public static final int EXPORT = 0; public static final int IMPORT = 1; public double surfError = 0.05D; public double tolerance = 0.0D; public int decimal = 12; public boolean ignoreError = false; FC

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Luke, About the STL importer plugin... I told Peter that due to the surge in popularity of 3D Printers many and many users will come to AoI expecting being able to edit STL files for 3D printing... Would it be possible to package the latest STL importer (STLTranslator-2_7.jar) by default with the installer? Its only 27 KBytes... That would lower the barrier of entry for 3D printing model usage. Peter told me he was "only tangentially involved in AoI development nowadays" and that it was better...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia modified a comment on discussion Help

    Just for the record, here is how I expect a modern app to show the model after it has loaded (in this case, imported). I had to manually tweak the zoom values on each window.... I suppose it should be possible to automate this?

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just for the record, here is how I expect a seious app to show the model after it has loaded (in this case, imported). I had to manually tweak the zoom values on each window.... I suppose it should be possible to automate this?

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    okay, time to answer myself and save someone else some trouble. The issue was that I manually downloaded what looked like the newest file, the one at the top of the listing. But it wasn't. I got the STL plugin version 2.5 when the latest is 2.7, dated 2013... Now I'm able to open a STL file, with tons of ugly warnings (are these necessary? those will scare the sh-t out of the newcomers...) EG: Warning: facet normal Vec3: -0.0, 0.0, 1.0; calculated: Vec3: -0.0, 0.0, 0.9999999999999999...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, Thanks and congrats for the last release. I´m currently working on a local Spanish language guide about using AoI for 3D printing, and a few questions came to mind while editing it: 1) I had Oracle Java JRE 8.xx (latest 1.8.0_281) preinstalled before installing AoI. Are you aware of any issues with the latest OpenJDK builds? (Java 11 and above). For instance Azul Systems offers OpenJDK 15 (Java 15) for Windows. I wonder if, moving forward, I´d be better recommending OpenJDK. Do you pack...

  • Fernando Cassia Fernando Cassia posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for privacy but this borders the absurd. The project...