
fakenames / Blog: Recent posts

Good new.. anyone?

First one: droidoverlay is officially dead. Not that something, targeting Android-loving Arch Linux hackers with lots of spare time, have ever been alive in the first place.. Just should have written about this in case some of weirdos, who downloaded it over the years, suddenly decide to check up on this blog, lol :D

Second one: aScanmem is being warmly welcome by 2 (x2 of droidoverlay's) replies on forums, which looks totally promising! Also expect some updates soon.

Posted by Asking_questions 2014-01-05

Time for change

Generally speaking, if you don't post some crap in your blog once in a while, you are either dead or totally devasted by RL. At least, that's what I fell after reading few devlogs of stalled FOSS projects.

DroidOverlay have caused only single (!) reply on ALARM forums for an entire year. It is partially fault of lack of PR on my side, but it may as well be an alarming bell: perhaps the idea behind it is really poorly choosen. Simple chroot with proper simlinling and bind-mounts may not be fault-proff, but it is easy to get running. I may as well just stick to that and some (small) degree of customization. Custom dynamic linker is still in.... read more

Posted by Asking_questions 2013-09-12

Just stumbled over androiddrpocketsnes

Apparently, there is an older version of SNESoid — Despite being based on Snes9X it may be helpful in porting GameBoid to new infrastructure.

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-11-29

Too bad

Droid Overlay development is going to be delayed by many things (including emulators cleanup), approximately, till early February – end of March.

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-11-21 Labels: droidoverlay emulators hiatus

Droid Overlay 0.5 is getting close to release

Finally got syslog-ng running and successfully reading messages from /dev/Log (applied this terrifying technique to get it working). Now there is nothing impossible! :D

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-11-07 Labels: droidoverlay

Droid Overlay 0.3 pre-alpha available

After looooong development first pre-alpha of Droid Overlay is (almost) ready to be publicly advertised. Still thinking, whether or not to release tarball :P

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-10-10 Labels: gnu android release droidoverlay

IMHO, SourceForge should prohibit creation of projects with missing or incorrect metada.. OH SHI—

These guys are really super-productive :/ Looks like release of DroidOverlay may be delayed by this emulation crap.

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-07-01 Labels: emulators android gnu cleanup

Mass license violation by Android emulator developers

Ha! It appears that there are a lot of free as in freedom console emulators for Android.

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-06-10 Labels: gpl emulators android


Yes, there is a planned project with this name (essentially porting of some GNU software to Android). Look forward for updates.

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-05-19 Labels: android gnu

Let's post something!

Every blog is intended to be read by someone, but I doubt anyone is interested in contents of mine :P Anyway, I want to test Sourceforge engine and check if everything is really deleted as reported by Ted Felix, so I will express my opinion about current sf infrastructure.

It is quite surprising that people still can choose other code hosting when such great option exists. Sourceforge provides everything one can need for free, taking in return only my word that I can write some code :D

Posted by Asking_questions 2012-05-12 Labels: first attempt