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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Dear Joe, I would like to know if it is possible to save grand average information of the factors (obtained during the PCA step) by group? I have two different groups in my experiment and from now, I only managed to export grand average data for all the subjects combined. Unfortunately, the reviewers of my paper ask for more precise graphic representations. Thank you in advance, Regards, Erika

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Dear Prof Dien I am trying to conduct a ANOVA analysis on my set of date with 2 Task x 3 Emotions x 2 groups I receive the following error message Number of between group cells (2) must equal number of terms in contrast C (1). Output argument "MUHAT" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "ep_WJGLMml_mat". Error in ep_ADF (line 762) [MUHAT, SIGMA, RESULTS, MSE]=ep_WJGLMml_mat(Y, NX, 1, U, OPT1, PER, OPT2, NUMSIM, SEED*iRep, MISSING, OPT3, alpha, SCALE, LOC1, LOC2); Error in ep (line 7509)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Thank you very much!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Dear Joe, I am planning to conduct source analyses with LORETA on the data obtained with my temporo-spatial PCA . To do so, I have to reconstruct my data with the equation developed in your papers. However, I would like to make sure that I am doing it correctly (I am novice on the field) I guess that I need to obtain one data for each time/channel combination and for each condition. To calcule my time /channel value, I have to do L1 x V1 X L2 X S2 X V2 I assume that for the first combination: L1=...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Hello Joe, With other data, I got the same problem than Aislinn above: Commencing ANOVA run. This may take some time. You may monitor its progress by opening the html output file with a browser and periodically reloading it. AUTOPCA_ABM_FACES-TF01SF1 Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Error in ep (line 7331) ANOVAdata.betweenLvl=ANOVAdata.betweenLvl(goodSubList,:); Error while evaluating UIControl Callback. I attach the loaded window file How can I fix this? Thank you for your help and time...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Dear Joe, Unfortunately, for me, it is still not working. When I install the new subfolders, you sent me in matlab and try to run EP, I have this message: ep Error: The rest of the EP Toolkit is not on the path. Did you use the 'Add with Subfolders' button rather than the 'Add Folder' button? Also, when I try to merge the newsubfolders with my old "EP Toolkit" file, I have the same problem than previously. Maybe I did it wrong? Thank you for your time, Erika

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Hi Thank you for your help. However, now, when I am conducting my ANOVA, I got this message: Warning: Dropping 0 subject(s) due to missing between group information. And for the results EFE TWJt/c(1.0,27.8)=NaN, p<0.00000001. Warning: The matrix was singular to working precision 100.02% of the time when computing the significance. These runs were ignored and thus the estimate may have some inaccuracy. MSe= 1.879584 Loftus-Masson standard error= 1.370979 Averaged Trimmed Cell Means: D N +9.55 +9.34...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    The printscreen;

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2018-10-04 11:46:59


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